Page 46 - August Banner 2017_Neat
P. 46
Page 46 August 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Classifieds Community Calendar
Wanted Notices august
WANTED: Any unwanted lawn mowers, tillers, How Would You Like To FEEL 25 Years 1......Line Dancing, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. activities, food, pet-friendly activities,
snow blowers, or yard items. FREE Pickup! 301- YOUNGER and LIVE 25 Years LONGER? Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 a.m. Free. demos, giveaways, music & much
271-4266. Go to now! Read 301-271-7911. Also: Aug. 8, 15, 22, more! 301-271-7313.
how VIVIX Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic is a 29. 5......Horse Storytime (birth thru 5th grade),
Antiques & Collectibles like crocks, jugs, REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH in the 1......Nighttime on the Deck: Critters & Eyler’s Stable, Thurmont. 11 a.m.
postcards, photographs, advertising items, old fight against cellular aging. All natural. Contact Conservation, Thurmont Regional Thurmont Regional Library Program.
signs, old dolls, toys & trains (pre-1965), quilts, Jeanne at 301-305-1466. Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont.
political items, guns, old holiday decorations, 6:30 p.m. 301-600-7212. 5 ..... Emmitsburg Trails Workday, Rainbow
hunting & fishing items, jewelry and coins; gold, Services 2......Parents Meeting for CHS Class of 2018 Lake, Hampton Valley Rd., Emmitsburg.
sterling, coin collections, etc., etc. Will buy one Safe & Sane, Thurmont Library, 76 E. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Refreshments, giveaways,
item, collection, or entire estate. 301-514-2631. Piano Lessons: Experienced professional musician Moser Rd., Thurmont. 7-8:30 p.m. BBQ after work in town. todonnell@
and certified public school teacher. All ages; adults 2......Learn How to Enjoy Your Garden
Donate your vehicle—any condition! Free towing, welcome. Located in Thurmont. Call or text Beth Produce When Winter Snow Falls, 6......Cash Bingo, Sons of the American
all proceeds benefit Catoctin Pregnancy Center. at 240-529-8108 or email [email protected]. Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Legion Post 239, 14418 MacAfee Hill
We are in need of donated clothing, sizes infant to Moser Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m. 301- Rd., Highfield-Cascade, MD. Doors
5 years. Call 301-447-3391 for more information. Critter Care by Greta. Full Service care for all 600-7212. open 11 a.m.; early bird games 12:45
domestic and farm animals. Call for a quote. 2......50/50 Bingo, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. p.m. Refreshments avail. No alcoholic
For Rent Prices based on individual needs. Call Greta at Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Open to 8......Family Movie Night: Finding Nemo
beverages allowed in Bingo hall.
public. Must be 18 to play Bingo. $5 to
COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT: Thurmont play, specials, pickle jar; $1 coverall last (Rated G), Thurmont Regional
202 E. Main St., 2000 Square Feet with loading Denny Brown Custom Painting. Professional game. 301-271-7911. Also. Aug. 16, Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont.
dock. $1100/mo + utils. Owner: 301-565-0946. brush and roll. Free estimates. 240-674-7788. 3......Annual Thurmont Senior Center Picnic, 6 p.m. Bring your own snacks, blanket
Thurmont Town Park, Thurmont. 11 & pillows. 301-600-7212.
OFFICE/STORE FRONT: EMMITSBURG Rick Hurley & Son Small Engine Repair Service. a.m.; eat at noon. Pot Luck—bring dish 8......Teens Celebrate All Things Rebel
TOWN SQUARE. THREE ROOMS & FLUSH, Call 301-271-2117 or 240-285-2494 (leave or dessert to share OR pay $6. Need Alliance, Screening of The Force
~800 sq. ft. $700.00/ month. 301-447-3585. message). count for fried chicken supplied by Awakens, Thurmont Regional Library,
center, so sign up at center or call 301- 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 1 p.m.
Licensed Commercial Hall Rental: Weddings, Tire Pros of Frederick: Free 1 year roadside 271-7911. Crafts & snacks. 301-600-7212.
Banquets, Events of any kind. Call American assistance, **lowest price guarantee** sell all 4......Dining for Dollars, Roy Rogers, 9......Lunch & Learn, Myers-Durboraw
Legion at 301-271-4411. major brands: Good Year, Michelin, Continental, Thurmont. 5-8 p.m. Mention CHS Safe Funeral Home at Carriage House Inn,
Bridgestone, and more! Visit tireporsofFrederick. & Sane when ordering; portion of bill 200 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 11:30
FOR RENT: Thurmont Senior Center, evening com or call 301-663-6334. will be donated to CHS Class of 2018 a.m. 410-848-3933.
and weekends. Call 301-271-7911. Safe & Sane. 10 ...Free Blood Pressure Checks, Thurmont
For Sale 4......The Hyssongs, Tom’s Creek Church, Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10
Moon Bounce: $100 per day. 240-674-3856. 10926 Simmons Rd., Emmitsburg. 7 a.m.-noon. Right At Home. 301-271-
Grace Next Generation No-Baste Machine Quilting p.m. Give The Hyssongs a great big 7911.
Hall/Pavilion for Rent: Looking for a place for a Frame - 4 rails (does not include a sewing machine) Tom’s Creek welcome. Bring your 10 ...Monthly Birthday Party, Thurmont Sr.
meeting, reunion, reception, picnic, or party? St. $250. Call 301-788-8408. friends! Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 12:30
John’s UCC in Sabillasville rents its pavilion or 5… Grace Rocky Hill Church Strawberry p.m. Birthday people get picture taken
parish hall. Contact Donna Smith at 717-762-5297. For Sale: Seasoned Firewood. Call 301-271-4812. Festival, 10825 Coppermine Rd., for “Senior Moments” in The Catoctin
Woodsboro, MD. Music by Back Roads Banner. Cake & ice cream. All seniors
Help Wanted Approximately 30 pallets of tile faced block 4 p.m. welcome. Call day before to order lunch
(avocado, burgundy, and gold), cubes of brick, and
($6): 301-271-7911.
Immediate Job Openings! Construction equipment ground faced block. Priced to go! 301-271-1050. 5......Holland Grill Demo, Zurgable 11 ...Free Friday Family Fun Night, Carroll
Hardware, 1663 Old Emmitsburg
operators and laborers. Inquire at Field Office at 2 Road, Emmitsburg. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 Valley Common Pavilion, 5685 Fairfield
1st Avenue, Emmitsburg or call Jim at 202-705-5865. 6 dozen canning jars. Quart size. All in good p.m. Rd., Fairfield (rain or shine; parent
Milani Constrution, Inc. condition. Some rings on jars are good. Also comes 5......Thurmont Community Fun Fest, Eyler must accompany children). Children’s
with box that has some lids and rings in it. $25.00/ Road Park, Thurmont. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Grocery Store open from 6-8:30 p.m.
Beltway Companies currently seeking experienced OBO. Call 301-271-2540. (kids can shop for foods provided at no
diesel technicians in the Baltimore, Northeast Presented by Town of Thurmont and cost, no income questions asked). Pizza,
CYA Football & Cheer Teams. Games,
and Hagerstown area. We offer: top hourly rates, Complete set of Thurmont Cat’s Meow. Displayed
performance bonus, paid International and Cummins in smoke free pet free home. 28 pieces total. Selling
training, ASE certification reimbursements and pay only as a complete set. $75. 301-639-6871.
incentives, health insurance, 401k, paid time off,
uniforms and an excellent work environment. Contact
Scott Bowman at 410-247-5700 or visit www. Reward
REWARD: $2,000 for the return of a 2017
Aramark Dining Service at Mount St. Mary’s Honda Foreman 500 4 Wheeler and $500 for the
University seeks cashiers, lead cooks, cooks, food responsible party. Stolen 5/11/17 in Thurmont,
service worker, baker, general utility workers. Part or around 11 p.m. If you know someone trying to sell
full time positions available. Apply online at www. a new 4 wheeler or just took possession of one, call search keyword “Emmitsburg”. 301-992-3682. VIN# 1HFTE4404H4302997.
Yard Sale T e s t Y o u r W o r d P o w e r
Estate Yard Sale – 13704 Hillside Ave., Thurmont. — A n s w e r s —
Friday, Aug 25 & Sat. Aug 26 – 8am – 4pm. 1. a 3. c 5. a
Antiques, collectibles, Longaberger, Disney, Boyd’s
Bears, Country Decorating Items, Furniture & more! 2. c 4. b 6. a
Rain or Shine.
7. i nt r ov er t
Answer to Movie Trivia “What Movie Am I?”
The Shawshank Redemption, a 1994 film, starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman,
tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is sentenced to life in Shawshank State
Penitentiary for the murder of his wife and her lover, despite his claims of innocence. During
his time at the prison, he befriends a fellow inmate, Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding, and finds himself
protected by the guards after the warden begins using him in his money-laundering operation.