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Page 36 May 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Rocky Ridge 4-H Club Makes Ice Cream

for Contest Courtesy Photo Tickling Our Tastebuds

During Ag by Denise Valentine
Hello, everyone! The summer picnic season will soon be here. For most of
The Rocky Ridge us, the first one will be over the Memorial Day weekend. I always look forward
Progressive 4-H Club to those “pot luck” get-togethers. The assorted varieties of recipes are amazing.
members participated in
the Ice Cream Contest at There is always something new and different.
the Frederick Mall during The recipe I am sharing this month meets one of those criteria: different. As
National Ag Week in I was looking through one of my older cookbooks, I came across a recipe that my
March, taking third place grandmother had submitted. She passed away over thirty years ago, and I haven’t
with their Cookies and had this variation of macaroni salad since. You know how some people have a
Cream ice cream. Each “signature” recipe that they bring to almost every family reunion? Well, this was
member also donated items one of hers, and I can’t believe I haven’t made it. I will definitely do it soon.
to the Thurmont Grange Pictured: (front) Preston Clark; (middle row) Jason Baust, When you look at the ingredient combination, you may think “that doesn’t
for their community Kelsey Troxell, Braden Whetzel, Logan Long, Payton Troxell, even sound good,” but believe me, it’s delicious. I grew up on this macaroni salad
service. Katie Topper; (back row) Nakita Miller and Brittnee Brown. recipe. I hope you enjoy it.

Girl Scouts Looking for People Who
Have Earned the Highest Award in

Girl Scouting

Do you know someone who has earned the highest award in Girl Scouting? Grandma’s Macaroni Salad
Girl Scouts is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Highest Award
someone can earn in Girl Scouts. These inspiring Girl Scout alumnae, over the
last 100 years, have used their extraordinary courage, vision, and kindness to Ingredients
rally communities to take action to make the world a better place.
If you, or someone you know, has received the Gold Award or another of 1 lb. macaroni 1 can Spam
the highest achievements (Golden Eagle of Merit, Golden Eaglet, Curved Bar, ¼ cup carrots 1 cup salad dressing
First Class, Gold Award), they want to know about it. As part of the 100th
Anniversary celebration, they would like to honor those who have earned ½ cup onions 1 small can tomato sauce
these awards at their Association 37 Annual Meeting on May 24, 2016, at TJ
High School. ¼ cup green pepper salt (to desired taste)
Who would this include - Yourself, family members, neighbors, friends -
anyone you know who might have been in Girl Scouts and earned the highest Directions
award. What are all the Girl Scout highest awards? Gold Award - 1980 to
Present; First Class - 1963 to 1980; Curved Bar - 1940 to 1963; Golden Cook and drain macaroni according to package directions.
Eaglet - 1919 - 1939
Golden Eagle of Merit - 1916 to 1918. Cool completely. Dice or chop carrots, onions, and green
Please send the names and which award they earned to: Patty Green
[email protected] (301-898-3629) or Jean Turner [email protected] pepper into very small pieces. Dice spam into small cubes.
(301-865-8663). Invitations will be sent to those we receive names for and
their contact information. Deadline for names to be included in the program is
May 1, 2016. Add vegetables and spam to the macaroni. Stir to combine.

Then add salad dressing and tomato sauce and mix well.
Patronize the Advertisers in The Catoctin Banner!
The Catoctin Banner exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue. Serve cold.


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