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P. 36
Page 36 May 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Our Neighborhood Veterans Linda had plans of getting married
in April; they also had a piece of
by Jim Houck, Jr. ground cleared and were planning
on building a house. When Sonny
Lance Corporal Paul Joseph Humerick got home from Holibird, he told
U.S. Marine Corps Linda and his mom and dad that
he had been drafted and he was
Born at Annie M. Warner entertainment; they had a lot of going in the Army; it wasn’t his Lance Corporal Paul Joseph Humerick, United
Hospital in Gettysburg, local followers. When Sonny turned choosing but that was the way it States Marine Corps.
Pennsylvania, in June of 1947, was a sixteen, he was at the Tropical Treat was. Sonny said that a few weeks
son to Paul E. and Ida G. (Brawner) in Taneytown, where Dwayne and later he received some papers from Wastler; and friend, Phil Mort.
Humerick. They named him Paul the Sounds were playing. There, he the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Sonny and Linda never had a
Joseph and gave him the nickname met Linda Wetzel; and, although Corps that said “congratulations, honeymoon, and he really missed
“Sonny.” Paul and Ida took Sonny he knew Linda’s brother, he did not you were accepted in the military.” her and his mother and father, so he
home to Emmitsburg, where they know her. They hit it off that night, He explained that the Marine was very happy to be going home.
resided in a house on North Seton and that marked the beginning of a Corps had a ninety-day plan, and
Avenue. This is where Sonny spent fifty-four-year relationship, married that meant that if he joined, then After he arrived back home, he
his entire childhood. He said it fifty-one of those years. They got he wouldn’t have to go for three went back to work at the Provincial
was the best of all places to grow married on April 15, 1966. Sonny months. That meant one thing to House, where he worked before he
up. Right below his house ran Flat says he kinda took a “liking to her” Sonny: he could still get married. joined the Marines, and remained
Run creek, where he and his friends and she kinda took a “liking to him.” So, Sonny and a friend of his, there for forty-seven years.
could go wading and fishing, and I would think it was kinda more like Johnny Eckenrode (who worked
there were nearby woods to hunt a “loving to each other.” What do with Sonny at the Provincial Sonny is now retired, and he
mushrooms. They had many fields to you think? House), decided to go to Frederick and Linda are still living on the
run and play in. All-in-all, Sonny had and join the Marines. The recruiter mountain and are very happy with
a very happy childhood growing up In February of 1966, Sonny got sent them back to Fort Holibird their family-life. They have two
in Emmitsburg. a notice from the Draft Board to for another physical and, from children: Stacy and Stephanie. Stacy
report to Fort Holibird in Baltimore. there, they were sent to Gay and has a son and a daughter, Zachary
Sonny said he had two very close Sonny, Denny Staley, and Leroy Lombard street to be sworn in. and Samantha; and Stephanie has
friends that he grew up with: Mike Shealey were all on the bus to That was on the March 3, 1966, a son, Riley. Sonny regrets that his
Shorb and Billy Weidner. Sonny had Fort Holibird. Leroy passed the when he became a Jarhead, and he parents didn’t survive long enough
a part-time job during the summers physical, but Sonny and Denny was going to wait to get married in to meet their great-grandchildren;
mowing grass out by Natural Dam did not. So, they put Sonny and April. Johnny didn’t want to wait, he lost his mother in 1972 and his
and helping his dad mow at the Denny in a big room—about the so he volunteered for Vietnam and father in 1992.
Sharpe farm. This gave him a little size of two basketball stadiums went in right away. When it was
spending money, and Sonny, Mike, combined—and a sergeant came time for Sonny to leave, he went Linda and Sonny still go to
and Billy could hardly wait until the in and walked up and down and from Baltimore to Georgia, and the Rock and Roll dances at the
week’s end to go and listen to Wayne looked them over and said, “I’m then arrived at Parris Island on June Ambulance Building in Emmitsburg.
Sanders’ band play some rock and going to tell you right now, you 2, at 2:00 a.m. The drill instructor They are active and love to get out
roll music. Wayne Sanders had a rock have thirty days to take care of got on the bus and was talking and about! So, if you meet them
and roll band called “Dwayne and any business you have, because the to the driver and then turned to at Jubilee or anywhere around the
the Sounds” and was the hometown Army has you.” Well, Sonny and Sonny and the rest of the recruits. neighborhood, say “Hi” and thank
Sonny said you never saw such a Sonny for his service.
commotion, with forty-five guys
trying to get out of that little bus I really enjoyed the little chat I
door at one time. Sonny remembers had with Sonny and Linda. I tried to
thinking to himself “What in the get Linda to put her two cents worth
world am I doing here?” He made in, but she was not having any of it.
it through boot camp and got
twenty days of leave, so he went They are the perfect example of a
home. After his twenty days of very happy couple and family, who
leave at home, he was sent to Camp stay positive and enjoy their lives
Lejeune for Infantry Training; together.
in the meantime, he had a MOS
(Military Occupational Specialty) God Bless the United States
as a cook. He was sent to Camp of America, God Bless the U.S.
Gardner and went through cook Veteran, and God Bless You.
school. Sonny was then shipped
to Camp Pendelton in San Diego,
California, where he spent his entire
Marine career; he was Honorably
Discharged from there. Sonny got
to visit several of his friends and
relatives while at Camp Pendelton:
his cousin, Jerry Wagerman; friend,
Johnny Knott; friend, Jimmy
Memorial May 29, 2017
Some Gone, None Forgotten
Our Neighborhood Veterans Linda had plans of getting married
in April; they also had a piece of
by Jim Houck, Jr. ground cleared and were planning
on building a house. When Sonny
Lance Corporal Paul Joseph Humerick got home from Holibird, he told
U.S. Marine Corps Linda and his mom and dad that
he had been drafted and he was
Born at Annie M. Warner entertainment; they had a lot of going in the Army; it wasn’t his Lance Corporal Paul Joseph Humerick, United
Hospital in Gettysburg, local followers. When Sonny turned choosing but that was the way it States Marine Corps.
Pennsylvania, in June of 1947, was a sixteen, he was at the Tropical Treat was. Sonny said that a few weeks
son to Paul E. and Ida G. (Brawner) in Taneytown, where Dwayne and later he received some papers from Wastler; and friend, Phil Mort.
Humerick. They named him Paul the Sounds were playing. There, he the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Sonny and Linda never had a
Joseph and gave him the nickname met Linda Wetzel; and, although Corps that said “congratulations, honeymoon, and he really missed
“Sonny.” Paul and Ida took Sonny he knew Linda’s brother, he did not you were accepted in the military.” her and his mother and father, so he
home to Emmitsburg, where they know her. They hit it off that night, He explained that the Marine was very happy to be going home.
resided in a house on North Seton and that marked the beginning of a Corps had a ninety-day plan, and
Avenue. This is where Sonny spent fifty-four-year relationship, married that meant that if he joined, then After he arrived back home, he
his entire childhood. He said it fifty-one of those years. They got he wouldn’t have to go for three went back to work at the Provincial
was the best of all places to grow married on April 15, 1966. Sonny months. That meant one thing to House, where he worked before he
up. Right below his house ran Flat says he kinda took a “liking to her” Sonny: he could still get married. joined the Marines, and remained
Run creek, where he and his friends and she kinda took a “liking to him.” So, Sonny and a friend of his, there for forty-seven years.
could go wading and fishing, and I would think it was kinda more like Johnny Eckenrode (who worked
there were nearby woods to hunt a “loving to each other.” What do with Sonny at the Provincial Sonny is now retired, and he
mushrooms. They had many fields to you think? House), decided to go to Frederick and Linda are still living on the
run and play in. All-in-all, Sonny had and join the Marines. The recruiter mountain and are very happy with
a very happy childhood growing up In February of 1966, Sonny got sent them back to Fort Holibird their family-life. They have two
in Emmitsburg. a notice from the Draft Board to for another physical and, from children: Stacy and Stephanie. Stacy
report to Fort Holibird in Baltimore. there, they were sent to Gay and has a son and a daughter, Zachary
Sonny said he had two very close Sonny, Denny Staley, and Leroy Lombard street to be sworn in. and Samantha; and Stephanie has
friends that he grew up with: Mike Shealey were all on the bus to That was on the March 3, 1966, a son, Riley. Sonny regrets that his
Shorb and Billy Weidner. Sonny had Fort Holibird. Leroy passed the when he became a Jarhead, and he parents didn’t survive long enough
a part-time job during the summers physical, but Sonny and Denny was going to wait to get married in to meet their great-grandchildren;
mowing grass out by Natural Dam did not. So, they put Sonny and April. Johnny didn’t want to wait, he lost his mother in 1972 and his
and helping his dad mow at the Denny in a big room—about the so he volunteered for Vietnam and father in 1992.
Sharpe farm. This gave him a little size of two basketball stadiums went in right away. When it was
spending money, and Sonny, Mike, combined—and a sergeant came time for Sonny to leave, he went Linda and Sonny still go to
and Billy could hardly wait until the in and walked up and down and from Baltimore to Georgia, and the Rock and Roll dances at the
week’s end to go and listen to Wayne looked them over and said, “I’m then arrived at Parris Island on June Ambulance Building in Emmitsburg.
Sanders’ band play some rock and going to tell you right now, you 2, at 2:00 a.m. The drill instructor They are active and love to get out
roll music. Wayne Sanders had a rock have thirty days to take care of got on the bus and was talking and about! So, if you meet them
and roll band called “Dwayne and any business you have, because the to the driver and then turned to at Jubilee or anywhere around the
the Sounds” and was the hometown Army has you.” Well, Sonny and Sonny and the rest of the recruits. neighborhood, say “Hi” and thank
Sonny said you never saw such a Sonny for his service.
commotion, with forty-five guys
trying to get out of that little bus I really enjoyed the little chat I
door at one time. Sonny remembers had with Sonny and Linda. I tried to
thinking to himself “What in the get Linda to put her two cents worth
world am I doing here?” He made in, but she was not having any of it.
it through boot camp and got
twenty days of leave, so he went They are the perfect example of a
home. After his twenty days of very happy couple and family, who
leave at home, he was sent to Camp stay positive and enjoy their lives
Lejeune for Infantry Training; together.
in the meantime, he had a MOS
(Military Occupational Specialty) God Bless the United States
as a cook. He was sent to Camp of America, God Bless the U.S.
Gardner and went through cook Veteran, and God Bless You.
school. Sonny was then shipped
to Camp Pendelton in San Diego,
California, where he spent his entire
Marine career; he was Honorably
Discharged from there. Sonny got
to visit several of his friends and
relatives while at Camp Pendelton:
his cousin, Jerry Wagerman; friend,
Johnny Knott; friend, Jimmy
Memorial May 29, 2017
Some Gone, None Forgotten