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P. 20
Page 20 February 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Local Family Needs Community’s In their own words
Paul and Marcia Johnson’s Courtesy Photo Annual Family Christmas
(former owners of Catoctin
Mountain Trains on West Main
Street in Thurmont for twenty
years) thirteen-year-old grandson,
Tyler, got a cold that turned into
an infection around his heart The descendants of the late Roy and Helen Wivell held their annual
(Myocarditis, a disease marked by Christmas party at the Mother Seton School on January 1, 2017. There were
inflammation and damage of the 133 family members in attendance. The family now totals 568. Julie, Nina,
heart muscle). He was admitted to Herbie, and Harris led the blessing. Linda Kahley provided an update on the
the hospital and had to be put on a family, announcing ten births, one marriage, and three deaths: Michael Foder,
machine to keep his heart pumping. Henry Wivell, and Roy Wivell, Jr.
Tyler contracted MRSA and passed
away on January 24 at 6:30 p.m. Congratulations were given to those celebrating their anniversaries on a five-
The family needs our support! years basis (twenty-one). Next, many door prizes were given out to the winners
Please consider a donation—every dollar will help this family offset medical (too many to mention).
costs. No matter how small, please try to help them to ease some of the burden
of the trauma they are going through. Cathy Yoder directed the nativity scene with some of the great-
If you would like to donate, please visit grandchildren. The story of the first Christmas was read by Carolyn Wivell,
tyler-johnson-fam…/donate. who also led the singing of the traditional Christmas songs: “Away in a
Manger,” “Hark the Herald the Angels,” “The Three Kings,” and “Silent Night.”
Thinking About a Timber Sale? Now
You Can Call Before You Cut Participants of the nativity scene included Jessica Enlert as Mary, Sean
Englert as Joseph, and Ryan Englert as Jesus. The role of the “Shepherds”
Maryland has more than 2.5 million acres of woodlands, and the majority were played by Alex Kuhn, Lyndon Wivell, and Erykah Damico. The three
are owned and managed by private landowners. Many understand that Kings were played by Madison Kuhn, Autumn Kuhn, and Elyaah Damico. The
successfully managing their property occasionally means cutting some trees “Angels” were played by Riley Lambert, Sydney Lambert, Aubree Wivell, and
for the overall health of the woods, but may have little knowledge about how Elyaah Damico.
best to do so. Now they have access to a free program that can help them make
informed decisions about the timber harvesting process. The “Call Before You The family made a donation to the Emmitsburg Food Bank of canned goods
Cut” program offers professional assistance to landowners considering timber and Mother Seton School. There were many delicious casseroles and goodies,
sales. Landowners can receive complimentary information by visiting the enjoyed by all who attended. Gifts were given to the great-great-grandchildren.
As always, the Wivell family wishes everyone a holy, happy and healthy New
— God Bless Everyone and America, Helen Reaver
Local Family Needs Community’s In their own words
Paul and Marcia Johnson’s Courtesy Photo Annual Family Christmas
(former owners of Catoctin
Mountain Trains on West Main
Street in Thurmont for twenty
years) thirteen-year-old grandson,
Tyler, got a cold that turned into
an infection around his heart The descendants of the late Roy and Helen Wivell held their annual
(Myocarditis, a disease marked by Christmas party at the Mother Seton School on January 1, 2017. There were
inflammation and damage of the 133 family members in attendance. The family now totals 568. Julie, Nina,
heart muscle). He was admitted to Herbie, and Harris led the blessing. Linda Kahley provided an update on the
the hospital and had to be put on a family, announcing ten births, one marriage, and three deaths: Michael Foder,
machine to keep his heart pumping. Henry Wivell, and Roy Wivell, Jr.
Tyler contracted MRSA and passed
away on January 24 at 6:30 p.m. Congratulations were given to those celebrating their anniversaries on a five-
The family needs our support! years basis (twenty-one). Next, many door prizes were given out to the winners
Please consider a donation—every dollar will help this family offset medical (too many to mention).
costs. No matter how small, please try to help them to ease some of the burden
of the trauma they are going through. Cathy Yoder directed the nativity scene with some of the great-
If you would like to donate, please visit grandchildren. The story of the first Christmas was read by Carolyn Wivell,
tyler-johnson-fam…/donate. who also led the singing of the traditional Christmas songs: “Away in a
Manger,” “Hark the Herald the Angels,” “The Three Kings,” and “Silent Night.”
Thinking About a Timber Sale? Now
You Can Call Before You Cut Participants of the nativity scene included Jessica Enlert as Mary, Sean
Englert as Joseph, and Ryan Englert as Jesus. The role of the “Shepherds”
Maryland has more than 2.5 million acres of woodlands, and the majority were played by Alex Kuhn, Lyndon Wivell, and Erykah Damico. The three
are owned and managed by private landowners. Many understand that Kings were played by Madison Kuhn, Autumn Kuhn, and Elyaah Damico. The
successfully managing their property occasionally means cutting some trees “Angels” were played by Riley Lambert, Sydney Lambert, Aubree Wivell, and
for the overall health of the woods, but may have little knowledge about how Elyaah Damico.
best to do so. Now they have access to a free program that can help them make
informed decisions about the timber harvesting process. The “Call Before You The family made a donation to the Emmitsburg Food Bank of canned goods
Cut” program offers professional assistance to landowners considering timber and Mother Seton School. There were many delicious casseroles and goodies,
sales. Landowners can receive complimentary information by visiting the enjoyed by all who attended. Gifts were given to the great-great-grandchildren.
As always, the Wivell family wishes everyone a holy, happy and healthy New
— God Bless Everyone and America, Helen Reaver