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P. 4
Page 4 September 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Tow n Ha l l Re p or t s Commissioners Hear from Thurmont
August 2016 Residents Regarding Dog Park
Blue Toilets Appear in Thurmont
by James Rada, Jr. The Emmitsburg mayor and Yards
commissioners heard public
Emmitsburg Improving Credit Card Payments comment about the possible location The blue toilets around Thurmont
Responding to requests from of a 150-foot by 100-foot dog park is part of a fundraiser for the Civitan
Town Election: September 27 in the Community Park, which is Club. The blue toilets will be placed
The Emmitsburg town election will residents, Town of Emmitsburg staff behind the Southgate community. in yards of Thurmont residents for
is seeking ways to make paying town This site best meets the town’s 48 hours. The property owner has to
be held Tuesday, September 27, from bills online a more user-friendly criteria for ease of parking, ease of pay to have it removed. The property
7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. The election is experience. Staff has spoken with access, safety, ease of maintenance, owner can also pay to select who the
for two commissioner seats, currently various providers to see what options and access to a water line. Three next recipient of the toilet will be,
held by Glenn Blanchard and they offer. Currently, there is a $3.95 of the four people who addressed pay for insurance so that it won’t find
Jennifer Mellor. The newly elected flat fee (or a 2 percent charge) to the commissioners were against its way back to the property, and pay
commissioners will be sworn in during residents to pay a town bill with a the proposed location. Besides to have it removed early. All of the
the town meeting on October 3. credit card online. Bank transfers to the nearness to their homes, they funds raised will go toward the new
pay bills cost the town 25 cents per were concerned with things like inclusive playground that the Civitan
Town Wants Grant to Finish transfer. Staff will continue to seek a noise, waste, child safety, loose Club is building.
Square Project way to refine the costs and process dogs in the neighborhood, and dog
and make recommendations in the abandonment in the park. Planning and Zoning Commission
The Emmitsburg Mayor and future. Member Appointed
Commissioners approved a resolution The person who spoke in favor of
to seek a second Community Legacy The town is also considering the park lived in a different area of Victor Cranberry was recently
Grant in the amount of $170,523 for ways to be able to take credit card town. appointed as an alternate member
the Emmitsburg Square Project. This payments at the town office. The cost to the Thurmont Planning and
is for the remaining amount needed to do this would be 25 cents, plus While the proposed location has Zoning Commission. He was the
to finish the project, in addition to 2.1 percent of each transaction, in some problems, it is the best location only applicant for the position, but
funds the town has already set aside. addition to a monthly fee. To cover that the town has been able to he has experience by serving on the
The other Community Legacy Grant these costs, the town may need to identify for a dog park. Thurmont Police Commission and
is for Main Street improvements and charge a $5.00 convenience fee to the the Frederick County Parks and
is submitted annually to the state. customer for each transaction. The commissioners heard the Recreation Commission.
comments of residents but took no
New Member of Citizens Advisory Town Receives Grant for Pool action on the issue. Commissioner New Multi-purpose Field Contract
Committee Repairs Cliff Sweeney suggested the Scott Awarded
Road Farm as a possible location,
Brandy Malocha, one of the The Town of Emmitsburg has which will be examined by town The Thurmont mayor and
owners of Emmitsburg Tattoo and a received a $217,000 grant from the staff. commissioners recently awarded
Montgomery County police officer, is Maryland Department of Public the contract to build a new multi-
now a member the Citizens Advisory Works to repair the leaking 45-year- For more information on the town of purpose field next to the football field.
Committee. She was appointed old pool. The grant should also pay Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. Three companies attended the pre-
unanimously by the Emmitsburg for resurfacing of the pool, repairs to gov or call 301-600-6300. bid meeting, but only one company
Mayor and Commissioners during the bath house, new lifeguard chairs, submitted a bid. W. F. Deluater and
their August meeting. and new umbrellas. All funds raised were for charities, Son submitted a bid for $168,481 for
and the rides should bring back the field and $58,581 for 2,000 linear
From the Mayor to the Emmitsburg Cares Facebook tourism to our town. Thank you, feet of fencing. The total project cost
Emmitsburg page for more information. Commissioner Tim O’Donnell. came in below the amount projected
for the project. The field should be
by Mayor Briggs Paul’s Pit Stop, closed since a fire The Downtown Square finished in the fall, which will allow it
last November, reopened on August revitalization is still on schedule to be used next fall once the grass has
Why is the return to school 8. There was significant damage to begin spring 2017. The square been established.
referred to as “back to school”? from the fire. All are thankful project will include replacing all the
Why not “forward to school”? that the owner had the spirit and sidewalks on East and West Main For more information on the town of
Added maturity, new experiences, conviction to reopen. Street. Thurmont, visit
new courses, athletics, and other or call the town office at 301-271-
after-school activities lie ahead, not Work began on the walkway Finally, the new Flat Run Bridge 7313.
“back.” along East Lincoln Avenue. The project is beginning to show signs
walkway connecting Creamery of getting started. Town Planner
Thank you to the anonymous Road and South Seton Avenue was Cipperly and I met briefly with
Emmitsburg giver for providing free targeted to be open around the the construction contractor, and
pool passes to the children. time that school starts. Kids going construction components are
to and from our two schools will starting to show up. Construction
Emmitsburg Cares: See Something no longer have to compete with is projected to be completed by
Say Something held its first meeting vehicular traffic. This is the eighth August 2018. We have been assured
in August. It was a wonderful sidewalk connection made in the last that there will be two-way traffic
evening of joint prayer, talks four years. We are on our way to throughout the project.
by resident Elizabeth Buchman becoming a walkable community.
and Deputy Travis Rohrer, and Start exercising! There will be a
comprehensive discussions, all for As you may have noticed, there Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot.
a very engaged audience. If you has been a lot of biking activity in
see anything suspicious, call non- Emmitsburg. There have been eight Welcome State Farm Insurance
emergency Sheriff at 301-600-1046 hundred to a thousand bike riders and Emmitsburg Tattoo. Thank you
and leave information with the through our town. First, for the for selecting Emmitsburg.
option of being anonymous. Visit Firefighters 50, Century Ride. Next,
[email protected] or go Bike MS, and then as a part of the Hoping that everyone has a
nationally known Tour de Frederick. wonderful Labor Day.
Tow n Ha l l Re p or t s Commissioners Hear from Thurmont
August 2016 Residents Regarding Dog Park
Blue Toilets Appear in Thurmont
by James Rada, Jr. The Emmitsburg mayor and Yards
commissioners heard public
Emmitsburg Improving Credit Card Payments comment about the possible location The blue toilets around Thurmont
Responding to requests from of a 150-foot by 100-foot dog park is part of a fundraiser for the Civitan
Town Election: September 27 in the Community Park, which is Club. The blue toilets will be placed
The Emmitsburg town election will residents, Town of Emmitsburg staff behind the Southgate community. in yards of Thurmont residents for
is seeking ways to make paying town This site best meets the town’s 48 hours. The property owner has to
be held Tuesday, September 27, from bills online a more user-friendly criteria for ease of parking, ease of pay to have it removed. The property
7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. The election is experience. Staff has spoken with access, safety, ease of maintenance, owner can also pay to select who the
for two commissioner seats, currently various providers to see what options and access to a water line. Three next recipient of the toilet will be,
held by Glenn Blanchard and they offer. Currently, there is a $3.95 of the four people who addressed pay for insurance so that it won’t find
Jennifer Mellor. The newly elected flat fee (or a 2 percent charge) to the commissioners were against its way back to the property, and pay
commissioners will be sworn in during residents to pay a town bill with a the proposed location. Besides to have it removed early. All of the
the town meeting on October 3. credit card online. Bank transfers to the nearness to their homes, they funds raised will go toward the new
pay bills cost the town 25 cents per were concerned with things like inclusive playground that the Civitan
Town Wants Grant to Finish transfer. Staff will continue to seek a noise, waste, child safety, loose Club is building.
Square Project way to refine the costs and process dogs in the neighborhood, and dog
and make recommendations in the abandonment in the park. Planning and Zoning Commission
The Emmitsburg Mayor and future. Member Appointed
Commissioners approved a resolution The person who spoke in favor of
to seek a second Community Legacy The town is also considering the park lived in a different area of Victor Cranberry was recently
Grant in the amount of $170,523 for ways to be able to take credit card town. appointed as an alternate member
the Emmitsburg Square Project. This payments at the town office. The cost to the Thurmont Planning and
is for the remaining amount needed to do this would be 25 cents, plus While the proposed location has Zoning Commission. He was the
to finish the project, in addition to 2.1 percent of each transaction, in some problems, it is the best location only applicant for the position, but
funds the town has already set aside. addition to a monthly fee. To cover that the town has been able to he has experience by serving on the
The other Community Legacy Grant these costs, the town may need to identify for a dog park. Thurmont Police Commission and
is for Main Street improvements and charge a $5.00 convenience fee to the the Frederick County Parks and
is submitted annually to the state. customer for each transaction. The commissioners heard the Recreation Commission.
comments of residents but took no
New Member of Citizens Advisory Town Receives Grant for Pool action on the issue. Commissioner New Multi-purpose Field Contract
Committee Repairs Cliff Sweeney suggested the Scott Awarded
Road Farm as a possible location,
Brandy Malocha, one of the The Town of Emmitsburg has which will be examined by town The Thurmont mayor and
owners of Emmitsburg Tattoo and a received a $217,000 grant from the staff. commissioners recently awarded
Montgomery County police officer, is Maryland Department of Public the contract to build a new multi-
now a member the Citizens Advisory Works to repair the leaking 45-year- For more information on the town of purpose field next to the football field.
Committee. She was appointed old pool. The grant should also pay Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. Three companies attended the pre-
unanimously by the Emmitsburg for resurfacing of the pool, repairs to gov or call 301-600-6300. bid meeting, but only one company
Mayor and Commissioners during the bath house, new lifeguard chairs, submitted a bid. W. F. Deluater and
their August meeting. and new umbrellas. All funds raised were for charities, Son submitted a bid for $168,481 for
and the rides should bring back the field and $58,581 for 2,000 linear
From the Mayor to the Emmitsburg Cares Facebook tourism to our town. Thank you, feet of fencing. The total project cost
Emmitsburg page for more information. Commissioner Tim O’Donnell. came in below the amount projected
for the project. The field should be
by Mayor Briggs Paul’s Pit Stop, closed since a fire The Downtown Square finished in the fall, which will allow it
last November, reopened on August revitalization is still on schedule to be used next fall once the grass has
Why is the return to school 8. There was significant damage to begin spring 2017. The square been established.
referred to as “back to school”? from the fire. All are thankful project will include replacing all the
Why not “forward to school”? that the owner had the spirit and sidewalks on East and West Main For more information on the town of
Added maturity, new experiences, conviction to reopen. Street. Thurmont, visit
new courses, athletics, and other or call the town office at 301-271-
after-school activities lie ahead, not Work began on the walkway Finally, the new Flat Run Bridge 7313.
“back.” along East Lincoln Avenue. The project is beginning to show signs
walkway connecting Creamery of getting started. Town Planner
Thank you to the anonymous Road and South Seton Avenue was Cipperly and I met briefly with
Emmitsburg giver for providing free targeted to be open around the the construction contractor, and
pool passes to the children. time that school starts. Kids going construction components are
to and from our two schools will starting to show up. Construction
Emmitsburg Cares: See Something no longer have to compete with is projected to be completed by
Say Something held its first meeting vehicular traffic. This is the eighth August 2018. We have been assured
in August. It was a wonderful sidewalk connection made in the last that there will be two-way traffic
evening of joint prayer, talks four years. We are on our way to throughout the project.
by resident Elizabeth Buchman becoming a walkable community.
and Deputy Travis Rohrer, and Start exercising! There will be a
comprehensive discussions, all for As you may have noticed, there Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot.
a very engaged audience. If you has been a lot of biking activity in
see anything suspicious, call non- Emmitsburg. There have been eight Welcome State Farm Insurance
emergency Sheriff at 301-600-1046 hundred to a thousand bike riders and Emmitsburg Tattoo. Thank you
and leave information with the through our town. First, for the for selecting Emmitsburg.
option of being anonymous. Visit Firefighters 50, Century Ride. Next,
[email protected] or go Bike MS, and then as a part of the Hoping that everyone has a
nationally known Tour de Frederick. wonderful Labor Day.