Page 47 - August Banner 2017_Neat
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Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                        August  2017            Page 47

                                                      Community Calendar

                popcorn & movie (Finding Dory) 6:30-  19 ...Up & Out Foundation’s 4th Annual   27 ...Elizabeth  Ann  Seton  Birthday  september
                8:30 p.m. 717-321-0169.               Run For Recovery 5K Run/Walk,        Celebration, National Shrine of Saint
            12 ...National  Farmers  Market  Week     Monocacy Village Park, 409 Delaware   Elizabeth Ann Seton, 339 South Seton   3......ThorpeWood’s  10th  Annual  5K  Trail
                Celebration, Thurmont Main Street     Rd., Frederick, MD. 8-11 a.m. To raise   Ave.,  Emmitsburg.  1:30 p.m.  All   Walk & 10K Trail Run, 12805-A
                Farmers  Market,  Municipal  Parking   awareness & educate about any kind of   welcome. Free. Helen Jahn 301-447-  Mink Farm Rd., Thurmont. 8-11
                Lot, South Center St. (behind PNC     addiction & promote healthy lifestyle   6606  or [email protected].   a.m. Proceeds benefit ThorpeWood’s
                Bank), Thurmont. Detour Winery,       alternatives. Register:              partnership w/Frederick County Head
                Josh Bollinger’s pit beef, pork & turkey   19 ...Festival, St. John’s UCC, church pavilion   28 ...Mackenzie’s Light Addiction Awareness   Start. Register: &
                sandwiches, music by Michael Warner,   off Harbaugh Valley Road, Sabillasville.   Program, Thurmont Regional Library,   search: ThorpeWood. 301-271-2823.
                Trades of Hope & much more! www.      Starts at 3:00 p.m. Free.            Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m. Meets   10 ...Platoon 22 Bingo, Lewistown Vol. Fire
                19,20..WW II Weekend, The Children’s      last Monday of each month. Open to    Dept., 11101 Hessong Bridge Rd.,
            12 ...Annual Big Picnic, Mount Tabor Park,   Museum of Rose Hill Manor Park,   all who are seeking information or have   Lewistown. Doors open noon. Benefits
                13616 Motters Station Rd., Rocky      1611 N. Market St., Frederick, MD.   been impacted by drug abuse in the    Suicide Prevention. Prizes, 50/50 raffle,
                                                                                           family. Becky Freeze 301-524-8064 or
                Ridge, MD. 3-9 p.m.  Music by River   11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Nancy Sweet 301-                                      cash prizes, lunch available. Tickets:
                Bend Band 6-9 p.m.; Baby Show 4 p.m.   600-1650; nsweet@frederickcountymd.  go to Facebook.            
                (registration 3 p.m.). Food & ice cream.  gov.                         28 ...Last Day to Register to Vote w/     22-tickets-35791463230.  Questions:
            12 ...Annual Picnic, Mt. Bethel United   21 ...Free Special Prize Bingo, Thurmont   Frederick County to be able to Vote   [email protected].
                Methodist  Church,  14110  Stottlemyer   Sr.  Ctr., 806  E.  Main  St.,  Thurmont.   on Town of Emmitsburg Election Day   16 ...Emmitsburg Vol. Ambulance Company’s
                Road, Foxville. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Chapel   2-3 p.m. Sponsored by St. Joseph’s   (Sept. 26). Register to vote/applications:   Bingo Bash, 17701 Creamery Rd.,
                Blue Grass Band. Food for sale. 301-  Ministries. 301-271-7911.            Emmitsburg Town Office, 300A S.       Emmitsburg. Doors open 4 p.m.; games
                271-7961.                        22 ...Catoctin  School  Supply  Drive     Seton Ave. or www.elections.maryland.  7 p.m. $40 in advance; $50 at door. 22
            12 ...UME  Frederick  County  Master      Distribution,  Graceham  Moravian    gov.                                  games paying $250 ea.; 3 $1,000 jackpots
                Gardener FREE 2017 Seminar: Extend    Church, 8231 Rocky Ridge Rd.,    29....Family Movie Night: UP (Rated PG),   & a meal. Tickets: Pam Ellison 240-472-
                                                                                                                                 3484 or Mary Lou 240-285-3184.
                the Growing Season, UME Office, 330   Thurmont. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Program      Thurmont  Regional  Library, 76  E.
                Montevue Ln., (off Rosemont Avenue),   is to assist students attending the   Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6 p.m. Bring   23 ...Gospel & Blue Grass Music Festival, Mt.
                Frederick, MD. 10 a.m.-noon. Begin    Catoctin Feeder Schools: Emmitsburg   your own snacks, blanket & pillows.   Tabor Park, Rocky Ridge, MD. 1-6 p.m.
                to plant now for a second harvest this   Elementary, Lewistown  Elementary,   301-600-7212.                      Free admission (donations welcome).
                fall. Find out what to plant and when to   Sabillasville Elementary, Thurmont   30 ...Special 50/50 Bingo to Benefit the   Featuring local talents & Carroll County
                plant it. Discover the benefits of making   Elementary,  Thurmont  Primary,  Thurmont Food Bank, Thurmont        Ramblers and Hanover Express.
                and using row covers. Register: www.  Thurmont Middle & Catoctin High      Sr.  Ctr.,  806  E.  Main  St.,  Thurmont.   30 ...Rocky Ridge Vol. Fire Co. Sportsman
         School. Jennifer Harbaugh caringind@  1-3 p.m. Half of proceeds will go to   Bingo, 13527 Motters Station Rd,
                home-gardening/mg-happenings or Lisa or 301-639-9970.            Thurmont Food Bank. If you wish,      Rocky Ridge, MD. Doors open 4 p.m.;
                301-600-1595.                    22....Family Movie Night: WALL-E (Rated   bring canned/nonperishable good to    meal 5 p.m.; Bingo 6:30 p.m. $40/
            13 ...Chicken Bar-B-Q, Lewistown Ruritan,   G), Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E.   donate; donation box will be available.   person (no tickets sold at door). 20
                U.S. Route 15 North & Fish Hatchery   Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6 p.m. Bring    Open to  public. Must be 18 to play   games: 10 - $200 prizes; 10 - gun prizes.
                Rd., Lewistown.                       your own snacks, blanket & pillows.   Bingo. $5 to play, specials, pickle jar; $1   Meal included. Door prizes, Bingo balls,
            13 ...Music on the Deck Concert: Forever   301-600-7212.                       coverall last game, winner take all. 301-  gun jars, 50/50 raffles. Tickets: Buddy
                                                                                                                                 Stover 301-271-4650.
                Young, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 2   24 ...Elly Jenkins Dept. of Aging, Thurmont   271-7911.
                p.m. Free admission.                  Senior Center, 806 E. Main St.,
            13 ...Zumbathon Charity Event, Thurmont   Thurmont. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sign up   www . thecatoctinb anner .com
                Senior  Center,  806 East  Main  St.,   for half-hour appt. to discuss Dept.
                Thurmont. 2-4 p.m. Doors open 1:45    of Aging Programs for seniors and/or
                p.m. In advance: $5 (55+) & $10 (under   Medicare. 301-271-7911.
                55). At door: $10 (55+) & $15 (under   24....Make  Your  Own  Goo, Thurmont
                55). Energizing afternoon of Zumba    Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd.,
                & Zumba Gold formats. Several guest   Thurmont. 5 p.m. Make it glittery,
                instructors. Door prizes. All proceeds   sparkly, or dark dismal. 301-600-
                support Thurmont Senior Center. Kellie   7212.
                Bevard 301-748-4678.             26 ...Grace Rocky  Hill  Church  Strawberry
            14 ...Mackenzie’s Light (a bereavement    Festival, 10825 Coppermine Rd.,
                support group),  Thurmont Regional    Woodsboro, MD. Music by 5.5 Men 4
                Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6:30    p.m.
                p.m. Discussion leader: Colt Black.   26 ...UME  Frederick  County  Master
                Anyone impacted by the loss of a loved   Gardener  FREE  2017  Seminar:
                one is welcome. Meets second Monday   Preserving the Garden’s Harvest,
                of each month. Colt 240-288-1300 or   UME Office, 330 Montevue Ln.,
                go to Facebook.                       (off Rosemont Avenue), Frederick,
            14 ...Dining  for Dollars,  Chipotle  (Rt.  26),   MD. Explore different techniques
                Frederick, MD. 5-8 p.m. Mention CHS   for preserving your garden’s bounty
                Safe & Sane when ordering; portion of   of vegetables, fruits & herbs: drying,
                bill will be donated to CHS Class of   canning, and freezing; dry storage; and
                2018 Safe & Sane.                     other tried-and-true methods. Register:
            14 ...Hoke Furniture Company: Master
                Craftsman  in  Thurmont. Thurmont     county/home-gardening/mg-happenings
                Regional Library, 76 East Moser Rd.,   or Lisa 301-600-1595.
                Thurmont. 7 p.m. Free. 301-600-7212.  26....Art on the Deck: Carving with Tom
            14-19 .Rocky Ridge Carnival, Mt. Tabor Park,   Sterner, Thurmont Regional Library,
                Motter Station Road, Rocky Ridge.     76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 1 p.m.
            15....Family Movie Night:  Lilo and Stitch   Register:
                (Rated  PG),  Thurmont  Regional   27 ...Thurmont AMVETS Ladies Auxilary
                Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont.   Post 7, Classic Car, Truck & Bike
                6 p.m. Bring your own snacks, blanket   Show (All makes and models welcome),
                & pillows. 301-600-7212.              Thurmont Guardian Hose Activities
            18 ...Third & Final “Pool Party,” Community   Bldg., East Main St., Thurmont. 10
                                                      a.m.-3 p.m. Registration (10 a.m.-1
                Park, Emmitsburg. 6-8 p.m. Featuring   p.m.): $12. Participant voting closes at
                hot  dogs,  drinks,  Rita’s  Italian  Ice,   1 p.m.; Top 25 Awards 2:30 p.m. Great
                music & games.                        food provided by Ladies Auxiliary.
            18 ...Groundbreaking for the New Seton    Chinese  Auction,  50/50  raffle,  Music
                Center, off E. Lincoln Ave., west of   DJ, “Oldies Music.”
                Mother Seton School, Emmitsburg. 3   27 ...Guyton Reunion, Mount Tabor Church
                p.m.                                  Activities Bldg., 10043 Longs Mill
            18 ...Marie Free Seated Massage, Thurmont   Rd., Rocky Ridge, MD. 1 p.m. Bring a
                Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont.   covered dish and any recipes and photos
                10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. $1/minute. 301-271-  you want to include in booklets. Irene
                7911.                                 Miller 301-271-7687.
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