Page 15 - June 2017 BNP ALL
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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2017 Page 15

The 61st Annual Thurmont & It ’s A l l Abo ut th e Trees
Emmitsburg Community Show
Photography Entry Rule Changes Courtesy Photo

It’s time to be thinking about your entries for the 61st Annual Thurmont & Volunteers joined the Thurmont Mayor, Commissioners, and CAO to accept the Tree City USA
Emmitsburg Community Show! Exhibits may be entered on Thursday night, award from Becky Wilson of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
September 7, 2017, from 6:00-9:00 p.m., and/or Friday morning, September
8, 2017, from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Exhibits must be removed on Sunday, There were several special recognitions at the May 2 Thurmont Town
September 10, 2017, between 3:00-6:00 p.m. Meeting. The Town of Thurmont recognized all of the volunteers who have
been involved in tree planting projects within the past year.
There will be changes made to some of the department classes. Most
notably, changes have been made to the photography exhibits in the Junior, Representatives from the Venturing Crew 270, Boy Scout Troop 270,
Youth, and Adult Departments, with the following rules: No photos should Cub Scout Pack 270, Girl Scout Troop 81200, Catoctin High School Leo
be in frames, glass, or other holders; all photos should be clear and free Club, the Thurmont Green Team, and the Frederick County Forestry Board
of any writing, including the camera recording date; no nude, obscene, or were all recognized for their participation and assistance in planting over
distasteful photographs will be accepted; no other sizes will be accepted in seventy-five trees in Community Park. Becky Wilson from the Department
each department; photographs not printed on photo paper will be excluded of Natural Resources was also recognized for her leadership throughout the
from the competition; photos must conform to department rules and photo tree-planting projects.
mat or poster board may be in any color.
In addition, the Town of Thurmont was named as a Tree City USA for
Junior Department (ages ten and under) photo entries must be submitted their commitment to effective urban forest management. Thurmont now
as a 4x6 photo printed on photo paper and centered on 5x7 photo mat or proudly has become one of only thirty-seven municipalities in the state of
poster board; Youth Department (ages eleven through eighteen) must be Maryland to be named as a Tree City USA.
submitted as a 5x7 photo printed on photo paper and centered on 8x10
photo mat or poster board; and Adult Department (over age eighteen) entries
must be submitted as an 8x10 photo printed on photo paper and centered on
11x14 photo mat or poster board.

The Community Show Committee voted to obtain new photography
exhibit display racks, so that photos are properly displayed. The new
guidelines conform to many shows and fairs across the state.

In early August, the Community Show premium books will be
available at local businesses, and the Community Show website (www. will have all the entry
exhibit listing and schedule of activities.

Main Street Courtesy Photo Brent Stitely Memorial Golf
Clean-Up — Be Pictured are Thomas Kesteven and Hillary To u r n a ment Raises Fund s to
Pa rt of the Te a m Benefit Cancer Society
These guys want YOU (photo)! The Brent Stitely Memorial Photo by Dave Thomas
Come out and have some fun while
helping your community! Golf Tournament was held on
April 29, 2017, at Maple Run
Thurmont Main Street Clean-Up Golf Course in Thurmont, to
will be held on Saturday, June 10, benefit The American Cancer
2017, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Come Society of Frederick County.
be a part of Team Clean to help keep Eighty-four golfers
Main Street looking sweet! Meet at J. participated, raising
Rothrock Outfitters (3 East Main Street) over $4,500 to help fund
at 9:15 a.m. After the clean-up, enjoy education and patient support
complimentary pizza and cold drinks! programs right here in the
For more information, please contact local area. Relay for Life
Thomas at [email protected].

team “FunRaisers” hosted
the tournament, and also
participated in the Frederick
County Relay For Life in One of the “closest to the pin” winners (Austin Frushour,
May at the Banner School in left) being presented his award by Scot Stitely (Brent’s

Frederick for the twentieth
year to honor the memory of son, brother, and friend, Brent Stitely, who lost
his battle with Ewings Sarcoma in 1997 at the age of thirteen.
The day started with a passing storm, which ended by tee time, and
turned into a perfect day. This is exactly what is hoped for families fighting
cancer every day. The day concluded with an award ceremony and a buffet
lunch, served by American Legion Post 168 of Thurmont. They would like to
thank all of their golfers and their generous sponsors for all of their support.

We Invite You to Share Your Good News!
[email protected] • Message Line 240-288-0108 • Publisher’s Line 301-271-1050 • Fax 301-447-2946
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