Page 16 - October Banner 2017_Neat
P. 16

Page 16             October  2017                                    The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                     Published by
            Artist Yemi and Dr. Jon Moles

            Pleased to Announce Drawing Closer

            to Donation Mark for Thurmont
            Celebration Murals

               Local Artist Yemi Fagbohn          of the United States!” expressed
            announced in spring 2017 that he      Yemi.
            would be completing the mural           The Main Street mural project
            project on Main Street, on the        will be completely financed by
            former electric building, after the   donations and grants. Dr. Jon
            Thurmont Commissioners approved       Moles of Gateway Orthodontics is
            the project to proceed. The           leading the mural project journey,
            current Main Street murals depict     and serves as general project
            Thurmont’s historical buildings,      chairperson and sponsor. Dr. Jon                                                                        Courtesy Photo
            natural resources, and trolley        Moles and Artist Yemi are pleased
            history, which were completed in      to announce, “We are getting
            collaboration with the Thurmont       close to reaching 50 percent of our
            Lions Club, Yemi, and the town of     funding needs for the Thurmont
            Thurmont. There are four panels       Celebration Murals!”
            left to complete on the building,       In addition to Chairperson Dr.
            and Artist Yemi’s aspiration has      Jon Moles, the following associates
            always been to ensure every empty     have engaged their efforts to assist
            panel is framed with a mural!         with the Thurmont Celebration
               “Thurmont is one of the most       Mural Project:
            beautiful places in the USA!
            The Catoctin Mountains are the          •  Dan Ryan Builders in
            backdrop, with tall majestic trees,       Thurmont—major project
            the beachfront lake at Cunningham         partner and sponsor and
            Falls State Park, wildlife, clean air,    will participate in unveiling
            cycling, hiking, fishing, Catoctin        activities.                         •  George Delaplaine—signed on     us often while rejuvenating their
            Colorfest, and Camp David! Not          •  Ausherman Family                     as a major sponsor.              spirits in the mountains—relax,
            too many communities can say they         Foundation—signed on early          •  Marlene and Mike Young—         shop, dine, worship, and enjoy!”
            live or recreate with the president       as a matching grant sponsor.          signed on as advisors and        exclaimed Yemi.
                                                                                            sponsors.                           Yemi Fagbohn was born in
                                                                                                                             Ibadan Nigeria to S. I. Fagbohun
                                                                                          •  Catoctin Colorfest—signed on    and J. T. Fagbohun. His father was
                                                                                            as advisors and sponsors.        a well-known custom men’s tailor,
                                                                                                                             his mother a wedding dress maker.
                                                                                          •  Several anonymous donors        Yemi came to New York, where
                                                                                            have signed on to the project    he attended Pratt Institute and
                                                                                            so far.
                                                                                                                             received both a Bachelor of Fine
                                                                                          The Main Street murals are a       Arts and Master of Science in Art
                                                                                       celebration of the scenic beauty and   and Communications Design. For
                                                                                       tapestry of history for a picturesque   the years he has been an artist, he
                                                                                       town, located at the foothills of the   has done drawings for more than
                                                                                       Catoctin Mountains in Northern        one hundred of the Fortune 500
                                                                                       Frederick County.                     companies.
                                                                                          “My goal is to have the viewers       For more information on the
                                                                                       of the completed murals come away     Thurmont Celebration Murals, you
                                                                                       appreciating Thurmont as the jewel    can contact Yemi at yemi777@aol.
                                                                                       it is, and, hopefully, come to visit   com or 240-409-5728.
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