Page 37 - June 2017 BNP ALL
P. 37
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2017 Page 37
Community Veteran Event Board right now), Bingo on Thursdays, and
entertainment on Fridays. Starting
Send In Your Veteran Organization’s News off with Jimmy Jones on June 2,
Big Al on June 16. The other three
Thurmont American Legion Post 168 Fridays, we haven’t scheduled anyone
yet, but there will be something
Ed Gravatt, Past Commander going on here to entertain you; so
come on down and have some fun.
The heat is on, school is almost out, please contact the Legion for more You deserve it!
and the pools are opening. I guess that information.
means that the grass is growing faster Flag day is on June 14, we
than it can be mowed. Vacation season I would like to say a big “Thank are hosting the Flag Retirement
is here: the river, the ocean, or the You” to the Boy Scouts and Cub Ceremony this year. Participating
mountains, any place just to get away Scouts for their participation in will be the American Legion posts
and relax. Why is it that after a week our Memorial Day ceremony. They from Emmitsburg and Woodsboro,
or more of relaxing, it takes another placed flags on the graves of our the Cub Scouts, Boy Scout Troops
week to recuperate? The weather is fallen heroes at several of the local 168, 270, and the troop from
always perfect here at the Post! cemeteries; they also placed flags in Woodsboro. The Scouts will be
Memorial Park, remembering our honoring us with their official flag
Last week, our Legion Auxiliary Veterans of our past and current retirement ceremony. There will be
and the American Legion held a conflicts and wars. Thank You also refreshments in our Legion Post.
benefit dinner to assist the families of goes out to Bob White, our Post
several members of our Legion family. commander, and to Gary Spegal, Remember that our Post is here to
With your help, each family has our PEC president, for meeting help our Veterans and their families;
been presented with a sum that may with the Scouts and explaining the if anyone has a question about
help to defray a small portion of the importance and reason for Memorial benefits, please do not hesitate to
enormous cost of caring for a loved Day, and exactly why flags are placed give us a call. If we can’t answer or
one. Thank You. at the cemetery. I also want to say help, we will connect you with the
thank you to any and everyone who person(s) who can.
FREE CAMP! We are seeking participated in and or attended the
children under the age of twelve, who Memorial Day Ceremony. Our kitchen is open on
would appreciate a week at Camp Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
West Mar, under the direction of With summer upon us, things evenings until 8:00 p.m. I must say,
the YMCA, nestled in the peaceful should slow down, but here, they “the food is very good”; if it wasn’t,
Catoctin Mountains. This could be aren’t. We are still having the Ace I wouldn’t eat there.
either a resident camp or a day camp, of Hearts on Wednesdays ($9,800
Our Pavilion and our large Ball
Room, as well as our Party Room,
are available for you to use for
whatever. Please call Brian at 301-
271-4411 to schedule your event.
Community Veteran Event Board right now), Bingo on Thursdays, and
entertainment on Fridays. Starting
Send In Your Veteran Organization’s News off with Jimmy Jones on June 2,
Big Al on June 16. The other three
Thurmont American Legion Post 168 Fridays, we haven’t scheduled anyone
yet, but there will be something
Ed Gravatt, Past Commander going on here to entertain you; so
come on down and have some fun.
The heat is on, school is almost out, please contact the Legion for more You deserve it!
and the pools are opening. I guess that information.
means that the grass is growing faster Flag day is on June 14, we
than it can be mowed. Vacation season I would like to say a big “Thank are hosting the Flag Retirement
is here: the river, the ocean, or the You” to the Boy Scouts and Cub Ceremony this year. Participating
mountains, any place just to get away Scouts for their participation in will be the American Legion posts
and relax. Why is it that after a week our Memorial Day ceremony. They from Emmitsburg and Woodsboro,
or more of relaxing, it takes another placed flags on the graves of our the Cub Scouts, Boy Scout Troops
week to recuperate? The weather is fallen heroes at several of the local 168, 270, and the troop from
always perfect here at the Post! cemeteries; they also placed flags in Woodsboro. The Scouts will be
Memorial Park, remembering our honoring us with their official flag
Last week, our Legion Auxiliary Veterans of our past and current retirement ceremony. There will be
and the American Legion held a conflicts and wars. Thank You also refreshments in our Legion Post.
benefit dinner to assist the families of goes out to Bob White, our Post
several members of our Legion family. commander, and to Gary Spegal, Remember that our Post is here to
With your help, each family has our PEC president, for meeting help our Veterans and their families;
been presented with a sum that may with the Scouts and explaining the if anyone has a question about
help to defray a small portion of the importance and reason for Memorial benefits, please do not hesitate to
enormous cost of caring for a loved Day, and exactly why flags are placed give us a call. If we can’t answer or
one. Thank You. at the cemetery. I also want to say help, we will connect you with the
thank you to any and everyone who person(s) who can.
FREE CAMP! We are seeking participated in and or attended the
children under the age of twelve, who Memorial Day Ceremony. Our kitchen is open on
would appreciate a week at Camp Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
West Mar, under the direction of With summer upon us, things evenings until 8:00 p.m. I must say,
the YMCA, nestled in the peaceful should slow down, but here, they “the food is very good”; if it wasn’t,
Catoctin Mountains. This could be aren’t. We are still having the Ace I wouldn’t eat there.
either a resident camp or a day camp, of Hearts on Wednesdays ($9,800
Our Pavilion and our large Ball
Room, as well as our Party Room,
are available for you to use for
whatever. Please call Brian at 301-
271-4411 to schedule your event.