Page 9 - June Banner 2018_Neat
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Published by                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                          June 2018             Page 9

                       Play Our Games!                                                                               All of  us at  The Catoctin Banner  would
                                                                                                                     like  to  thank  our  wonderful  readers  for
                                                                                                                     sending  us  their  “Take  Us  Along”  photos.
                                                                                                                     Keep them coming! Happy and safe travels!
             Each month, you’re invited to participate in our Where Am I? Photo Contest
             and Hidden Object Game. The winners of each game are announced in the next
             issue of  The Catoctin Banner  newspaper.  Winners  are  given  a  gift  certificate   Look Who Took Us Along!
             to the advertiser of their choice. To participate, call 240-288-0108 or email
             [email protected] to record your guesses by the 15  of each
             month. Please don’t forget to spell your full name and leave your phone number.

                      Where Am I? Photo Contest

             For the “Where Am I?”
             Photo Contest, take a look
             at the photo to the right
             and tell us where it was
             taken. It is somewhere in
             or around our Northern
             Frederick County Area,
             which is defined as
             Rocky Ridge to Cascade,
             Lewistown to Emmitsburg,
             Foxville to Creagerstown,
             and everywhere around
             and in-between.
               Last month’s “Where
             Am I?” photo was taken of the Big Slide at Mt. Tabor Park in Rocky                        Gage and Macy Randall pose with The Catoctin Banner!
               The winner of the Where Am I? Photo Contest for May’s issue is              Mike, Dana, and Gage Randall traveled to Australia for several weeks in December
             Wayne Moser.                                                                  2017, to meet up with daughter, Macy, who had been studying there for five
                                                                                           months. They didn’t forget to take The Catoctin Banner along with them! The
                          Hidden Object Contest                                            Banner traveled to several spots throughout Australia, including the steps of the
                                                                                           Sydney Opera House, Ayer’s Rock in Uluru, and the Great Barrier Reef.

             Last month’s Hidden Object was a broom. It was located on page 39 in                     — Thanks for taking us along, Mike, Dana, Gage, and
             the Mike’s Auto Body advertisement. The winner of the Hidden Object
             game for May’s issue is Nancy Hipkins. Please contact The Catoctin                           Macy, on your travels to the “land down under!”
             Banner to claim your prize.

             This month’s Hidden Object is a diamond ring      .  Good luck!

               Note: Hidden Object is always hidden in one of our advertiser’s display ads.

                   Pets bring so much to our lives: they make us healthier, they keep us active, they
                   brighten our mood, and so much more! We want to see your adorable photos
                   of your pet. So, send in your “best photo” of your “best buddy” and your pet       Test Your Word Power
                   could be featured as “Pet of the Month” in a future issue. E-mail your pet photo,    Test Your Word Power
                   along with your pet’s name, breed, age, and any other fun details you would        “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”
                   like us to know about your “best buddy,” to: [email protected].                           (Answers on page 46)

                                                                                          1. Fr u it io n   [fro ͞ oˈiSH(ə)n] (n.)  4.  S er ene  [səˈrēn] (adj.)
                                              The goal of The Catoctin Banner is to provide good   a) Ability to share feelings of another   a) Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil
                                               community news and information for residents of   b) Point at which a plan is realized;   b) Hesitating or doubting; questionable
                                              Northern Frederick County and surrounding areas,   accomplishment               c) Open to more than one interpretation; double
                                               promoting a sense of community pride and spirit.  c) Quality of being well meaning; kindness  meaning
               Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland
                          since 1995          Published on or before the beginning of each month. Publish                   5.  Q uel l   [kwel] (v.)
             515B E. Main Street • Emmitsburg, MD  21727 date will be early if holidays or events warrant adjustment.  2. Y ear n  [yurn] (v.)  a) Cause (someone) to do something through
                 Phone: 240-288-0108 Message Line  AD/CONTENT DEADLINE:  On or before the 15  of month   a) Derive benefit from; capitalize on  reasoning or argument
              301-447-2804 Store  •  Fax: 301-447-2946  prior to issue month. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: $25.00  b) Go past or around; avoid  b) Suppress a feeling, especially an unpleasant
                                                                                            c) Have an intense feeling or longing for
          The Banner Crew: Barbara Abraham, Jeanne Angleberger, Theresa                      one; settle
                email: [email protected]  Dardanell, Anita DiGregory, Joan Fry, Jim Houck, Jr., Christine   something; crave
                                              Maccabee, John Nickerson, Valerie Nusbaum, Erin Dingle, Maxine                  c) Cause someone sorrow or pain
              CIRCULATION: 11,500 copies printed; 8,500 mailed to all   Troxell, Buck Reed, Denise Valentine, Dr. Lo, and Lisa Cantwell.  3. Tenacious [təˈnāSHəs] (adj.)
               homes in Thurmont, Lewistown, Rocky Ridge, Cascade,   Gracie Eyler, Monica Rode, Shelby Maly, and Elizabeth   a) Determined in course of action;   6.  Co g en t   [kōjənt] (adj.)
             Sabillasville & Emmitsburg, and handouts in surrounding areas.  Swindells, Advertising Sales and Design;  unwavering  a) Having or displaying a passionate intensity
                                                 Michele Tester, Managing Editor and Layout Design;   b) Mysterious in an unsettling way; bizarre  b) Naive, simplistic, and superficial
                    Published as a project of         James Rada, Jr., Contributing Editor;                                   c) Clear, logical, and convincing; lucid
               E Plus Graphics, Printing & Promotions   Deb Abraham Spalding, Publisher     c) Uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous
             POLICY:   The publisher of The Catoctin Banner reserves the right to revise, reclassify, or reject any advertisement or any article for any
             reason, at any time, and to omit all copy when not submitted in time to conform with deadline.  The views expressed in advertisements may   7. W hi c h  w o r d  abo v e  w o ul d  w o r k   bes t   i n  t hi s   s en t en c e ?
             not be those supported by the staff of The Catoctin Banner.  The deadline for submission is no later than the 20th of the month prior to the   After years of hard work, she finally brought her idea to full _______ .
             issue month.  Information and advertising copy received after the deadline will be accepted at the discretion of the publisher.  The publisher
             assumes no liability for misinformation, misprinting, or typographical errors.  The publisher reserves the right to edit all submitted material.
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