Page 4 - June Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 4             June 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

                        T o wn  H all  R epor ts                                        Thurmont

                                   M a y  2018                                         For more information on the Town of Thurmont, visit
                                                              by James Rada, Jr.       or call the town office at 301-271-7313.

            Emmitsburg                                                                 FY 2019 Budget Introduced             about Thurmont. We’re going to
                                                                                          In May, the Thurmont Mayor and
                                                                                                                             learn about parks, and we’re going to
            For more information on the Town of Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd.    Commissioners received the proposed   have fun in parks.”
            gov or call 301-600-6300.                                                  budget for the town for fiscal year      You can register for individual
                                                                                       2019.                                 days or entire weeks. Registration
            Dog Park Open                         pointed out that staff did not receive   It is proposed to increase the    can be done at the town office or
               The Emmitsburg dog park            any COLA this year.                  town’s property tax rate by 3 cents   by calling 301-271-7313 to have a
            officially opened on Saturday, May 5,   The final budget needs to be       to 31.41 cents per $100 of assessed   form sent to you. Each pre-registered
            with thirty-plus dogs in attendance.   approved by the end of June.        value. The tax rate increase will     participant receives a t-shirt and a
            The park—near the town tennis                                              generate $161,152 more in revenue     reusable water bottle.
            courts—has separate areas for         Commissioners Begin Review of        to fund the budget.                   Commissioners Approve ADA Curbs
            large and small dogs. The park also   Ethics Code                             Under the proposed budget, the
            includes water stations for the dogs    Emmitsburg Town Manager            general fund revenues are expected to    The Town of Thurmont has
            and benches for the dog owners to     Cathy Willets presented the mayor    be $3,876,040, with $3,643,679 in     started to improve the curbs at many
            rest on while their pets romp and play.  and commissioners an overview of   expenditures and $89,612 in capital   locations in town so that they are
               “It looked like everybody had      the town’s ethics code and appeal    expenses.                             compliant with the Americans with
            a good time, including dogs and       procedures. The code helps “assure      The water fund is expected to      Disabilities Act. The town received
            people,” said Commissioner Joseph     the people of the impartiality and   have $973,965 in revenues, with       a Community Development Block
            Ritz, III.                            independent judgment of officials    $847,093 in expenditures and          Grant for $63,000. This will not be
                                                  and employees,” Willets said. This   $61,600 in capital expenses.          enough to add forty-eight ramps at
            Community Deputy Contract             is a routine review with no major       The wastewater fund is expected    eighteen locations throughout the
            Approved                              changes expected. Town staff will be   to have $1,623,326 in revenues,     town, but it should get the majority of
               The Emmitsburg Board of            making some recommendations for      with $1,457,570 in expenditures and   them done. Town staff has prioritized
            Commissioners approved a contract     changes for simplifying the code and   $135,436 in capital expenses.       each curb based on the amount of
            with the Frederick County Sheriff’s   process.                                The electric fund is expected to   pedestrian traffic it receives.
            Office to continue the use of                                              have $6,445,357 in revenues, with        “I think we can certainly
            community deputies in Emmitsburg.     Clock Erected on Town Square         $6,210,464 in expenditures and        accomplish our goals by meeting
            The $276,403 contract increased         A new four-sided clock has been    $165,700 in capital expenditures.     the higher-pedestrian-traffic areas,”
            by 3.15 percent or $8,712 over the    erected on the town square as part      Copies of the budget can be        Chief Administrative Officer James
            current contract. The increase is due   of the square revitalization project.   viewed at the town office or online at   Humerick said.
            to anticipated salary increases for   The clock is on the northeast corner   the town’s website.                    The mayor and commissioners
            sheriff’s deputies and increasing fuel   of East Main Street and North Seton   Town Plans Summer Day Camp for    approved RFP, Inc. in Middletown
            costs.                                Avenue intersection.                                                       to do the work. If more CDBG
                                                                                       Youths                                funds become available, they will go
            Commissioners Receive Budget                                                  Thurmont Chief Administrative      towards improving additional curbs.
               At the beginning of May, the                                            Officer told the Thurmont Mayor
            Emmitsburg Commissioners got                                               and Commissioners the result of       Police Car Bomber Pleads Guilty
            their first look at the fiscal year 2019                                   the town survey about interest in a      The man who bombed a
            budget, and continued to review it                                         summer day camp program in the        Thurmont police vehicle in 2016
            during a second meeting in May. The                                        Community Park. The results of the    recently pleaded guilty to malicious
            property tax rate to fund this budget                                      survey were used to put together      use of explosive material in a
            is expected to remain the same at 36                                       a plan for what to offer residents,   Baltimore federal court. Kyle
            cents per $100 of assessed value.                                          the ages participants can be in       Rutger Mueller placed a pipe bomb
               The proposed budget includes                                            the program, and the cost of the      on Thurmont Police Officer Tim
            a 5 percent increase to the general                                        program.                              Duhan’s SUV. The resulting explosion
            fund, which represents an increase                                            The summer program “A Day in       damaged the vehicle, but no one was
            of $88,080. The water and sewer                                            the Park” runs from July 23-26 and    injured.
            fund is projected to increase by 2.63                                      July 30-August 2 (Monday through         Both federal and local officers
            percent due to expected residential                                        Thursday), from 8:30 a.m.-noon each   investigated and arrested Rutger
            and commercial development. Staff                                          day. The program is for youths, ages   on August 5, 2016. In his plea
            will also receive a 2 percent cost-                                        five to fifteen, and costs $10.00 per   agreement, Rutger admitted to
            of-living raise. Mayor Don Briggs                                          day or $35.00 per week.               buying parts to build a bomb and
                                                                                          “We have a lot of parents who      being in the area of the explosion.
                                                                                       ask about this, and they’ve asked        Although facing four bomb-
                                                                                       for several years,” said Mayor John   related charges, Rutger only pleaded
               Key 2018 General Election Dates                                         Kinnaird.                             guilty to the one charge under
                                                                                                                             the plea agreement. Rutger could
                                                                                          The activities include meeting fire
                                                                                       and EMS personnel, hiking, history    serve up to twenty years in federal
               June 5 – Close of voter registration and party affiliation.             talks, games, crafts, and sports.     prison and face a $250,000 fine and
               June 14 – Early voting begins for the primary election.                    Summer Park Coordinator            supervised probation, but the U.S.
               June 21 – Early voting ends for the primary election.                   Deb Spalding told the mayor and       Attorney’s Office will recommend a
                                                                                                                             ten-year sentence. Sentencing will be
                                                                                       commissioners that the program
               June 26 – Primary election.                                             is “one where we’re going to learn    on July 30, 2018.
               October 16 – Close of voter registration for general election.
               October 25 – Early voting begins for the general election.
               November 1 – Early voting ends for the general election.                                    P a tr onize  Our Adve r tise r s!
               November 6 – General election.                                            The Catoctin Banner newspaper exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.
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