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Page 8 September 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Business news

Paul’s Pit Stop Reopens Hidden Details in Catoctin Mountain
Trains Painting
James Rada, Jr.
James Rada, Jr.
Looking better than Photo by James Rada, Jr.

ever, Paul’s Pit Stop on For twenty-five years,
South Seton Avenue in
Emmitsburg reopened Catoctin Mountain Trains
and Hobbies was a local
on Monday, August 8, fixture in downtown
A fire last December Thurmont. People came
from all over to get just
had destroyed some the right car for their train
of the six second-floor
apartments and closed gardens. As popular as the
store was, it was busiest
the liquor store. around Christmas time.
Neeta Pansuriya, the
owner of the store, said Paul and Marcia
Johnson owned the store,
that she smelled smoke but when they retired,
upstairs and dialed 911.
Then she started calling Owner Neeta Pansuriya (shown right) welcomed customers back the store closed and
the tenants, trying to on August 8, 2016, when Paul’s Pit Stop reopened after a fire apparently all of those
find out where the smoke last year. Courtesy Photo of Catoctin Mountain Trains and Hobbies painting

memories went the way
of the wind. However, the Johnsons
was coming from. “We are more secure now, and we commissioned a painting be done of • Paul himself can be seen through
the store’s front window.
“I had just started calling tenants have the latest fire alarm system,” the store.
when the first truck arrived here,” said Pansuriya. “It’s not just Christmas at the
Pansuriya said. “Vigilant Hose was While the store’s reopening was “We wanted to have something to
very fast.” done with little fanfare, plenty of train shop,” Marcia Johnson said. remember the store by, and because
Units from Frederick, Carroll, people heard about it. Old customers “It’s about our family.” I’m a storyteller, I wanted to have all
Adams, and Franklin counties stopped in to check out the new of these things in it to tell the story
responded to the fire. The fire was store, compliment her on the store’s The painting is peppered with of our family,” expressed Marcia,
brought under control, but the appearance, and congratulate personal memories, just waiting for adding, “I wanted it to mean
apartments were uninhabitable. Pansuriya on the reopening. someone who knows the Johnsons something for our family.”
to spot them:
Even now, when Marcia talks
Pansuriya said that most of the “Everybody seems pleased, and • The two children looking in the about all of the family details in the
damage to her store was caused by we are working to rebuild our
the water used to put out the fire. customers to where they were before store window are the Johnson’s painting, it brings tears to her eyes.
children, Wendy and Chip.
She always knew that she would the fire.” • The horse drawing the sleigh The original painting hangs in
the Johnsons’ living room. However,
reopen the store, but it took a long Tenants have also started to move is the same one that Paul rode they had copies made for their
time. Her insurance company had into the refurbished apartments,
to be contacted and claims filed. although some of the former tenants when he was with the National children and other family members.
Park police. The horse’s name,
Then she had to secure a contractor have gone on to find new housing. Bambini, is on the bridle. They also had the painting made
into blank cards that they can send
and have the renovation of the For Pansuriya, it’s a relief from • The dog in the painting is the out at Christmas.
store done. Finally, she had to go the stress of trying to recover from
through the regulatory hoops and the fire. Now she can focus on family’s dog. The Thurmont Lions Club
• The man coming down the stairs selected the painting to be made
inspections. serving her customers once again. in the painting is Paul’s right-hand into their annual limited-edition

man in the store, Peter Vellizzi. Christmas ornaments.
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