Page 33 - May 2016 ALL
P. 33
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper May 2016 Page 33
fitness matters
by Jason Blough, Anytime Fitness Club Manager/Certiied Personal Trainer
E xpert Answers to Your Health and Wellness Questions
I’ve read about “ladder” style can build strength and endurance,
workouts and would like to as well as provide variety in your
incorporate these into my weekly workouts.
strength training routine. Can you
provide an explanation and some Question:
examples to help me get started? How do I figure out my resting
heart rate and what is a typical
Answer: range for adults?
A ladder workout is a method
of training where you perform Answer:
one or more exercises with A typical resting heart rate for
an ascending and descending an adult ranges from 60 to 100
repetition pattern. Beginner ladder beats per minute. Your resting
workouts typically include only heart rate is an indicator of the
one exercise, while advanced fitness of your cardiac muscles. At
ladder workouts include two or rest, your heart rate signifies the
three exercises linked together heart pumping the lowest amount
(one after another, with little of blood you need to sustain
rest in between). A sample minimal activity. To find your true
beginner ladder workout would resting heart rate, you would need
be performing one push up, then to have someone watch you sleep
taking a fifteen second rest and and observe your lowest heart
repeating this sequence, adding rate during deep rest. As you can
one rep all the way to five and imagine, this is very difficult to
then descending back down for do! Instead, to track and utilize
a total of twenty-five pushups. this valuable information, most
A more advanced example of a practitioners suggest finding your
ladder workout could include pulse and counting the number of &
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
three exercises such as pull-ups, heartbeats in a minute as soon as Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
squats, and abdominal crunches. you wake up and while still lying
You would perform one pull-up, in bed. The best places to find your
two squats, and three crunches, pulse are the wrists, inside of your
followed by a thirty-second rest. elbow, and the side of your neck.
Moving up the ladder, you would Press your index and middle finger
then perform two pull-ups, four lightly into one of these areas and
squats, and six crunches before count the beat of your heart. You
resting another thirty seconds. will obtain a better measurement if
Repeat the sequence four to six you wake naturally (e.g. no alarm). 1 Creamery Way
times, increasing reps with each If you track your heart rate over Emmitsburg, MD 21727
ladder and then working your time, you will begin to find your
way back down the ladder by average resting heart rate. This 301-447-3718
decreasing the number of reps for number should go down as you FAX: 301-447-1722
each exercise. Ladder workouts become more fit.
About the author: Jason Blough is the Club Manager/Certified Personal
Trainer at Anytime Fitness in Thurmont. To submit a question for future
articles, please contact the author at [email protected].
Play Our Games!
Go to page 5 to play the Where Am I? and
Hidden Object games. You could be the QUALITY OF LIFE WITH EXERCISE...SPECIAL
lucky winner of a gift certificate to one of *Offer valid with a minimum 12 month membership agreement at participating locations only.
Terms and conditions may vary based on applicable state laws and regulations.
Monthly dues still apply. Each location is independently owned and operated. Expires May 31, 2016 ©2016 Anytime Fitness, LLC
our advertisers! 130 Frederick Road, Thurmont, MD 21788
fitness matters
by Jason Blough, Anytime Fitness Club Manager/Certiied Personal Trainer
E xpert Answers to Your Health and Wellness Questions
I’ve read about “ladder” style can build strength and endurance,
workouts and would like to as well as provide variety in your
incorporate these into my weekly workouts.
strength training routine. Can you
provide an explanation and some Question:
examples to help me get started? How do I figure out my resting
heart rate and what is a typical
Answer: range for adults?
A ladder workout is a method
of training where you perform Answer:
one or more exercises with A typical resting heart rate for
an ascending and descending an adult ranges from 60 to 100
repetition pattern. Beginner ladder beats per minute. Your resting
workouts typically include only heart rate is an indicator of the
one exercise, while advanced fitness of your cardiac muscles. At
ladder workouts include two or rest, your heart rate signifies the
three exercises linked together heart pumping the lowest amount
(one after another, with little of blood you need to sustain
rest in between). A sample minimal activity. To find your true
beginner ladder workout would resting heart rate, you would need
be performing one push up, then to have someone watch you sleep
taking a fifteen second rest and and observe your lowest heart
repeating this sequence, adding rate during deep rest. As you can
one rep all the way to five and imagine, this is very difficult to
then descending back down for do! Instead, to track and utilize
a total of twenty-five pushups. this valuable information, most
A more advanced example of a practitioners suggest finding your
ladder workout could include pulse and counting the number of &
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
three exercises such as pull-ups, heartbeats in a minute as soon as Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
Crane Rentals, Inc.
squats, and abdominal crunches. you wake up and while still lying
You would perform one pull-up, in bed. The best places to find your
two squats, and three crunches, pulse are the wrists, inside of your
followed by a thirty-second rest. elbow, and the side of your neck.
Moving up the ladder, you would Press your index and middle finger
then perform two pull-ups, four lightly into one of these areas and
squats, and six crunches before count the beat of your heart. You
resting another thirty seconds. will obtain a better measurement if
Repeat the sequence four to six you wake naturally (e.g. no alarm). 1 Creamery Way
times, increasing reps with each If you track your heart rate over Emmitsburg, MD 21727
ladder and then working your time, you will begin to find your
way back down the ladder by average resting heart rate. This 301-447-3718
decreasing the number of reps for number should go down as you FAX: 301-447-1722
each exercise. Ladder workouts become more fit.
About the author: Jason Blough is the Club Manager/Certified Personal
Trainer at Anytime Fitness in Thurmont. To submit a question for future
articles, please contact the author at [email protected].
Play Our Games!
Go to page 5 to play the Where Am I? and
Hidden Object games. You could be the QUALITY OF LIFE WITH EXERCISE...SPECIAL
lucky winner of a gift certificate to one of *Offer valid with a minimum 12 month membership agreement at participating locations only.
Terms and conditions may vary based on applicable state laws and regulations.
Monthly dues still apply. Each location is independently owned and operated. Expires May 31, 2016 ©2016 Anytime Fitness, LLC
our advertisers! 130 Frederick Road, Thurmont, MD 21788