Page 13 - June 2017 BNP ALL
P. 13
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2017 Page 13

Town Works to Abate Lagoon Smell A To u c h o f S pring Paint Fund raiser
Raises Money for Leukemia and
James Rada, Jr. Lymphoma Society

Kim Andrew of Emmitsburg was lagoon is a nutrient replacement The A Touch of Courtesy Photo
awakened one morning because the that is spread on fields, but new
smell in her house was so foul. The state regulations don’t allow this to Spring Paint with
smell wasn’t coming from anything happen in the winter, so the material Laura fundraiser, held
in her house, though. It was coming must be stored. on April 23, 2017,
from the wastewater treatment plant raised over $$1,100
lagoon that the town rents to Enviro- Residents also wondered if there for the Leukemia and
Organic Technologies (EOT) during were health hazards associated with Lymphoma Society. They
the winter. the smell. In particular, could it affect would like to extend
people with asthma? their gratitude and
The lagoon had not been used special thanks to Laura
since the new wastewater plant Phil Snader, EOT vice president, Day, American Legion
went into operation. EOT currently said that Maryland Department of Post 168, Mountain
hauls the town’s sludge, but it Agriculture regulates the material Gate Restaurant, Adina
was in need of a place to store and that it is a wash water product Imes, Donna Flohr,
food process residuals from mid- from processing poultry. Jenifer Mackley, Tia
November until the beginning of Pictured from left are Emily Stambaugh, Hannah Wolfe, Jennifer
March. An agreement was reached, He said that he believed the smell Wolfe, and Kareena Padgett.
and EOT paid the town $80,000 to started when the material in the Miller-Cope, Erin Boyd,
use the lagoon, which was to be used lagoon was stirred. This broke the Jaime Shaffer-Mickley,
towards some of the operating costs crust on the surface and allowed the Jersey Mikes, Golden Corral for donations, as well as to Tami Hardesty, Carlee
of the new wastewater treatment smell to escape. Hardesty, Khloee Hardesty, Josh Cool, Mike Dewees, Peggy Dewees, Brad
plant, at least for the first year. Doyle, Shannon Cool, Alex Hayes, Jaime Deshautelle, Sue Reid, Lisa Jacobs,
Snader suggested some things Samie Simms, Stephanie Freniere, Carrie Smith, Loretta and Kelly Reid for help
The problem is that the material that could be done to reduce and at the event. The well-attended event showed true support for a great cause.
stored in the lagoon has been hopefully eliminate the smell: (1) A Check out their upcoming fundraisers at
creating a hydrogen sulfide type of biological odor-control agent can be barkers4bloodcancer.
smell. added to the lagoon once it is drained
of material; (2) Mixing can be George Carroll “Let George Do It!”
Mary Ann Wivell of Emmitsburg reduced so as to not compromise the AWNING SALE
told the commissioners that she is crust; (3) Material can be removed 301-252-4960
afraid to hang up her clothes to dry through PVC pipe under the crust [email protected] Control The Weather!
outside for fear that they will pick to keep it intact; and (4) Straw can
up the smell. She and other residents be placed on top of the material that $250 OFF
attended the May town meeting will help a crust form more quickly.
to ask the commissioners to do Sale ends June 30th, 2017
something about the smell, which However, Snader cautioned, “I
has been noticed in the east end of can’t guarantee there will never be an
Emmitsburg since March. odor.”

“We have a beautiful town, and The commissioners are willing to
I’m concerned that you have people give Snader’s solutions a try. Also,
that come here, and that’s all they EOT stopped using the lagoon in
smell,” Wivell said. early May.

Andrew said that she fears she Based on how well the
goes to work some days smelling implemented solutions work, the
of rotten eggs. The material in the commissioners may not want to
rent the lagoon for the same use this
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