Page 37 - July Banner 2018_Neat
P. 37
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper July 2018 Page 37
Our Neighborhood Veterans — Continued from page 36
Gary Valentine — Local used to ride along and help with the the health jeanne
Businessman, Neighbor, Classmate deliveries. They did a lot of fishing
and Friend of Kenny and gigging at night and got a lot by Jeanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life
Gary remembers Kenny as quite a of fish and frogs. They practically
character. He was funny, intelligent, lived at the river when they were
and a very giving person. He said young. They didn’t have any money The Positives of Staying Positive
Kenny liked the Three Stooges to do anything, and even if they did
and frequently would do his Curly have the money, there was nothing Staying positive can be tough * I’ve learned that positive results
impersonation, which he would do to do in the rural area, so their river when life becomes tough. Everyone are rarely earned without a
perfectly. Gary said he was fun to be excursions were very pleasurable. has situations and problems that positive attitude.
with, and Kenny spent a lot of time When Rocky Ridge had a festival, require solutions. And, it can
at Gary’s father’s (Richard Valentine) Gerry said they would get a quarter really help when you have positive * Forget your troubles by helping
farm. They lived about a mile apart from Dad to buy a bottle of pop. thinking! others forget theirs.
and spent so much of their time along He said he was with Kenny when Yours truly is a firm believer,
the Monocacy River, fishing and the transmission from Kenny’s van having written or spoken words * Thanksgiving is not so much a
swimming, that they became known dropped on his trigger finger. After of wisdom at your finger tips! time of the year but an attitude
as the “river rats.” They played, but that, he could not bend it. Gerry It is amazing how positive and of the heart.
they also had daily chores to get done thought that would keep Kenny from encouraging words can effect the
before playtime. Gary and Kenny being drafted, but the Army said he outcome. * Prevention is always easier—and
were in the graduating class of 1965. could use another finger to pull the Here are some of my favorites. cheaper—than remedy.
The last time Gary remembers seeing trigger. According to Gerry, Kenny I hope they will create positive
Kenny was at the drive-in movies in also had a trick knee that would thinking for you. * Remember, a grateful heart is
Bridgeport, Maryland. Gary joined give out when he was playing ball, almost always a happy one.
the U.S. Air Force and was stationed and sometimes, just walking. Kenny * Remember, just a few words of
in Japan. passed the Army physical exam, praise or encouragement can * Gratitude is a simple,
Gary found out about Kenny despite his problems. Kenny was make someone’s day. but necessary thing in all
when he called home and his dad proud to be in the U.S. Army and relationships.
told him Kenny got killed. Gary said, was determined to make the best of * Treat every mistake an
“It kind of let the wind out of my it. Gerry was devastated when he got experience and benefit * Laughter by definition is
sails.” the word of Kenny’s death. Thank therefrom. HEALTHY!
He said he never got hooked you, Gerry, for talking to me.
up with him overseas. Gary was * “To love and be loved is to feel Wishing you all positive
there and used to do a lot of island I talked to several friends and the sun from both sides.” thoughts each and every day!
hopping and would go in-country classmates of Kenny, and it seems
(that was what Vietnam was known they all basically have similar
as to the vets), taking fruit and memories and feelings about
vegetables in and filled aluminum him. I am proud to have had the
boxes out. He said that was known opportunity to talk to the family MultiOne Articulated Loaders
as the quiet ride. Gary was in Japan and friends of the kid who went to
when Kenny was killed. Thank you, Emmitsburg High School, graduated The Most Versatile Machine Money Can Buy
Gary, for the memories. with the class of 1965, grew up and
was drafted into the U.S. Army, 170+
Gerry Orndorff — Classmate and became Sergeant Kenneth Lionel attachments
Friend of Kenny Krom, and made the ultimate
Gerry remembers Kenny as a kid sacrifice for our country.
who was always fun to be with. After Kenny Krom, a hometown boy,
Kenny got his driver’s license and became a true hero in every sense of
took over Ron’s bread route, Gerry the word forty-four years ago.
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