Page 29 - April Banner 2018_Neat
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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper April 2018 Page 29
Kindness Celebration at
Emmitsburg Elementar y School
Theresa Dardanell
Emmitsburg Photo by Theresa Dardanell
Elementary School
(EES) students,
parents, and staff
celebrated kindness
together on February
21, 2018. The tables
in the cafeteria were
transformed into
craft stations, where
families worked
together on kindness-
themed items to share.
At the “Kindness Steven Moore with his son, Liam Moore, and Ashley Stanley with
Rocks” station, her daughter, Aubrey Stotler, are shown painting kindness rocks.
rocks were creatively
decorated, and they will be placed contained craft items to make simple
in the Sebastian Gagliardi Memorial bird feeders.
Garden in front of the school. Kindness Week at EES began
Kindness to others was the theme of with a challenge for the students
the “Kindness Card” station, where to complete as many kind deeds
everyone decorated cards that will as possible. Students were given a
be sent to military personnel and checklist of suggestions: smile at
children in hospitals. Other stations twenty-five people, say “thank you”
included materials provided to make to a volunteer, help someone if they
picture frames, bookmarks, door fall down, and invite a new friend
hangers, and other items, by adding to play. School Counselor Sarah
positive and encouraging sayings Fawley said that this event provides
like: You are special, You are kind, an opportunity for the students
and You are a great friend. A station to be leaders by being respectful,
dedicated to being good to wildlife responsible, and kind.
Showing Kindness at Sabillasville WHEN ONLY THE BEST
Elementar y School
Theresa Dardanell WILL DO
Photo by Theresa Dardanell
were: do a good deed for
a neighbor, give someone
a hug when they really
need it, help someone
around the house without
being asked, and let
someone go ahead of you
in line. Students had fun
dressing for kindness each
day. They wore their
hats to school on “Hat’s
Off to Kindness Day,”
Charles McGinnis, Matthew Pryor, Lily Lawler, Preslee Bolen, wore crazy socks on “Be
and Denver Black are shown wearing their spiritwear shirts, Crazy for Kindness Day,” WINNER – BEST OF THE BEST ASSISTED LIVING 2017
and proudly showing their kindness rocks. and sported pajamas on
“Dream Kindness Day.” BEST OF FREDERICK 2018
Students at Sabillasville Elementary The most popular activity of the • Five Star Dining Experience, featuring chef-prepared meals
School spent a week being extra kind week was the Kindness Rocks project. • Celebrating 20 Years providing exceptional assisted living
to others, during “Random Acts of Each student was given a painted rock
Kindness Week” in February. Morning on which they could write or draw Call to schedule a tour of Frederick’s Best
announcements included suggestions something to make others feel good. Assisted Living Community!
of ways to be good to each other School Counselor Stacy Bokinsky
during the day. Teachers incorporated said, “They really loved that project. 1820 Latham Drive
kindness into their lessons and read They were all super excited.” Some of Frederick, MD 21701
stories that demonstrate caring and the words on the rocks were: share, 301-663-8800
consideration of others. love, peace, hope, happy, and believe.
For a special challenge, students After the rocks were sealed with a
were given a list of ideas for showing protective coating, they were placed ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE
kindness at home, in school, and in in the courtyard garden outside of the RESPITE STAYS
the community. Some of the ideas school. ©2018 Five Star Senior Living
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Publication: Date: 03.15.2018
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