Page 28 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 28
Page 28 September 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Thurmont Little League — Continued from page 1
from the tournament.” Lowry were playing for a national audience
further expressed that the boys on ESPN. “It was cool being on
were naturally competitive and ESPN,” said Braden. They will also
praised their ability to handle always remember how fervently
the high-pressure situation they Thurmont supported them. “The
found themselves in. “They have town supported us a lot, and it was
faced adversity and overcame. The pretty cool.”
ability to handle pressure situations As part of that support, the team
(national media and audience) and received two proclamations, one
let their competitive nature take from the town and the other from
over will be characteristics they can Frederick County. The Town of
build on as they develop into fine Thurmont declared August 21-27 as
young men.” Thurmont Little League Week, and
The boys did more than perform the county declared August 17 as
under pressure; they enjoyed it. Thurmont Little League Day.
Second baseman Braden Manning Because of the boys’ ages, they
said, “We work so well together.” will be moving onto different
The team also felt that they could leagues as they continue to play
have won against New Jersey, but baseball, but they are certain to be
they had an off- day that cost them. an asset to whatever team they play
“I knew we’d win district this for.
year,” said Centerfielder Peyton “They are a special group
Castellow. “I thought we’d win of boys, and I couldn’t be more
states, and beating Berlin a second proud to be one of their coaches,”
time was great. Our bats were just expressed Lowry.
not working like normal at the To help the Thurmont Little
regionals.” League defray their travel costs in
Lowry said that a favorite their post-season play, the entire
moment for fans was when the team signed twelve baseballs and
coaches brought in Peyton to pitch two bats. They will be auctioned
during the championship game. off, with all of the proceeds going
“It was a beautiful thing to watch to the Thurmont Little League. If
as he pitched a phenomenal game,” you are interested in bidding for a
Lowry said. “We all know Peyton’s piece of Thurmont history, e-mail
abilities and competitive nature Mayor John Kinnaird at jkinnaird@
locally. We were not surprised. He is Include either
an outstanding talent. At that point “Ball” or “Bat” in the subject line.
in the game, it became about much There is a minimum bid of $25 per
more than just baseball.” Lowry ball and $50 per bat. The auction
said that it showed that size didn’t ends at 6:00 p.m. on September
matter. It was about being the best 11, 2017. The winners will be
player that you can be, and Peyton announced at the town meeting on
did just that. September 12. You can also call
One memory that the boys took Kinnaird at 301-606-9458 with any
away from the game was that they questions.
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