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P. 20
Page 20 October 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

by Theresa Dardanell


Thurmont Police and the Community — An Important
Partnership When asked what he wanted Although public safety is the for children and a picnic for the
the Thurmont citizens to know, chief concern of the department, community. It was held this year
Chief Gregory Eyler said, “We community outreach and community on August 2 and was very well
want to be in a partnership with the service programs are also very attended. If you are interested in
community. We want them to be important. Information about these helping out next year or have ideas
involved with our department and services is available on the website. for more activities for children, your
assist us in any way they can, and input would be welcome.
we will assist them and serve and Bicycle registration is a free
protect them as much as we can.” service that provides help if your The “shred event” was a great
bicycle is ever lost or stolen. success, with thousands of pounds
This partnership is the basis for of paper collected and shredded.
“community policing,” police and The Ride Along program is
citizens working together to detect available to residents because Chief Shop with a Cop and Fish with
and prevent crime. Community Eyler believes that it is important for a Cop are enjoyed not only by the
policing was instrumental in solving the public to see what they do. children but also by the officers who
the recent pipe bomb incident. The volunteer for these activities.
Thurmont police, together with The sign board in front of the
allied agencies and numerous tips police station provides important Colorfest is one of the annual
from citizens, were able to solve information. responsibilities of the department.
that crime. Although the police Chief Eyler begins preparation
were concerned that they had been The Medication/drug disposal by coordinating with the security
targeted, they were more concerned container in the lobby of the police company, public works department,
that the citizens were extremely station makes it easy to safely civilian staff, and the fire/rescue
frightened that this happened in dispose of these items. This has departments. He has been pleased
Thurmont. The officers have been been a very successful program that with the successful operations in
working to assure the public that eliminates thousands of pounds of the past, but he always prepares for
only the police were targeted and medications. the unexpected. During Colorfest
that the community is safe. weekend, a command post staffed
There is a room in the lobby of with officers is set up to monitor the
The investigation into the report the police station with an abundance event. Officers on foot and on bike
of gunshots on July 14 is continuing. of information provided by the patrol work to maintain safety and
The department has already received National Child Safety Council. security.
numerous tips from citizens, There are pamphlets and brochures
but welcomes any additional for children and adults about drugs, All of these safety and community
information. That incident triggered bicycle safety, crime prevention, outreach services are handled by
a Reverse 911, which means that home and personal safety, travel sixteen members in the department.
residents in that area receive safety, domestic violence, identity Along with the chief of police
notification to Shelter-in-place (stay crime, and much more. These are and deputy chief of police, the
in your home, lock the doors, shut available and free to everyone. department consists of one sergeant,
the windows) until notified that it Coloring books with safety two corporals, and eight patrol
is safe to leave. When an incident information for children are also officers, as well as an administrative
occurs, the police department available. Just stop by and pick up coordinator, receptionist, and
notifies the Frederick County Office what you need. a code officer. K9 Buddy is also
of Emergency Management. That an important member of the
department then contacts residents The “Safety Pup,” part of the department. The patrol officers
in the area of concern. There are commitment to safety for children, provide 24-hour coverage, seven days
also several ways that citizens can is a new program. The Department’s a week. Along with a fleet of thirteen
receive information. Citizens can code officer eagerly volunteered to police vehicles, the department has
sign up for NIXLE (www.nixle. take on this role and dress up as two Mountain bikes equipped with
com) to receive information sent the adorable Safety Pup, providing emergency lights and sirens.
out by the police department via a friendly face to children at public
e-mail or on their smartphone, or events and at the beginning of the Everything done by the
they can sign up for the community school year. department follows the primary
alert system (thurmontpolice@ mission: “In partnership with to receive Several annual events provide a our citizens through Community
e-mail notices only. great opportunity for the police and Policing, we will strive to detect
community to get together. and prevent crime and provide the
best quality of life for the citizens of
National Night Out encourages Thurmont.”
interaction between the community
and local law enforcement. It is
a family event, with activities

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