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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper September 2016 Page 15

AMVETS Presents Check to “Emmitsburg Cares” Off to Strong
Thurmont Little League 9-10 All Start
Stars & Awards 2016 Police Officers
of the Year James Rada, Jr.

AMVETS Post 7 The Emmitsburg town council seems to happen when suspicious
Commander Ed meeting room was filled to capacity activity is reported, it may be because
Superczynski on August 11, 2016, as citizens sought the problem is part of a larger one
presents $1,000 to for a way to band together to fight that is being investigated. If residents
Thurmont Little Emmitsburg’s crime problem, creating see a situation, they should gather
League 9-10 All a group called, Emmitsburg Cares. as much information as they can.
Stars 2016 State This could include descriptions,
Champions coaches, “Since I moved here, I’ve noticed names, license plate numbers, and
Tim Castellow, the quality of life dropping and even pictures. The more information
Dave Manning, and crime increasing,” one of the group’s that law enforcement has about the
Dave Shipton. The founders, Elizabeth Buckman, told the situation, the quicker a resolution can
team traveled to group. be reached.
Cranston, Rhode
Island, to compete She said that the town needed to While the group got off to a
in the National unify against crime, and this could strong start, the test will be to see if
Championship again happen if its residents get to know it can continue and grow. In the past,
this year. each other, start reporting what they Community Watch efforts in town
see, and become good neighbors by have started and faded. Emmitsburg
AMVETS Post 7 watching out for each other. Mayor Don Briggs even pointed
Commander Ed out that a similarly large group had
“If we’re not successful, gathered five years earlier in the room
Supercznski is Emmitsburg is going to crumble,” after a youngster had been killed.
pictured with the stated Buckman. That effort to help the community
five recipients of had also faded.
the Police Officer Emmitsburg Community Deputy
of the Year award: Travis Rohrer said that all suspicious “It’s the same message, but it’s up
(from left) Officer activity should be reported and that to us to do something, to reach out
the call can be anonymous. and watch,” said Briggs.
Kyle Minnick,
Detective Jody “It may be nothing, but if it looks Emmitsburg Cares has set up a
Maybush, Officer out of place, there’s a good chance Facebook page that they hope will act
Brian Donovan, that it probably is,” Rohrer said. as a central hub for information about
Corporal Vince suspicious activity in town. It is the
Testa, and Corporal Finding out about the suspicious place to start to get involved. Citizens
Dave Armstrong. and criminal activity after they have are encouraged to join.
Courtesy Photos happened only serves to hinder an
investigation. He also pointed out
that if sometimes nothing immediately
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