Page 41 - March 2017 BNP ALL
P. 41
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper March 2017 Page 41
Seni R by John Dowling
Hello, everyone. What a winter it Valentine’s Day February Birthday organization and is tax deductible.
has been so far. It certainly has not Dance at Thurmont Party Celebration So, if you would like to make a tax
been anything like the winters that I at Thurmont Senior deductible donation to the Center, we
remember growing up. Kind of makes Senior Center Center are always very grateful to you for
you a believer in “Global Warming.” A good time was had Pictured from left your kindness.
are Dorothy Clever,
Here at the Thurmont Senior by everyone at the Doris Smith, and All of us at the Center are very
Center, things are happening at a Valentine’s Day Dance, Patt Troxell. proud of our Center and of our great
pretty good and progressive pace. The coordinator, Teresa Kempisty. We
first day of February saw our first held on February 11, peeling contest, too! The cost of lunch pride ourselves that we are all here
Wednesday of the month 50/50 Bingo 2017, with the “Back is $6.00. to serve the seniors of the Thurmont
as one of our biggest in attendance. Roads” Band playing. area, and we welcome all to join in
We had big payouts to the winners, Happy first day of spring will be what we have to offer the seniors of
and the winner-take-all amount was Photos by Teresa Kempisty on March 21. Stop by the Center on our area. So, please take the time to
very nice indeed. We are open to Wednesday, March 22, for a Fashion stop by and check us out. While here,
the public for Bingo on the first and You can buy a punch card for eight Show by Taylor Marie, from 11:00 pick up our activity and lunch menu
third Wednesdays of each month, so sessions or pay $5.00 per session. a.m.-noon, with shopping to follow sheet for March and see what fun you
why not drop by and join in on the You can use these sessions any time, until 2:00 p.m. This is a fundraiser have been missing out on.
fun. It’s just $5.00 for twenty games so it doesn’t matter if you have to for the Center. Besides clothing, they
and $1.00 per three-card sheet for skip a class. On Tuesdays at 9:30 sell jewelry and accessories. Lunch is A big word of thanks to our
“Winner Take All” on the last game. a.m., we have exercise with Alice, at noon; we will be having Mountain great town employees who got our
and you make a donation. Also on Gate’s fried chicken. Please call by sewerage problem fixed back in
Our dance on February 11, with Tuesdays, from 10:00-11:00 a.m., is March 21 to order lunch at 301- December; we appreciate all that our
the band “Back Roads,” saw a very line dancing; come join in the fun and 271-7911. Note: Please call Teresa at mayor, commissioners, and town
good turnout. The large crowd really learn line dancing. the Center if you can model for the employees do for us.
kept the dance floor full with some fashion show. We need at least eight
very good dancers. John and Peggy On Thursday, March 9, is our models, and you have to arrive at 9:30 If you are homebound, we
Offutt kept the evening in laughter monthly birthday party for all of a.m. to pick out and try on your outfit do make lunch deliveries in the
and song. Everyone had a great time those celebrating a birthday in the prior to the show. Thurmont area. If you would like
and requested that we have more of month of March, so stop by at lunch delivered, please call the Center
them. The board will work on this 12:30 p.m. and have some cake and Mark Thursday, March 30, on and talk with Teresa about details.
request. ice-cream to celebrate the March your calendar for a fun activity with Our meals are hot and prepared by
birthdays (call ahead to order lunch). the Cougar Connections Group from Mountain Gate Restaurant.
I just want to remind everyone Thurmont Elementary School. They
that the Center is open to all seniors, On Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., we will be bringing games to play with Just to let you know, if you have
and there are no registrations or have exercise and tai-chi. Don’t the seniors, followed by refreshments, transportation problems and are
fees to join. You need to be fifty-five forget to set your clocks forward on from 1:30-3:00 p.m. This activity not able to attend our activities here
years of age, and the coordinator will Saturday, March 11, before you go to began last year and has become a at the Center, please call 301-271-
have you fill out a contact sheet with bed, as daylight savings time starts on favorite of both the students and the 7911 and talk with Teresa to make
emergency information, and that’s all Sunday, March 12. seniors! arrangements to pick you up in our
it takes. You can come whenever it handicapped accessible van. Our
suits you. We are open from 9:00 a.m. On Tuesday, March 14, call and Call 301-271-7911 to make a van has a fold-down ramp for easy
until 3:00 p.m. each day, Monday order lunch for Wednesday, March half-hour appointment with Ellie wheeling in and out.
through Friday. Every week, there are 15, to join us for lunch before Jenkins from the Department of Aging
many activities going on. If you are a our Bingo starts at 1:00 p.m. On on March 31, from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 We are always looking for anyone
card player, there are different games Thursday, March 17, Marie Free will p.m., to find out if you qualify for who might have some time to
lasting sometimes until 4:00 p.m. Call be giving seated massages for $1.00 any senior programs or help with volunteer at the Center, helping to
the Center at 301-271-7911 for more per minute. Come treat yourself and Medicare. serve lunch or many other things that
details, or better yet, just drop by and relax those muscles. help make the Center so great for
join in the fun. Just a reminder that the Thurmont everyone. So give us a call at 301-
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us Senior Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit 271-7911 if you would like to help.
On the first Thursday of each at the Center with a party on March
month is our Memory Café, from 17, from 11:00 a.m.-noon. Call a Wishing you all a great day! May
noon-2:00 p.m., featuring a free day ahead to order your lunch. Don’t your blessings be many and Happy St.
lunch and an activity (usually a craft), forget to wear your green to party Patrick’s Day! See you at the Center.
sponsored by the Somerford House in hardy! Loads of fun will be had by
Frederick. This was started for people all, with games and our annual potato Marie’s
with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s and Beauty Salon
their caretakers, but is open to any
senior who wants to partake. Call 21 Meadow Lane • Thurmont
the Center at 301-271-7911 for more
information and to register for lunch. 301-271-4551
On Thursdays and Fridays, there are
cards and games at 1:00 p.m. Senior Citizen
Perms $30
Every Monday, from 10:15-11:00
a.m., is Zumba Gold. New starting Tue 1 - 8 p.m. • Thu 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Wednesday, February 22, we are Fri 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.
adding a second Zumba Gold Class, Call 301-271-4551 for appointment.
from 9:30-10:15 a.m. The class is Please leave message after 4 rings.
taught by Kellie Bevard of Anytime
Fitness; she is a great instructor, and
a great amount of fun is had by all!
Seni R by John Dowling
Hello, everyone. What a winter it Valentine’s Day February Birthday organization and is tax deductible.
has been so far. It certainly has not Dance at Thurmont Party Celebration So, if you would like to make a tax
been anything like the winters that I at Thurmont Senior deductible donation to the Center, we
remember growing up. Kind of makes Senior Center Center are always very grateful to you for
you a believer in “Global Warming.” A good time was had Pictured from left your kindness.
are Dorothy Clever,
Here at the Thurmont Senior by everyone at the Doris Smith, and All of us at the Center are very
Center, things are happening at a Valentine’s Day Dance, Patt Troxell. proud of our Center and of our great
pretty good and progressive pace. The coordinator, Teresa Kempisty. We
first day of February saw our first held on February 11, peeling contest, too! The cost of lunch pride ourselves that we are all here
Wednesday of the month 50/50 Bingo 2017, with the “Back is $6.00. to serve the seniors of the Thurmont
as one of our biggest in attendance. Roads” Band playing. area, and we welcome all to join in
We had big payouts to the winners, Happy first day of spring will be what we have to offer the seniors of
and the winner-take-all amount was Photos by Teresa Kempisty on March 21. Stop by the Center on our area. So, please take the time to
very nice indeed. We are open to Wednesday, March 22, for a Fashion stop by and check us out. While here,
the public for Bingo on the first and You can buy a punch card for eight Show by Taylor Marie, from 11:00 pick up our activity and lunch menu
third Wednesdays of each month, so sessions or pay $5.00 per session. a.m.-noon, with shopping to follow sheet for March and see what fun you
why not drop by and join in on the You can use these sessions any time, until 2:00 p.m. This is a fundraiser have been missing out on.
fun. It’s just $5.00 for twenty games so it doesn’t matter if you have to for the Center. Besides clothing, they
and $1.00 per three-card sheet for skip a class. On Tuesdays at 9:30 sell jewelry and accessories. Lunch is A big word of thanks to our
“Winner Take All” on the last game. a.m., we have exercise with Alice, at noon; we will be having Mountain great town employees who got our
and you make a donation. Also on Gate’s fried chicken. Please call by sewerage problem fixed back in
Our dance on February 11, with Tuesdays, from 10:00-11:00 a.m., is March 21 to order lunch at 301- December; we appreciate all that our
the band “Back Roads,” saw a very line dancing; come join in the fun and 271-7911. Note: Please call Teresa at mayor, commissioners, and town
good turnout. The large crowd really learn line dancing. the Center if you can model for the employees do for us.
kept the dance floor full with some fashion show. We need at least eight
very good dancers. John and Peggy On Thursday, March 9, is our models, and you have to arrive at 9:30 If you are homebound, we
Offutt kept the evening in laughter monthly birthday party for all of a.m. to pick out and try on your outfit do make lunch deliveries in the
and song. Everyone had a great time those celebrating a birthday in the prior to the show. Thurmont area. If you would like
and requested that we have more of month of March, so stop by at lunch delivered, please call the Center
them. The board will work on this 12:30 p.m. and have some cake and Mark Thursday, March 30, on and talk with Teresa about details.
request. ice-cream to celebrate the March your calendar for a fun activity with Our meals are hot and prepared by
birthdays (call ahead to order lunch). the Cougar Connections Group from Mountain Gate Restaurant.
I just want to remind everyone Thurmont Elementary School. They
that the Center is open to all seniors, On Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., we will be bringing games to play with Just to let you know, if you have
and there are no registrations or have exercise and tai-chi. Don’t the seniors, followed by refreshments, transportation problems and are
fees to join. You need to be fifty-five forget to set your clocks forward on from 1:30-3:00 p.m. This activity not able to attend our activities here
years of age, and the coordinator will Saturday, March 11, before you go to began last year and has become a at the Center, please call 301-271-
have you fill out a contact sheet with bed, as daylight savings time starts on favorite of both the students and the 7911 and talk with Teresa to make
emergency information, and that’s all Sunday, March 12. seniors! arrangements to pick you up in our
it takes. You can come whenever it handicapped accessible van. Our
suits you. We are open from 9:00 a.m. On Tuesday, March 14, call and Call 301-271-7911 to make a van has a fold-down ramp for easy
until 3:00 p.m. each day, Monday order lunch for Wednesday, March half-hour appointment with Ellie wheeling in and out.
through Friday. Every week, there are 15, to join us for lunch before Jenkins from the Department of Aging
many activities going on. If you are a our Bingo starts at 1:00 p.m. On on March 31, from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 We are always looking for anyone
card player, there are different games Thursday, March 17, Marie Free will p.m., to find out if you qualify for who might have some time to
lasting sometimes until 4:00 p.m. Call be giving seated massages for $1.00 any senior programs or help with volunteer at the Center, helping to
the Center at 301-271-7911 for more per minute. Come treat yourself and Medicare. serve lunch or many other things that
details, or better yet, just drop by and relax those muscles. help make the Center so great for
join in the fun. Just a reminder that the Thurmont everyone. So give us a call at 301-
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us Senior Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit 271-7911 if you would like to help.
On the first Thursday of each at the Center with a party on March
month is our Memory Café, from 17, from 11:00 a.m.-noon. Call a Wishing you all a great day! May
noon-2:00 p.m., featuring a free day ahead to order your lunch. Don’t your blessings be many and Happy St.
lunch and an activity (usually a craft), forget to wear your green to party Patrick’s Day! See you at the Center.
sponsored by the Somerford House in hardy! Loads of fun will be had by
Frederick. This was started for people all, with games and our annual potato Marie’s
with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s and Beauty Salon
their caretakers, but is open to any
senior who wants to partake. Call 21 Meadow Lane • Thurmont
the Center at 301-271-7911 for more
information and to register for lunch. 301-271-4551
On Thursdays and Fridays, there are
cards and games at 1:00 p.m. Senior Citizen
Perms $30
Every Monday, from 10:15-11:00
a.m., is Zumba Gold. New starting Tue 1 - 8 p.m. • Thu 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Wednesday, February 22, we are Fri 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.
adding a second Zumba Gold Class, Call 301-271-4551 for appointment.
from 9:30-10:15 a.m. The class is Please leave message after 4 rings.
taught by Kellie Bevard of Anytime
Fitness; she is a great instructor, and
a great amount of fun is had by all!