Page 14 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 14

Page 14             June 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

                                    Seton Shrine Chat with an Author Series Highlights Local


                                       Anita DiGregory

                                       Are you a struggling mom?              Photo courtesy of the Seton Shrine  wife and mother, Duggan communicated the hopes, fears,
                                    Do you feel like you are failing?                                  joys, and sufferings of her journey thus far.
                                    Do you feel like your efforts are                                     With the honesty of a best friend, Duggan invites
                                    never quite good enough? If so,                                    her reader into her life. With all of her “confessions” as
                                    local mom and author Colleen                                       separate chapters (including I Don’t Know How to Master
                                    Duggan has some practical and                                      Motherhood, I Don’t Always Take Care of Myself as I
                                    spiritual advice for you. On                                       Should, I Don’t Know How to Keep My Kids Catholic, I
                                    April 29, 2018, in honor of                                        Don’t Like Watching My Children Suffer, and I Sometimes
                                    Mother’s Day, the Seton Shrine                                     Compare Myself with Other Parents), Duggan tackles
            hosted a “Chat with an Author,” featuring Duggan and                                       each heart-wrenching subject with a humble and honest
            her book, Good Enough is Good Enough: Confessions of                                       approach, interspersing advice from spiritual advisors,
            an Imperfect Catholic Mom, which has a 5-star Amazon                                       counselors, and saints.
            rating.                                                                                       In addition to sharing her stories and lessons with the
               Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first native-born                                        reader, she has questions for reflection at the end of each
            U.S. saint, faced many struggles in her life. Because                                      chapter. Another unique element of the book is that each
            Mother Seton was a young wife, mother, and resident                                        chapter ends in a heartfelt prayer for moms struggling with
            of Emmitsburg, the Seton Shrine was thrilled to invite                                     that particular “confession.”
            Duggan to share her message with the community.                                               Duggan adds, “Maybe you feel like everything is up
            The event, which was well attended, included a talk, a                                     to you, that you have to get everything right or you’ll
            question-and-answer session with the audience, a book                                      destroy your kids’ lives. Maybe you think creating perfect
            signing, and refreshments. The free event was the third   Colleen Duggan discusses her book, Good   Catholics, who stay Catholic, is something you can
            in the series, with the next talk (featuring Thirty-Three   Enough is Good Enough: Confessions of an   control. Maybe you struggle with doing everything “right”
            Breaths: A Little Book on Meditation author Father Jack   Imperfect Catholic Mom, at Seton Shrine   but know the ill effect of this approach to life.  If so, this
            Lombardi) scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on August 19, 2018.       Chat with an Author Series in April.  book is for you.”
               Duggan, a wife and mother herself, was happy to meet                                       Those looking for helpful, friendly advice on
            with the community and share her personal “confessions” on imperfect       motherhood can also reference Duggan’s blog at Colleenmurphyduggan.
            motherhood. In a refreshingly humble and honest manner, Duggan shared      com. In addition, you can find her photography and a free, downloadable
            stories from her life and the lessons she has gathered along the way. As a   group study guide for Good Enough is Good Enough: Confessions of an
            woman who has struggled with the challenges of trying to be the “perfect”   Imperfect Catholic Mom on the site.

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