Page 20 - February Banner 2018_Neat
P. 20

Page 20             February 2018                                   The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

                                                      Chur ch                                           Catoctin

                                                         Spotlight                                      Episcopal
                                                                                                        Parish –

                                                                                                        Harriet Chapel
                                                                 by Theresa Dardanell

               I recently visited the Catoctin                                                                               first Thursday in October, ends
            Episcopal Parish, more commonly                                                                                  on February 1. Everyone in the
            known as Harriet Chapel. I asked                                                                                 community was invited to bring a
            some of the members to tell me                                                                                   lunch to eat while watching a video
            what is special about their church.                                                                              and relaxing with coloring books
            Their responses were: “a welcoming                                                                               and markers.
            community...a most loving church...                                                                                 A Mutual Support Group for
            members who are very big                                                                             anyone grieving the loss of a
            family...wonderful incredible hearts.”                                                                                                                    Photo by Theresa Dardanell  loved one will be held the second
               I’m sure that’s the reason that,                                                                              Thursday of the month in February,
            along with people who live in                                                                                    March, April, and May, from noon-
            the area, members travel from                                                                                    1:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to
            Gaithersburg, Mount Pleasant,                                                                                    bring a lunch or something to share.
            Myersville, and Frederick in                                                                                        Fundraisers held by the church
            Maryland, as well as Waynesboro                                                                                  not only provide needed funds,
            in Pennsylvania, to attend Sunday                                                                                but also bring the community
            services.                                                                                                        together.  In partnership with the
               “We have an emphasis on                                                                                       Catoctin Furnace Historical Society,
            scripture and prayer in our worship.                                                                             they participate in the Spring in
            To enhance our prayer lives, we                                                                                  the Village and Christmas in the
            make and give away Anglican prayer                                                                               Village.  Sarah’s Garden Social
            beads that have been requested by         Pastor Sally Joyner Giffin and members of the Catoctin Episcopal Parish – Harriet Chapel.  is held during the Spring event.
            people all over the world, and we                                                                                Flowers, plants, homemade baked
            have a prayer team that prays for     iron-making operations in 1776.  As   church members interred in the       goods, and food are sold. Christmas
            anyone in need. We have Bible study   the numbers of workers and their     garden.                               items along with baked goods
            and there is a Bible challenge, where   families in the area grew, the owner   Parishioners are very involved    and food are available during the
            I challenge parishioners to read all   of Catoctin Furnace donated land    in community outreach activities.     Christmas event. Craft vendors
            of one of the Gospels during Advent.   for a meeting house, completed in   Pastor Sally, who is also the         are invited to participate in both
            This year, everyone read the Gospel   1828. Services were originally led   manager of the Thurmont Food          events, as well as the extremely
            of Luke and The Book of Acts.         by a Moravian Minister. After the    Bank, a non-profit ministry of the    popular Yard Sale/Fall Fest event,
            Everyone who finished reading is      furnace was torn down, the stones    Thurmont Ministerium, said that       which is held the weekend of
            invited to my house for a reception   from the stacks were used in the     most of the members are involved      Colorfest. Spring in the Village
            and discussion,” said Pastor Sally    construction of the beautiful arches   in some way with this activity. They   will be held May 5-6, 2018, and
            Joyner Giffen.                        in the church, as well as the walls   donate food, supplies, and funds;    Christmas in the Village will be on
               Catoctin Episcopal Parish-Harriet   of the office area. In 1833, the    help with deliveries; and distribute   December 1, 2018.
            Chapel is located in the village of   church became a mission church of    food when the food bank is open.         Two services with communion
            Catoctin Furnace, which is three      the Frederick All Saints’ Episcopal   In addition, the parishioners        are held each Sunday. The 8:00 a.m.
            miles south of Thurmont. Catoctin     Church until 1921, when it became    provide Christmas gifts for families   traditional service uses the Rite 1
            Furnace Iron Works, originally        a separate parish. Some of the       and senior citizens who might         liturgy, and traditional hymns are
            known as Johnson furnace, began       interesting facts from the website   otherwise go without; donate “back    sung with organ accompaniment.
                                                  are: Harriet Chapel is named         to school” supplies for students in   The music at the 10:30 a.m.
                                                  after Harriet McPherson Brien,       the area; send Christmas cards to     contemporary service (Rite 2) is
                                                  who was the wife of the owner of     inmates at the Frederick detention    accompanied by organ and guitar.
                                                  the furnace when the church was      center; and organize Bingo parties       The choir sings on special
                                                  constructed; Harriet died in April   at Montevue Assisted Living.          occasions, but they practice every
                                                  1827, prior to the construction         One of the favorite outreach       week and help lead the congregation
                                                  being completed; Several presidents   activities is participation in the   in song during the weekly services.
                                                  have worshiped at Harriet Chapel,    Thurmont Ministerium summer              Sunday school for all ages is
                                                  including Lyndon B. Johnson,         lunch program for students in         held during the 10:30 a.m. service,
                                                  Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter;       the Catoctin feeder area. Each        and children are brought to the
                                                  Catoctin Episcopal Parish – Harriet   participating church provides lunch,   sanctuary for Holy Communion.
                                                  Chapel is the only Episcopal         along with games, arts, and crafts,      Newcomers are invited to
                                                  Church located in Northern           for one week during the summer.       participate in all the activities and
                                                  Frederick County.                    All of this community service is      services. The church is located at
                                                     The church maintains a beautiful   given by the approximately one       12625 Catoctin Furnace Road in
                                                  memorial garden that provides a      hundred families in the parish.       Thurmont. For more information,
                                                  place for reflection, inspiration,      Special events are held            please call 301-271-4554 or visit
                                                  and reassurance. A plaque inside     throughout the year. “Peaceful        the website at www.harrietchapel.
                                                  the church lists the names of the    Thursdays,” which began with the      com.
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