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P. 13
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper September 2016 Page 13
Roddy Road Covered Bridge Repairs St. John’s Lutheran Church
Move Forward Appoints Interim Pastor
James Rada, Jr. The congregation of St. John’s Courtesy Photo
The Roddy Road Covered out by firefighters from Guardian Lutheran Church in Creagerstown
Bridge had barely reopened after an Hose Company. Repairs were made, wishes to announce the appointment
accident in May caused significant but then the following month, of Wayne Blaser as interim pastor
damage to the roof and beams, when another driver forced his box truck (pictured right). He is an ordained
another truck crashed through the through the bridge, actually carrying Presbyterian minister.
bridge in June, carrying part of it off part of the bridge on top of the Pastor Wayne was born in the
away. The bridge has been closed truck, until it fell off as the truck Philadelphia area and was educated
since June, as county officials have turned onto U.S. 15. in the Princeton Seminary. He
worked to secure a contractor to graduated in 1973. His first charge
do the repair work, in addition to Amanda Radcliffe, with the was in Hagerstown, where he met
deciding on what—if anything—can Frederick County Office of his wife Donna. He has served
be done to stop this sort of thing Transportation Engineering, said several congregations from Ohio, his
from happening again. that the county has been moving last congregation being in Florida.
forward with the bridge repairs, His second calling was Poke Run
The 40-foot-long bridge, which although a contract has not yet been in Pennsylvania, where he spent
was built in 1856, is a single-span signed with a contractor to make eighteen years ministering to a
Kingpost-design bridge. It is the the repairs. “The county is utilizing congregation that was established
smallest of the covered bridges emergency purchasing funds,” in 1785. He served in Bradenton, Florida, for three years as a congregational
still in existence in Maryland, and explained Radcliffe. care minister, and eighteen months as interim pastor in two different churches.
is a Thurmont-area landmark. In The life of an ordained Lutheran minister is quite different from that of a
the 1930s, steel beams were added The projected cost of the repairs Presbyterian minister as far as the ruling body is concerned, but the message is
beneath the bridge for the additional is expected to be approximately the same to spread the word of God and minister to those in the congregation
support needed for heavier vehicles. $150,000. and community.
He retired and moved north to be near his children and grandchildren but
The bridge was closed for The county is also looking at retirement was not in the cards, and he is now a part-time minister. He is
rehabilitation last summer, but on ways of stopping traffic damage to married to his wife, Donna, who is a reading specialist, and he is the father of
May 18, 2016, a box truck got stuck the bridge and will hold a future two children and a grandfather to six. The congregation feels very fortunate
on the bridge and had to be sawed meeting with the community to get
residents’ ideas and opinions.
that he chose St. John’s to continue his lifetime calling.
Pastor Wayne is usually at St. John’s on Tuesday or Thursday if you
Patronize Our Advertisers! would like to talk to him or if you need help with a problem. You can also
reach him at 941-932-5429. You can reach the church’s office at 301-898-
The Catoctin Banner exists due to the advertising 5290 or by email at
support of those featured in each issue.
Entertainment from Around the Globe FAME – The Musical Havana Cuba All-Stars
2016-2017 SEASON September 24, 2016 ★ 8:00 p.m. October 19, 2016 ★ 7:30 p.m.
Tickets 717.337.8200 ★ Five Irish Tenors
25 Carlisle Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
March 8, 2017 ★ 7:30 p.m.
Villalobos Brothers
February 10, 2017 ★ 7:30 p.m.
In The Mood, A1940’S Musical Revue Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood
April 7, 2017 ★ 7:30 p.m. May 12, 2017 ★ 7:30 p.m.
Roddy Road Covered Bridge Repairs St. John’s Lutheran Church
Move Forward Appoints Interim Pastor
James Rada, Jr. The congregation of St. John’s Courtesy Photo
The Roddy Road Covered out by firefighters from Guardian Lutheran Church in Creagerstown
Bridge had barely reopened after an Hose Company. Repairs were made, wishes to announce the appointment
accident in May caused significant but then the following month, of Wayne Blaser as interim pastor
damage to the roof and beams, when another driver forced his box truck (pictured right). He is an ordained
another truck crashed through the through the bridge, actually carrying Presbyterian minister.
bridge in June, carrying part of it off part of the bridge on top of the Pastor Wayne was born in the
away. The bridge has been closed truck, until it fell off as the truck Philadelphia area and was educated
since June, as county officials have turned onto U.S. 15. in the Princeton Seminary. He
worked to secure a contractor to graduated in 1973. His first charge
do the repair work, in addition to Amanda Radcliffe, with the was in Hagerstown, where he met
deciding on what—if anything—can Frederick County Office of his wife Donna. He has served
be done to stop this sort of thing Transportation Engineering, said several congregations from Ohio, his
from happening again. that the county has been moving last congregation being in Florida.
forward with the bridge repairs, His second calling was Poke Run
The 40-foot-long bridge, which although a contract has not yet been in Pennsylvania, where he spent
was built in 1856, is a single-span signed with a contractor to make eighteen years ministering to a
Kingpost-design bridge. It is the the repairs. “The county is utilizing congregation that was established
smallest of the covered bridges emergency purchasing funds,” in 1785. He served in Bradenton, Florida, for three years as a congregational
still in existence in Maryland, and explained Radcliffe. care minister, and eighteen months as interim pastor in two different churches.
is a Thurmont-area landmark. In The life of an ordained Lutheran minister is quite different from that of a
the 1930s, steel beams were added The projected cost of the repairs Presbyterian minister as far as the ruling body is concerned, but the message is
beneath the bridge for the additional is expected to be approximately the same to spread the word of God and minister to those in the congregation
support needed for heavier vehicles. $150,000. and community.
He retired and moved north to be near his children and grandchildren but
The bridge was closed for The county is also looking at retirement was not in the cards, and he is now a part-time minister. He is
rehabilitation last summer, but on ways of stopping traffic damage to married to his wife, Donna, who is a reading specialist, and he is the father of
May 18, 2016, a box truck got stuck the bridge and will hold a future two children and a grandfather to six. The congregation feels very fortunate
on the bridge and had to be sawed meeting with the community to get
residents’ ideas and opinions.
that he chose St. John’s to continue his lifetime calling.
Pastor Wayne is usually at St. John’s on Tuesday or Thursday if you
Patronize Our Advertisers! would like to talk to him or if you need help with a problem. You can also
reach him at 941-932-5429. You can reach the church’s office at 301-898-
The Catoctin Banner exists due to the advertising 5290 or by email at
support of those featured in each issue.
Entertainment from Around the Globe FAME – The Musical Havana Cuba All-Stars
2016-2017 SEASON September 24, 2016 ★ 8:00 p.m. October 19, 2016 ★ 7:30 p.m.
Tickets 717.337.8200 ★ Five Irish Tenors
25 Carlisle Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
March 8, 2017 ★ 7:30 p.m.
Villalobos Brothers
February 10, 2017 ★ 7:30 p.m.
In The Mood, A1940’S Musical Revue Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood
April 7, 2017 ★ 7:30 p.m. May 12, 2017 ★ 7:30 p.m.