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P. 16
Page 16 February 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
AMVETS Post 7 Shares Holiday Joy With Others
Jehu B. Shown
Members of the in red to provide a
AMVETS Post 7 in memorable holiday to
Thurmont, Ladies others.
Auxiliary, Sons of A Children’s
AMVETS, and the Christmas Party was
AMVETS Riders offered held for the children
their service to others and grandchildren of
during the holiday season. members, as well as
Members provided for children of local
camaraderie to senior military units. The
residents at Homewood children were delighted
at Crumland Farms in when Santa Claus
Frederick and at St. appeared to hear each
Joseph’s Ministries in child’s wish list. The
Emmitsburg. Susan Shown, Pat Superczynski, Donnie McKinnon, Mary Forrest, Jehu Shown, children received treats as
Mary McKinnon, James Payne, and Richard Fleagle are shown at Homeland at well as small gifts during
Residents at North
Point Homeless Veterans Crumland Farms. the party.
Program in Hagerstown were Contributions were also made
treated to holiday cookies, and to the Wreaths Across America
members visited with patients at program to help remember and
the Martinsburg Veterans Hospital honor deceased Veterans during the
Center and distributed “We Care” holiday season.
kits, Beanie Babies, and Bobble More than $6,690 was donated
Heads. to include the activities above,
A Giving Tree to help less as well as to support homeless
fortunate families, a Toy Drive Veterans, children’s hospitals, a local
to benefit pediatric patients at food bank, and families in need.
Frederick Memorial Hospital, and
Care packages for active military North Point Homeless Veterans Program: Sandi
personnel helped the jolly man Reed-Burns presents holiday cookies to Program
Supervisor Jennifer Drake for program clients.
A d v e r t i s e ! a d s @ T h e C a t o c t i n B a n n e r. c o m
AMVETS Post 7 Shares Holiday Joy With Others
Jehu B. Shown
Members of the in red to provide a
AMVETS Post 7 in memorable holiday to
Thurmont, Ladies others.
Auxiliary, Sons of A Children’s
AMVETS, and the Christmas Party was
AMVETS Riders offered held for the children
their service to others and grandchildren of
during the holiday season. members, as well as
Members provided for children of local
camaraderie to senior military units. The
residents at Homewood children were delighted
at Crumland Farms in when Santa Claus
Frederick and at St. appeared to hear each
Joseph’s Ministries in child’s wish list. The
Emmitsburg. Susan Shown, Pat Superczynski, Donnie McKinnon, Mary Forrest, Jehu Shown, children received treats as
Mary McKinnon, James Payne, and Richard Fleagle are shown at Homeland at well as small gifts during
Residents at North
Point Homeless Veterans Crumland Farms. the party.
Program in Hagerstown were Contributions were also made
treated to holiday cookies, and to the Wreaths Across America
members visited with patients at program to help remember and
the Martinsburg Veterans Hospital honor deceased Veterans during the
Center and distributed “We Care” holiday season.
kits, Beanie Babies, and Bobble More than $6,690 was donated
Heads. to include the activities above,
A Giving Tree to help less as well as to support homeless
fortunate families, a Toy Drive Veterans, children’s hospitals, a local
to benefit pediatric patients at food bank, and families in need.
Frederick Memorial Hospital, and
Care packages for active military North Point Homeless Veterans Program: Sandi
personnel helped the jolly man Reed-Burns presents holiday cookies to Program
Supervisor Jennifer Drake for program clients.
A d v e r t i s e ! a d s @ T h e C a t o c t i n B a n n e r. c o m