Page 41 - June 2017 BNP ALL
P. 41
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2017 Page 41

Seni R by John Dowling

Greetings to all! I hope everyone Butterfly & Birdhouse Photos by Teresa Kempisty her about Frederick County Senior
is enjoying the beauties of another Gourd Painting class May Birthday Programs and Medicare. Please
glorious spring, as plants and was taught by Nancy Party Celebration call to make your half-hour free
flowers arise from beneath a blanket Rice. Pictured from at Thurmont appointment time with her.
of kelly green grass, showing their left are: (bottom Senior Center
awesome beauty to the sun. And just row) Joan Folliin, Beulah Zentz As always, the Center
like spring is a renewal and rebirth Tony Cornejo, Nancy turned 101 coordinator, Teresa, and the
of life in nature, it can also be a years old in May. volunteer staff, remain committed to
renewal of committing ourselves to Davis; (top row) Alice Congratulations, make your every visit to Thurmont
rejuvenate our bodies by exercise Eyler, Joan Leo, Vickie Beulah! We love Senior Center a good one. If you
after the doldrums of winter. Howes, Angie Hamlin, you! ever need transportation or to have
a lunch delivered to you, please call
Here at the Thurmont Senior Cindy Poole, Irene friends, and let’s have some fun. and make arrangements with our
Center, we have just the low impact Matthews, and Nancy Here is something everyone coordinator, Teresa.
exercises that are easy and best for
seniors of all ages. Rice (teacher). Not should be at the Center for on We would like to remind those
pictured: Dorothy Thursday, June 22: Thurmont that might like to a make a donation
On Thursday, May 1 (and Buhrman. Police will give a much desired to the Center, “As we are not run
every Thursday) at 9:30 a.m., we talk on “Theft from vehicles and by the Dept. of Aging, but are run
have exercise, some Tai Chi, and serving cake and ice cream. So, all safeguarding your home from theft.” by volunteers.” And we are a 501(c)
stretching. Also on May 1, from you June birthday people, make sure Talk will begin at 11:30 a.m. (3) nonprofit organization that is tax
12:00 -2:00 p.m., we have our you come and get your picture taken deductible. We greatly appreciate
Memory Café. Come play pinochle with Elvis. If you would like to have Come meet at the Center on any donation, large or small.
from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Call the lunch here that day, call by the day Monday, June 26, at 11:00 a.m.,
Center at 301-271-7911 to register before to order lunch. No cards and and carpool to lunch at the Parlor People who are first-time visitors
and order a free lunch (by the day games will be held due to the show. House Restaurant in Waynesboro, to the Thurmont Senior Center
before). Every Friday, there are cards Pennsylvania (order and pay for comment about the size of our
and games, starting at 1:00 p.m. On Wednesday, June 14, after your lunch from the menu). After center, its charm and warmth, and
lunch, the Center will close at 1:00 lunch, there will be a farm tour by friendliness of our coordinator,
Every Monday at 10:15 a.m., p.m. for the monthly board meeting. wagon ride, after which there will Teresa, and all of our great
there is Zumba Gold Exercises, be a treat of ice cream at the Misty volunteers. Plus, as you can tell from
taught by Kellie Bevard. You can On Thursday, June 15, after Meadow Farm Creamery. The cost this column, there are always lots of
purchase a punch card for eight lunch, get ready to whoop it up with will be $7.00 per person. There will activities to become involved with
sessions for $24.00, or you can pay music and song with the “Making be a sign-up sheet at the Center. and lots of fun things to do.
$5.00 per session. Happy Karaoke Singers” sing-a- Please sign up and pay by June
long! This is a great chance to really 20. The Center will close at 11:00 So, if you have not been to the
Every Tuesday, from 9:30-10:00 take part in a great way and to have a.m., and we will not be serving or Center before, or it has been a long
a.m., there is exercise with Alice lots of fun.Make it a super fun day, delivering lunch that day. time since you have been in, what
Eyler. Also every Tuesday at 10:00 and call the day before to order your are you waiting for? Come visit us
a.m., we have line dancing, a fun $6.00 lunch. There will be something new on soon; we are here for you!
way to exercise. At 1:00 p.m. every Wednesday, June 28. There will be
Tuesday, we have cards and games. On Friday, June 23, from 10:30 a special 50/50 Bingo at 1:00 p.m.; If you are looking to make
a.m.-1:00 p.m., enjoy the soothing the proceeds will all go to benefit good use of your idle time, we are
On Tuesday, June 6, there will be seated massage of our tired and the “Save the Creeger House Fund.” always looking for people who
the presentation of a new book by aching muscles at the professional Cost is $5.00 for twenty games, can volunteer some time, at their
Rev. Wesley Glass and John Sipes hands of Marie Free. Cost is $1.00 and $1.00 for the winner-take-all. convenience. Just call Teresa at
called Heaven Our Eternal Home. per minute. Happy Father’s Day Free snacks will be provided at the 301-271-7911. It will make you feel
A limited number of free books will to all fathers on Sunday, June 18! intermission. good, and you will have fun doing
be given out. Enjoy your day and best wishes it.
from the Thurmont Senior Center. On Friday, June 30, from 10:00
On Wednesday mornings, we a.m.-1:30 p.m., Elly Jenkins from Here is a thought to ponder: Life
have Zumba Gold, from 9:30-10:15 Tuesday, June 20, at noon, Fred the Dept. of Aging will be present is not what you get out of it, but
a.m. On Wednesday, June 7, gather Balius from the Mental Health for anyone to talk one-on-one with rather what you put into life, that
all of your relatives and friends and Department will talk on “Aging in makes life worth living! Go have a
come have a great day and lots of Place.” great day!
fun playing Bingo. For as little as
$5.00, you can play twenty games, Wednesday, June 21 is Bingo Day
plus $1.00 to play the winner-take- once again. We are still looking for
all game. The public (ages eighteen fifty or more Bingo players, so our
years and up) is always welcome payouts to you winners will grow
to our Bingos, which are held the even bigger. So, please bring your
first and third Wednesdays of each
month all year long. Our Bingos
are always a great social time with
lots of fun and great free snacks at
intermission time.

On Thursday, June 8, we will be
featuring a real treat for the seniors:
a free show by Taylor Brown,
performing as Elvis in the 50’s, an
intermission, then Elvis in the 70’s.
The show will be from 1:00-3:00
p.m. During intermission, we will
hold the Monthly Birthday Party,
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