Page 43 - March 2017 BNP ALL
P. 43
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper March 2017 Page 43

Full Moon  

overwhelming the opaque 
darkness of an azure sky, 
your sumptuous splendor
bedims the sparkling brilliance 301-271-2247
of celestial diamonds
enhancing the vast expanses 
of our stellar universe.
so bright your silver light $F2M.r0e0anOrcFchFh$aMn1Sy2apnaneiliccsieuravrliece
quite fills the silent night!
you make us gaze in wonder 1133 WWaatteerrSSttrreeeettiinnTThhuurrmmoonntt
enraptured and enthralled
held captive by this sight!

—Francis Smith
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