Page 13 - June 2016 BNP ALL
P. 13
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2016 Page 13
Thurmont Lions Club Presents a Lion and Junior Lion Award
On Wednesday, May 11, Ambulance Company, helping
2016, the Thurmont Lions with fundraising events. In
Club honored two students addition, he volunteers at the
at their Education program. Thurmont United Methodist
Each year, the club presents Church, which includes mission
a Lion Award to a Catoctin trips, helping with the Clothes
High School (CHS) student Closet, Vacation Bible School,
and a Junior Lion Award to and fundraisers. He is also a
a Thurmont Middle School Boy Scout with Troop 270,
(TMS) student, who have and has been accepted into
volunteered the most hours. six colleges. In addition to all
Each student is presented of the volunteer work Jacob
with a certificate and a check. performs, he is a member of
Community service is the National Honor Society,
one of the most-popular Pictured from left are Lion Joyce Anthony, Destiny Pictured from left are CHS Principal Bernard Quesada, Science National Honors
extracurricular activities for Wastler, and TMS Principal Jennifer Powell. Lion Joyce Anthony, and Jacob Dumbroski. Society, English National
high school students to do in Honors Society, and Math
their free time. There are six reasons at St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, Destiny has indicated, “I enjoy National Honors Society.
why volunteering is so critical: engaging in a number of activities it and it makes me feel good inside, The Thurmont Lions Club is a
(1) Gaining user experience and with the residents. Destiny also like I am making a difference in group of community-minded men
insight; (2) Giving back and helping volunteers at the local ambulance volunteering.” and women who come together to
others; (3) Creating connections company, helping with their The Lion Award was presented enjoy each other’s company, hear
with people; (4) Gaining a sense of fundraising dinners. She also makes to CHS student, Jacob Dumbroski. interesting programs, and raise
accomplishment; (5) Building career bracelets to be donated to local Jacob has completed a total of 901 funds to support important local
options; and (6) Aiding in college hospitals and volunteers at the hours of community service. He and/or vision-related activities for
admissions process. These volunteer Thurmont Food Bank. As a very has volunteered at the Frederick the Thurmont Community. They
hours are very impressive when your ambitious student, she received the County Parks and Recreation, meet at 6:30 p.m. on the second and
resume is being reviewed for college. “Most Improved Student Award” where he was a leader in training fourth Wednesday of the month at
The Junior Lion Award was for the year, and was one of four in Camp Monocacy Day Camp, the Mountain Gate Restaurant in
presented to Destiny Wastler, an eighth graders who won first and an assistant coordinator in Thurmont.
eighth grader at TMS. Destiny has place in the Western Region in the setting up and supervising after- For additional information,
completed 177 hours of volunteer Maryland Stock Market Spring school and weekend activities. please visit www.thurmontlionsclub.
service. She volunteers regularly Game. Jacob volunteers at the Thurmont com or call 301-304-0364.
Send us Your Good News to Share in The Catoctin Banner !
Thurmont Lions Club Presents a Lion and Junior Lion Award
On Wednesday, May 11, Ambulance Company, helping
2016, the Thurmont Lions with fundraising events. In
Club honored two students addition, he volunteers at the
at their Education program. Thurmont United Methodist
Each year, the club presents Church, which includes mission
a Lion Award to a Catoctin trips, helping with the Clothes
High School (CHS) student Closet, Vacation Bible School,
and a Junior Lion Award to and fundraisers. He is also a
a Thurmont Middle School Boy Scout with Troop 270,
(TMS) student, who have and has been accepted into
volunteered the most hours. six colleges. In addition to all
Each student is presented of the volunteer work Jacob
with a certificate and a check. performs, he is a member of
Community service is the National Honor Society,
one of the most-popular Pictured from left are Lion Joyce Anthony, Destiny Pictured from left are CHS Principal Bernard Quesada, Science National Honors
extracurricular activities for Wastler, and TMS Principal Jennifer Powell. Lion Joyce Anthony, and Jacob Dumbroski. Society, English National
high school students to do in Honors Society, and Math
their free time. There are six reasons at St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, Destiny has indicated, “I enjoy National Honors Society.
why volunteering is so critical: engaging in a number of activities it and it makes me feel good inside, The Thurmont Lions Club is a
(1) Gaining user experience and with the residents. Destiny also like I am making a difference in group of community-minded men
insight; (2) Giving back and helping volunteers at the local ambulance volunteering.” and women who come together to
others; (3) Creating connections company, helping with their The Lion Award was presented enjoy each other’s company, hear
with people; (4) Gaining a sense of fundraising dinners. She also makes to CHS student, Jacob Dumbroski. interesting programs, and raise
accomplishment; (5) Building career bracelets to be donated to local Jacob has completed a total of 901 funds to support important local
options; and (6) Aiding in college hospitals and volunteers at the hours of community service. He and/or vision-related activities for
admissions process. These volunteer Thurmont Food Bank. As a very has volunteered at the Frederick the Thurmont Community. They
hours are very impressive when your ambitious student, she received the County Parks and Recreation, meet at 6:30 p.m. on the second and
resume is being reviewed for college. “Most Improved Student Award” where he was a leader in training fourth Wednesday of the month at
The Junior Lion Award was for the year, and was one of four in Camp Monocacy Day Camp, the Mountain Gate Restaurant in
presented to Destiny Wastler, an eighth graders who won first and an assistant coordinator in Thurmont.
eighth grader at TMS. Destiny has place in the Western Region in the setting up and supervising after- For additional information,
completed 177 hours of volunteer Maryland Stock Market Spring school and weekend activities. please visit www.thurmontlionsclub.
service. She volunteers regularly Game. Jacob volunteers at the Thurmont com or call 301-304-0364.
Send us Your Good News to Share in The Catoctin Banner !