Page 36 - July Banner 2018_Neat
P. 36

Page 36             July 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

             Our Neighborhood Veterans

                                                                by Jim Houck, Jr.                                             Army of the United States
                                                                                                                              A Co, 3rd, 22nd Infantry, 25th INF Div,

                                                                                                                              Combat Infantry Badge, National
                                                                                                                              Defense Medal, Vietnam Service
             Sergeant Kenneth LioneL Krom                                                                                     Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal and
                                                                                                                              Purple Heart

                                                                                                                              D.O.B.: August 2, 1947
             Author’s  Note:  I  originally wrote  this  article  about Kenny Krom in                                         D.O.D.: August 18, 1968
             July of 2012. I interviewed his mother, Betty; his brother, Ronnie; and
             high school friends, Gary Valentine and Gerry Orndorff. I am sorry to                                            Place of death: Tay Province, South
             report that Kenny’s mother, and brother, Ronnie (they were the last of                                           Vietnam
             the immediate family), and Gary and Gerry have all passed on in these                                            The only graduate of Emmitsburg
             past seven years. I think the folks that missed the article when it was                                          High School to lose his life in the
             first published should have a chance to read about the first local casualty                                      Vietnam War.
             of the  Vietnam War, who graduated from Emmitsburg High School.
                                                                                           Courtesy Photo

              The following are “Precious        best at whatever endeavor he chose—   blue 1966 Chevelle convertible that   days as punishment. Kenny loved
            Memories” from Kenneth’s family      whether it be scholastic, shop class,   was his pride and joy. He really    driving tractors. Any job having to
            about his life before the Vietnam War.   or sports. Mrs. Krom said Ken had   took care of that car. He worked at   do with a tractor, he would always
                                                 one brother, Ronnie, who was two      Moore’s until he was drafted. He      want to drive the tractor. He would
            Mrs. Betty Krom — Ken’s Mother       years older than him, and aside from   was engaged to Marie Devilbiss, but   haul sawdust from Smith’s Sawmill
              Mrs. Krom is eighty-eight years    the usual sibling rivalry, Ken looked   never made it back to marry her.    in an old cart that was ready to fall
            of age and totally independent. She   up to Ronnie. Ronnie had a bread        During our interview, Mrs. Krom    apart. Ron can remember himself,
            still drives to church on Sunday, does   route while he was in high school,   was getting tired and having a hard   Ken, and the neighbors playing
            her own grocery shopping, and goes   and when Ronnie had to give it up,    time talking about what happened      baseball in his Uncle Jim’s field and
            to the pharmacy for her medicine.    Ken took it over.                     to Ken in Vietnam. I knew recalling   using cow patties as bases. Ron said
            She also mows her lawn—and she          Ken’s first vehicle was a black    a tragedy that happened almost        that they both also played baseball
            has a very large lawn. Mrs. Krom     Corvair van that he used to deliver   forty years ago may take a toll on    for the Rocky Ridge Progressive
            recently had back surgery and still   bread after school. She said he      her, so I thanked her for talking with   4-H team. They played their games
            uses a walker to get around. She     would pick up the bread at Smith’s    me and promised I would return the    mostly at Thurmont Middle School
            said as long as she can get on the   Bakery in Ladiesburg, Maryland,       pictures she loaned me.               and West Frederick Junior High
            tractor seat, she can mow. She resides   and deliver it house-to-house to his                                    School.
            in Walkersville, but said she misses   customers. She said he also worked   Ronald Krom — Kenny’s Brother           Ron said Kenny never did any
            living in Emmitsburg.                for Lawrence Basler, doing farm          Ron was in the U.S. Army,          homework for school, but always
              Mrs. Krom said that when           work while in high school.            stationed in Japan, where he was      managed to pass his school tests and
            Ken was born on August 8, 1947,         Ken graduated from Emmitsburg      part of a military police unit. His   pass from grade to grade without
            at Annie M. Warner Hospital in       High School with the class of 1965.   tour of duty was almost over when     difficulty. He had plenty of energy
            Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the        Mrs. Krom said that he then went to   Kenny was drafted.                    and loved to play school sports, and
            hospital was the size of a large two-  work for a construction company,       Ron remembers Kenny as an          also liked weightlifting. Ron said
            story house. She said Ken was a very   helping to build the brick plant at   almost-always positive, fun-loving   that after his grandfather passed
            good baby, and she had no problems   Rocky Ridge. After wrecking his       boy. They grew up in a loving,        away, he and Kenny would take
            raising him. He had a normal         black Corvair van, he bought an       close-knit family. He and Kenny       their grandfather’s car down in the
            childhood, playing with his friends   old brown panel truck to drive to    fished a lot and played along the     meadow and pop wheelies.
            and going to school. He was a person   work. His next job was with Moore   Monocacy River, which ran very           Ron and Kenny had lots of fun
            who would do anything for you. He    Business Forms in Thurmont, where     close to where they lived. A lot of   together, but the time was far too
            did well in school and tried to be the   he saved enough money to buy a    their childhood was spent swimming    short. He said that the last time
                                                                                       and fishing. They would dip for       he talked to Kenny was in South
                                                                                       suckers at Stony Branch. The nearest   Carolina in April of 1968. He was
                                                                                       neighbor lived about a mile away,     at home in Walkersville when the
                                                                                       and they would go to their farm       call came from the U.S. Army about
                                                                                       to play. The kids would find eggs     Kenny being a casualty. He said
                                                                                       in the hay loft, where the bantam     that his whole family was in shock.
                                                                                       chickens laid them. They would        Kenny’s body was sent to a funeral
                                                                                       have egg fights, and Ron said they    home in Thurmont. There was to
                                                                                       would really sting when they were     be no viewing of the body, but their
                                                                                       hit in the face. He recalled that     father, Guy Krom, insisted on the
                                                                                       being boys and being brothers, Ron    viewing since he wanted to see for
                                                                                       and Kenny would get into scraps,      himself that it was, indeed, Kenny.
                                                                                       and Kenny—even though he was          The funeral director tried to talk
                                                                                       younger and smaller—was a tough       Guy out of it to no avail, and Ron
                                                                                       kid to handle. He said that Kenny     accompanied Guy when he went to
                                                                                       would win some, but even if Ron       view Kenny. Ron said his father was
                                                                                       won, he lost, because he would be     never the same after the viewing. He
                                                                                       in trouble for picking the fight and   lost his father in 1983 to cancer.
                                                                                       have to cut weeds for two or three    … Story   continued on page 37
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