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Page 14 June 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Statue of Mary is Crowned at The National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of
Anita DiGregory
On Sunday, May 7, 2017— Lori Stewart, Photo by Anita DiGregory This of May. This Catholic tradition,
despite the chilly temperatures, the Gregory’s which originated in Italy during the
windy conditions, and occasional generous year, their Middle Ages, with the institution
rain—approximately 1,800 people donation son, Brock, of “The Thirty Day Devotion to
were in attendance to witness the helped make assisted Mount Mary,” is often referred to as a
third annual crowning of the statue the idea of Rector of the May crowning. The ceremony
of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the crowning the Seminary Rev. honors Mary as the Queen of May
National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady Mary statue Msgr. Andrew and the Blessed Mother. Although
of Lourdes in Emmitsburg. a reality. Baker with the statue of Mary is crowned,
Due to space the crowning. Catholics recognize that it is not the
The ceremony, which was limitations Adorned with statue which is celebrated but that
preceded by Mass in the glass around the hard hats and which the statue represents: Mary,
chapel, included prayers, hymns, tower, a crane rigging the Mother of Jesus.
and a procession. Mount Saint fire-truck belts, both men
Mary’s Interim President Timothy ladder could were hoisted Clearly visible to all travelers
Trainor and his wife, Donna, were not be used. over 100 feet along that area of Route 15,
in attendance, welcomed everyone, Additionally, in the air to the 25-foot statue of Mary sits
and initiated the procession. Several the high cost crown the above much of the Mount Saint
seminarians from the Mount of renting a 25-foot-tall Mary’s University campus, atop
processed carrying the 12-foot long crane made gold-leafed the Pangborn Campanile (bell
silk flower crown from the chapel the idea bronze statue tower) and measures 95 feet tall all
to the crane, which was donated for seem almost of the Blessed together. With Mary overlooking
use during the ceremony by Steve impossible. Mother. “We the shrine and picturesque
and Cecilia Gregory (Mount alum). However, the do it all for countryside, the Grotto continues
Gregorys just our Mother, to be a beautiful and peaceful
Owners of Big Hook and Crane happened Mary. Some retreat for the local community,
Rigging, the Gregorys have donated to be visiting the shrine one day people think it pilgrims, and visitors, averaging
the services of the crane and its when the topic was being discussed. is extravagant, but we think she is about 280,000 guests a year. Stewart
operators for each of the three They offered then to donate their that special.” added,”It is beautiful being around
years that the statue of Mary has services. The crown will remain atop the people and seeing how they react
been crowned. In fact, according Mary’s head for the entire month to Mary. It is the best part.”
to National Shrine Grotto Director
Statue of Mary is Crowned at The National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of
Anita DiGregory
On Sunday, May 7, 2017— Lori Stewart, Photo by Anita DiGregory This of May. This Catholic tradition,
despite the chilly temperatures, the Gregory’s which originated in Italy during the
windy conditions, and occasional generous year, their Middle Ages, with the institution
rain—approximately 1,800 people donation son, Brock, of “The Thirty Day Devotion to
were in attendance to witness the helped make assisted Mount Mary,” is often referred to as a
third annual crowning of the statue the idea of Rector of the May crowning. The ceremony
of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the crowning the Seminary Rev. honors Mary as the Queen of May
National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady Mary statue Msgr. Andrew and the Blessed Mother. Although
of Lourdes in Emmitsburg. a reality. Baker with the statue of Mary is crowned,
Due to space the crowning. Catholics recognize that it is not the
The ceremony, which was limitations Adorned with statue which is celebrated but that
preceded by Mass in the glass around the hard hats and which the statue represents: Mary,
chapel, included prayers, hymns, tower, a crane rigging the Mother of Jesus.
and a procession. Mount Saint fire-truck belts, both men
Mary’s Interim President Timothy ladder could were hoisted Clearly visible to all travelers
Trainor and his wife, Donna, were not be used. over 100 feet along that area of Route 15,
in attendance, welcomed everyone, Additionally, in the air to the 25-foot statue of Mary sits
and initiated the procession. Several the high cost crown the above much of the Mount Saint
seminarians from the Mount of renting a 25-foot-tall Mary’s University campus, atop
processed carrying the 12-foot long crane made gold-leafed the Pangborn Campanile (bell
silk flower crown from the chapel the idea bronze statue tower) and measures 95 feet tall all
to the crane, which was donated for seem almost of the Blessed together. With Mary overlooking
use during the ceremony by Steve impossible. Mother. “We the shrine and picturesque
and Cecilia Gregory (Mount alum). However, the do it all for countryside, the Grotto continues
Gregorys just our Mother, to be a beautiful and peaceful
Owners of Big Hook and Crane happened Mary. Some retreat for the local community,
Rigging, the Gregorys have donated to be visiting the shrine one day people think it pilgrims, and visitors, averaging
the services of the crane and its when the topic was being discussed. is extravagant, but we think she is about 280,000 guests a year. Stewart
operators for each of the three They offered then to donate their that special.” added,”It is beautiful being around
years that the statue of Mary has services. The crown will remain atop the people and seeing how they react
been crowned. In fact, according Mary’s head for the entire month to Mary. It is the best part.”
to National Shrine Grotto Director