Page 39 - Feb BNP ALL
P. 39
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper February 2016 Page 39
a regular schedule. Some of
senior moments the February special activities January Birthday Party (from left):
include: February 4—“Sing Anne Holmes, Sue Ann Wilms,
by Helen Deluca for the World Group” from Rosemary McDermott, Janice
Thurmont Elementary School Snyder, Chooi Hal Monroe, Emory
Hello to all you seniors, young for matching funds to be considered will be singing and dancing, Motter, Dick Glass, and Dolly
and old—and soon-to-be! Well, the in the county budget. 1:00-2:00 p.m.; February 9— Dingle.
holidays are over. The decorations Beading with Teresa, 1:00-2:00 (below) The dance held at the
are put away, the furniture is back in We, the taxpayers of Thurmont p.m.; February 11—Monthly Thurmont Senior Center was
place, and winter is here. Time to kick and the surrounding areas, are simply Birthday Party. Come and join enjoyed by all. Another dance is in
back with a good book, a hot cup asking to be recognized as providing us for cake and ice cream. On the planning.
of coffee, or libation of your choice, a service to the community and, as February 11, we will be holding
and relax. But if you prefer to keep such, should be entitled to some a Valentine Writing and Making these seniors can get out there and
busy and on the move, come to the compensation in the county budget. Is Social with Deb, from 1:00-3:00 dance!
“Happy Place,” the Thurmont Senior that being unreasonable? Feel free to p.m. For those feeling crafty,
Center (TSC)! We have a puzzle express your thoughts. materials will be provided to make A regular monthly flyer is always
table, computers, the Canaries Choral their own valentines. Bring along available at TSC. All the activities,
group, craft and beading classes, The Thurmont Senior Center the address for those you’ll need for times, and so forth, are listed, as well
exercise equipment, Zumba gold may not be a part of the Department your mailings. Cards will be provided as the lunch menu for the month.
classes, Tai Chi exercises, exercise on Aging, but we do have hot by Deb, and stamps by the Senior
with an instructor, Wii bowling, card lunches, catered by Mountain Gate Center. Also, a reminder that when
games, all kinds of table games, a Restaurant, as well as a van to the schools are closed because of
lending library, hot lunches, bingo, provide transportation to those in On February 15, from 1:00- inclement weather, the center will also
special monthly events, and a lot of need and to deliver lunches to the 2:30 p.m., Canaries and all seniors be closed. If the schools are opening at
good company. Come and join the home-bound. We have Teresa, our are welcome to meet with the Teen a later hour, the center will be open as
group, or bring your friends with coordinator, who is underpaid for all Library Group to sing Patriotic songs, usual. We will also have a recording
you. You’re always welcome at the of the hours and effort she puts into do crafts, enjoy a snack, and have fun on our answering machine.
Thurmont Senior Center. It’s your the center. We have a dedicated Board for Presidents’ Day.
center—use it. of Directors and wonderful volunteers As always, we ask if you have
who make the Thurmont Senior February 3 and 17 is our 50/50 some time on your hands, even just a
I’ve been known to get on my Center one of the most active centers Bingo. The cost is $5.00 for a pack few hours a week, we welcome your
“soap box” at times, and it’s that in Frederick County. But we also have of twenty games ($1.00 for coverall, help. We can’t operate the center
time. So, here goes! In 2011, by operating costs. last game). On February 24, from without your help. We appreciate our
mutual agreement, the Thurmont 2:00-3:00 p.m., there will be a free volunteers.
Senior Center became a separate entity With the generous contribution of Prize Bingo, sponsored by St. Joseph
of the Department of Aging. At the $25,000 from the Thurmont town Ministries. My final thoughts: If you feel
time, we were given $13,000, which office, grants, personal donations, like you’re at the end of your rope,
was in the Department of Aging’s and fundraisers, we are meeting our Another dance is in the planning. tie a knot and hang on! And always
budget to continue the lunch program. obligations and staying within our Everyone had such a great time with greet each other with a smile. Make
We faced four major challenges: (1) budget. This type of funding can be Peggy and John Offutt and their Back someone’s day! Happy Valentine’s Day!
lunch program; (2) transportation; (3) uncertain, so we look for help from all Roads Band. As you can see in the
coordinators salary; and (4) operating sources. photo above, we had quite a group;
costs. The Thurmont Senior Center
Board of Directors worked and put If you or your company would
together an annual operating budget consider contributing to the
of $65,000, which, by the way, is half Thurmont Senior Center, please know
of what it costs the Department of that any question you may have
Aging to operate each of the counties regarding the financial position of the
centers annually. The Mayor and center is available at your request. All
Commissioners of Thurmont have grants or donations that are specified
made several requests of the past for special needs are dispersed
County Commissioners, and now of accordingly. We are an approved
the County Council, for funds to help 501c3 independent non-profit
support the Thurmont Senior Center. organization. Any donations, large or
Our town office has contributed small, are a tax deduction and a great
$25,000 to the center, and has asked help to the center.
Now it’s time to get your
calendar out for February. I pretty
much told you what is here on
a regular schedule. Some of
senior moments the February special activities January Birthday Party (from left):
include: February 4—“Sing Anne Holmes, Sue Ann Wilms,
by Helen Deluca for the World Group” from Rosemary McDermott, Janice
Thurmont Elementary School Snyder, Chooi Hal Monroe, Emory
Hello to all you seniors, young for matching funds to be considered will be singing and dancing, Motter, Dick Glass, and Dolly
and old—and soon-to-be! Well, the in the county budget. 1:00-2:00 p.m.; February 9— Dingle.
holidays are over. The decorations Beading with Teresa, 1:00-2:00 (below) The dance held at the
are put away, the furniture is back in We, the taxpayers of Thurmont p.m.; February 11—Monthly Thurmont Senior Center was
place, and winter is here. Time to kick and the surrounding areas, are simply Birthday Party. Come and join enjoyed by all. Another dance is in
back with a good book, a hot cup asking to be recognized as providing us for cake and ice cream. On the planning.
of coffee, or libation of your choice, a service to the community and, as February 11, we will be holding
and relax. But if you prefer to keep such, should be entitled to some a Valentine Writing and Making these seniors can get out there and
busy and on the move, come to the compensation in the county budget. Is Social with Deb, from 1:00-3:00 dance!
“Happy Place,” the Thurmont Senior that being unreasonable? Feel free to p.m. For those feeling crafty,
Center (TSC)! We have a puzzle express your thoughts. materials will be provided to make A regular monthly flyer is always
table, computers, the Canaries Choral their own valentines. Bring along available at TSC. All the activities,
group, craft and beading classes, The Thurmont Senior Center the address for those you’ll need for times, and so forth, are listed, as well
exercise equipment, Zumba gold may not be a part of the Department your mailings. Cards will be provided as the lunch menu for the month.
classes, Tai Chi exercises, exercise on Aging, but we do have hot by Deb, and stamps by the Senior
with an instructor, Wii bowling, card lunches, catered by Mountain Gate Center. Also, a reminder that when
games, all kinds of table games, a Restaurant, as well as a van to the schools are closed because of
lending library, hot lunches, bingo, provide transportation to those in On February 15, from 1:00- inclement weather, the center will also
special monthly events, and a lot of need and to deliver lunches to the 2:30 p.m., Canaries and all seniors be closed. If the schools are opening at
good company. Come and join the home-bound. We have Teresa, our are welcome to meet with the Teen a later hour, the center will be open as
group, or bring your friends with coordinator, who is underpaid for all Library Group to sing Patriotic songs, usual. We will also have a recording
you. You’re always welcome at the of the hours and effort she puts into do crafts, enjoy a snack, and have fun on our answering machine.
Thurmont Senior Center. It’s your the center. We have a dedicated Board for Presidents’ Day.
center—use it. of Directors and wonderful volunteers As always, we ask if you have
who make the Thurmont Senior February 3 and 17 is our 50/50 some time on your hands, even just a
I’ve been known to get on my Center one of the most active centers Bingo. The cost is $5.00 for a pack few hours a week, we welcome your
“soap box” at times, and it’s that in Frederick County. But we also have of twenty games ($1.00 for coverall, help. We can’t operate the center
time. So, here goes! In 2011, by operating costs. last game). On February 24, from without your help. We appreciate our
mutual agreement, the Thurmont 2:00-3:00 p.m., there will be a free volunteers.
Senior Center became a separate entity With the generous contribution of Prize Bingo, sponsored by St. Joseph
of the Department of Aging. At the $25,000 from the Thurmont town Ministries. My final thoughts: If you feel
time, we were given $13,000, which office, grants, personal donations, like you’re at the end of your rope,
was in the Department of Aging’s and fundraisers, we are meeting our Another dance is in the planning. tie a knot and hang on! And always
budget to continue the lunch program. obligations and staying within our Everyone had such a great time with greet each other with a smile. Make
We faced four major challenges: (1) budget. This type of funding can be Peggy and John Offutt and their Back someone’s day! Happy Valentine’s Day!
lunch program; (2) transportation; (3) uncertain, so we look for help from all Roads Band. As you can see in the
coordinators salary; and (4) operating sources. photo above, we had quite a group;
costs. The Thurmont Senior Center
Board of Directors worked and put If you or your company would
together an annual operating budget consider contributing to the
of $65,000, which, by the way, is half Thurmont Senior Center, please know
of what it costs the Department of that any question you may have
Aging to operate each of the counties regarding the financial position of the
centers annually. The Mayor and center is available at your request. All
Commissioners of Thurmont have grants or donations that are specified
made several requests of the past for special needs are dispersed
County Commissioners, and now of accordingly. We are an approved
the County Council, for funds to help 501c3 independent non-profit
support the Thurmont Senior Center. organization. Any donations, large or
Our town office has contributed small, are a tax deduction and a great
$25,000 to the center, and has asked help to the center.
Now it’s time to get your
calendar out for February. I pretty
much told you what is here on