Page 18 - December Banner 2018_Neat
P. 18

Page 18             December 2018                                  The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    Published by
            Thurmont Donates $62,000 to Hur witz Fund Over Five Years

               James Rada, Jr.
                                                                                                             Photo by Gracie Eyler
               October has become a month                                                                                    patients purchased and sold pink
            when the residents and businesses in                                                                             mouthguards.
            Thurmont go all-out to fight breast                                                                                 Timeless Trends held a night of
            cancer. This year was no different,                                                                              pampering for people with local
            with Thurmont raising $18,000                                                                                    wine, food, and services.
            for its 5  Annual Gateway to the                                                                                    Roy Rogers donated a portion of
            Cure. With this year’s donation to                                                                               the strawberry shortcake sales for
            the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund,                                                                                  the month.
            Thurmont has raised $62,000 over                                                                                    Simply Asia donated a portion of
            five years.                                                                                                      its customers’ checks.
               With the Thurmont Mayor and                                                                                      Woodsboro Bank held Pink
            Commissioners wearing their pink                                                                                 Fridays where employees could
            T-shirts, they held a meeting to                                                                                 pay to wear pink on Friday, sold
            present the town’s annual donation                                                                               merchandise, and paid for each
            to the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund.                                                                               Facebook like their page received.
               Thurmont Main Street Manager                                                                                     Criswell Chevrolet donated
            Vickie Grinder reminded the                                                                                      a portion of the cost of each oil
            commissioners and mayor that when     Thurmont raises $18,000 for its 5  Annual Gateway to the Cure and presents check to Patty Hurwitz   change performed in October.
            the town began its efforts in 2014,                             Breast Cancer Fund at FMH.                          The thing that many of these
            they were hoping to be able to sell a                                                                            participating businesses had
            case (122) of pink light bulbs.       helped improve her chances of           During October, the Town           in common is that they had
               “Jim Humerick and I were afraid    beating cancer. The fund is used to   of Thurmont sold pink light          employees, members, family, or
            we wouldn’t sell them all,” Grinder   help improve ways of diagnosing      bulbs, sold Gateway to the Cure       friends who had been diagnosed
            said. “We sold 1,348 that year and    and fighting cancer in the county.   merchandise, sponsored “Paint a       with breast cancer. Some had
            had two dozen businesses on board     The fund has raised $1.7 million     Lighted Wine Bottle” afternoon,       fought it and won. Others had died
            with us.”                             to date. That money has gone to      held a Zumbathon at the American      from the disease. These businesses
               Jeff and Patty Hurwitz created     purchase things, such as a machine   Legion, held a 5K race, and planted   and groups wanted to help find a
            The Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund        for biopsies and another for 3D      a pinwheel garden in honor of loved   cure or at least more-effective ways
            at Frederick Memorial Hospital in     mammography. Every dollar            ones and survivors of all types of    to treat breast cancer.
            1999. Patty had been diagnosed        donated to the fund is used for      cancer.                                  The $18,000 donation is not
            with breast cancer, and the couple    direct patient benefit, and there are   Nearly fifty businesses and        only Thurmont’s largest donation
            believed that early diagnosis had     no administrative costs.             groups also participated in the       to date, but it is also 20 percent
                                                                                       Gateway to the Cure by holding        more than was donated in 2017.
                                                                                       their own fundraisers to contribute      “This town is just amazing,
                                                                                       to the town’s donation.               and you should be commended
                                                                                          Catoctin High Football Team and    for that,” Jeff Hurwitz told the
                                                                                       Cheer Squad sold pink T-shirts to be   commissioners.
                                                                                       worn during the pink-out games.          Thurmont’s involvement in the
                                                                                          Thurmont Historical Society        Gateway to the Cure started in
                                                                                       donated a portion of its new          2014 with Commissioner Wayne
                                                                                       member and returning member           Hooper, whose wife Jill is a breast
                                                                                       membership fees.                      cancer survivor. Since that time,
                                                                                          Gateway Orthodontics donated       Grinder has been coordinating the
                                                                                       money for each set of braces          town’s efforts to help find a cure.
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