Page 19 - October Banner 2017_Neat
P. 19

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                     October  2017            Page 19
            Commissioners Make Changes That                                            DAR Presents Historic Marker

            Affect Where Churches Can Be                                                  The Frederick Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American
                                                                                       Revolution (DAR), will dedicate a historical marker to honor Harriet Chapel,
               James Rada, Jr.                                                         following the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service on October 22, 2017, at
                                                                                       12625 Catoctin Furnace Road in Thurmont.
               The Emmitsburg commissioners       requirements and generate similar       Harriet Chapel is located on the edge of the Catoctin Furnace Historic
            approved some changes to the town’s   amounts of traffic. To then not      District, which includes the structures of the Iron Works furnaces, several
            zoning ordinance that affect where    include churches could be seen as    workers living quarters, the Forgeman’s house, an African American
            churches can be built in the future,   a violation of federal law, which   cemetery, and the ruins of the Iron Masters mansion. The Chapel’s history
            after changing references of churches   protects places of worship from    is intertwined with the significant growth and development of the American
            in the zoning ordinance to “places of   zoning discrimination.             iron industry that took place in the region, as well as its diverse workforce.
            worship.” This term is more inclusive   The same reason that places of     It fostered a sense of community to those who attended the religious services
            and would not allow someone to say    worship needed to be included in     during the industrial period of expansion at the Furnace.
            that a mosque or a synagogue is not   B-2 areas is also the reason why they   The Chapter’s Historical Marker Program commemorates historical sites,
            a church.                             don’t fit in most residential zone   events, and personalities throughout Frederick City and County. Through
               Town Planner Sue Cipperly then     areas. They require larger parcels and   the program, the wealth of Frederick history is made accessible to the public,
            presented the planning commission’s   generate more traffic than is seen in   as these markers provide on-the-spot history lessons of interest for the local
            recommendation to not include         the average subdivision, according to   community as well as tourists.
            places of worship in most of the      Cipperly.
            town’s residentially zoned areas. The   “If you allow churches in the      Service About Henry Harbaugh at
            exception would be R-5 areas, which   residential areas, you have to allow
            are large lot residential areas.      the theaters and the auditoriums,    St. John’s UCC
               Currently, St. Joseph’s Catholic   too, and we didn’t think that would
            Church is the only church that        be an appropriate use,” stated          A special service will be dedicated to the life of Henry Harbaugh, D. D.,
            Emmitsburg has in a residentially     Commissioner Clifford Sweeney.       a descendant of the founders of Harbaugh’s Valley. It will be held Sunday,
            zoned area. Cipperly pointed out        The zoning changes came about      October 22, 2017, at St. John’s UCC, located at 16907 Sabillasville Road in
            that it is because the church predated   after two local churches—Christ’s   Sabillasville, at 11:00 a.m. Service will be followed by a light lunch in the
            zoning in the town, and she also      Community Church and Emmitsburg      church and, weather permitting, a tour of the Harbaugh Cemetery on the
            noted that the parcel where it sits   Community Bible Church—both          Royer farm. An SUV or truck will be the best means of transportation to
            could also be zoned B-2 because of    approached the town about places     and from the cemetery.
            its location and use.                 where they could construct new          Rev. Harbaugh lived only fifty years, from October 28, 1817, to
               Rev. John Talcott with Christ      buildings.                           December 28, 1867. This service will emphasize his nearly inexhaustible
            Community Church told the               The commissioners had no           works in the Reformed Church during his short life.
            commissioners, “I really don’t        problem including places of worship     A pamphlet, compiled by Joan Bittner Fry, will be presented to those in
            think churches should be excluded     in the B-2 area, but Commissioners   attendance at the commemorative service. Pastor Mike Simane will deliver
            anywhere.”                            Elizabeth Buckman and Joseph         the message.
               Places of worship would also       Ritz, III, voted against excluding
            be allowed in the town B-2 general    them from residential areas.
            commercial zone area. Cipperly        Commissioners Sweeney, Tim
            explained that places of worship      O’Donnell, and Glenn Blanchard
            needed to be included in this zoning   voted for the change. Both zoning
            because auditoriums and theaters      changes and the language changes all
            were. All three have similar land     passed.

            View issues of The Catoctin Banner online at:

            www .thecatoctinbanner. com

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