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Page 40 February 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

your public library February 18, at 6:00 p.m. (Snow you register online at or call
date: March 17.) 301-600-7212. Local senior citizens
Where Community & Ideas Connect should just plan to show up and be
Starting February 1, Frederick prepared to have some Valentine fun!
[email protected] • 301-600-7212 • County Public Libraries is excited More Valentine Fun
to offer patrons access to three
by Linda Frydl, Library Associate, Thurmont Regional Library/Emmitsburg Branch Library new products. First, ROSETTA Join the fun and get a jump
STONE courses present first-level on Valentine’s Day by playing
Celtic Concert Tickets Available information, contact the Thurmont language learning for thirty different Stuffed Animal Bingo, with
March 1 Branch Library at 301-600-7212 or languages. Next, LYNDA.COM prizes for the whole family, on
the Emmitsburg Branch Library at delivers about 4,000 online courses Wednesday, February 10, at 6:30
Join us for the 2015 Celtic 301-600-6329. to learn technology, creative, and p.m. Register online at or
Concert, featuring the internationally Other Library News business skills that will help you call 301-600-7212. Plus you can
popular band Dervish, who will achieve professional and personal celebrate Valentine’s Day making a
perform at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, We’re celebrating the National goals. Third, FLIPSTER makes it special Valentine craft throughout
March 22, at the Marion Burk Knott Park Service Centennial all year easy for you to read your favorite Valentine’s weekend. All ages can
Auditorium at Mount St. Mary’s in the library. Coming up at the magazines on your computer or make a craft for a special Valentine
University in Emmitsburg. Admission Thurmont Library, learn about mobile device. Titles will include on Saturday, February 13, from
is free and all ages are welcome. Marvelous Morels & Other Wild People, Entertainment Weekly, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; and Sunday,
Tickets are required. Free advance Food Finds from an NPS biologist. US Weekly, and Time. For more February 14, from 1:00-4:00 p.m.
tickets can be picked up (limit four/ The morel mushroom is a much information, log on to, or Winter Carnival
person—while supplies last) at the loved, but very elusive, local foraged come into the branch and we’ll be
Emmitsburg or Thurmont Libraries, food. Many people in the Northern happy to show you! School’s out on Monday,
beginning Tuesday, March 1, at Frederick County area have their February 15, so join us for an
10:00 a.m. Patrons with advance secret spots for foraging—sometimes Congratulations to Librarian Tara afternoon of carnival fun at 2:00
tickets will be seated between 6:30- in old apple orchards or near a Lebherz, our Children’s Services p.m. Play games such as plinko,
6:45 p.m. Seats are not guaranteed stand of poplar trees. Perhaps you’ll Supervisor, who has been promoted ring toss, and bean bag throw. Go
after 6:45 p.m. for advance ticket learn some new tips about hunting to Branch Administrator of the bowling, shoot hoops, and see into
holders. Patrons without advance them or share your own with other Brunswick Community Branch. your future with the help of fortune-
tickets are strongly encouraged to foragers. Join Becky Loncosky, Tara has been working with us since telling fish. Best for ages 3 and up
pick up numbered standby tickets in National Park Service Biologist, 2012, to bring exciting literacy with an adult.
the concert hall lobby, beginning at who will share information not events to the Northern Frederick Preschool Power: Polar Bears
6:00 p.m. Any unoccupied seats, if only about morels but also other County area. We wish her the
available, will be filled by standby edible local mushrooms and other best. We are also welcoming a new Afternoon fun for our preschool
ticket holders between 6:45-7:00 wild forage species. No registration Children’s Library Associate, Becky friends. Find out how polar bears
p.m. Due to no-shows, some seats necessary. Held on Thursday, Clapp, who will be hosting Starlight stay warm and learn fun facts about
are always available. For further Family Storytime every Tuesday them and their habitat. For ages 3-5.
evening at 6:30 p.m. Kids through Held on Tuesday, February 16, at
grade 2 are welcome to come meet 1:30 p.m. Register online at
Becky for evening storytime fun. or call 301-600-7212.
Literacy Night with FCPS Polar Bears

This exciting evening tradition is Come spend a chilly evening in
for families with children in Grades the library and find out how polar
2-5 to join library staff and teachers bears stay warm and learn fun facts
for an evening of literacy fun! There about them and their habitat. Best
will be stories, games and hands- for ages 3-8. Held on Tuesday,
on crafts plus a performance of the February 16, at 6:30 p.m.
special African folktale shadow Come Read to a Dog!
puppet show of ‘The Leopard’s
Drum’. See you Tuesday night! Reading with WAGS for Hope
Tuesday, February 9, 6:30 p.m. The can improve your child’s reading
public library is always willing to skills while they can make a new
co-host literacy events with public, furry friend by reading aloud to a
private and home-school teachers. specially trained “listening” animal!
Let us know how we can support The Reading Education Assistance
education in your classroom. Dogs (R.E.A.D.) program works
Teens to Party at the Senior Center to improve children’s reading and
communication skills by providing
Teens will once again join registered therapy animals who
local senior citizens for games, volunteer with their owner/handler
crafts, snacks, and fun in honor to meet with and listen to children
of Valentine’s Day on Monday, read.
February 15, at 1:30 p.m. at the
Thurmont Senior Center, located We’d like to take this opportunity
at 806 E. Main Street. This party to thank the volunteers and dogs
was a huge success last year, so if with this organization who have
you are a teen (12-18) interested in been very supportive partners with
helping, register today and plan to the Thurmont Regional Library.
meet at the center. Please note that Program will be held on Saturday,
this can count towards school service February 27, at 11:00 a.m.
learning hours and does require that

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