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JUNE 2018     |   Vol. 23   |    Issue 6    |     Mail Run: 8,466    |     Total Print Run: 11,500

        Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland, Since 1995

                                             Good Times, Good Friends, Good Memories

                                          Vigilant Hose Hosts Spring Fling

                                                  No Mud! More Fun!

                                              Deb Abraham Spalding
            A large crowd, undeterred by the rain,                                                                                    Sue Reaver, Kay Hollinger, and Kim
             enjoyed Spring Fling in Emmitsburg.                                                                                    Wivell sold tickets during Spring Fling.
                                              The Spring Fling event held on May 19,   important to note that there is no mud
                                            2018, marked Vigilant Hose Company’s       at the new location. The entire event was
                                            tenth year of hosting it. While the        held on paved ground, with the majority of
                                            anniversary could have become a focus      that ground covered with large event tents.
                                            for a special celebration, the Spring Fling   Regardless of the weather and conditions,
                                            took on so many changes this year that the   860 ticket holders checked in at the gate
                                            event’s diamond anniversary was almost     and made this fundraiser a continued
                                            forgotten in the mix. Most notably, the    success.
                                            location changed from muddy fields and        Spring Fling is a unique event that has
                                            stony parking lots at Mount St. Mary’s     been described as, “going to our local
                                            University to the paved grounds at         beach where all of our neighbors and
                                            Vigilant’s own event complex on Creamery   friends are partying.” This year’s party
            Helen Topper sold holders inside the   Road in Emmitsburg. Also, the size of the   included an option to play 25¢ bingo    Sandy Umbel and her daughter,
               event building during bingo.                                                                                          Kayla, volunteered during the event.
                                            grand prize was upgraded to a whopping     games inside the event building, along with
                                            $10,000.                                   a new Big 6 Wheel game outside. Both new
                                              Over the years, several Spring Flings    activities were busy with customers all day.
                                            have featured rain or other weather           One of the Spring Fling’s coordinators,
                                            events which served to make things         Gabe Baker, said, “It’s a good thing it’s
                                            memorable. This year was no exception.     where it is now. It was so much better! The
                                            With significant rain saturating the area   community supported us [Vigilant Hose
                                            days before, and slight rain during the    Company] well.”
                                            event, the unfavorable weather created a      Plan now to attend next year’s Spring
                                            solid excuse for “low” attendance. It is   Fling, and bring sunshine!

             Herbie Click worked the slicers to                                                                                     Kim (left) and Marc Piermatteo (right)
                cut meat for sandwiches.                                                                                              worked with Cliffy Shriner at the
                                                                                                                                             beverage tent.

            Kathie Stambaugh was thrilled to win   This photo shows the set up of Spring Fling at the new location on Creamery Road the day before the event.
                   at the Spring Fling.                                                                                              Patty Kuykendall, JoAnn Boyd, Tom
                                                                                                                                    Ward, and Jenn Stahley kept track of
                                                                                                                                             the winners.
                                                                                                           Scan QR
                                                                                                           code with
                                                                Residential Customer
                                                                                                           a mobile        The grand prize winner at this year’s
                        E D D M
                                                                                                           phone           Spring  Fling  event  was  David  Eyler.
                       P A I D
                                                                                                           to link
                                                                                                           directly        To  view  all  prize  winners  and  more
                                                                                   Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727
                                                                                                           to our          photos, please visit
                                                                                   515B East Main Street
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