Page 32 - August 2015 BNP ALL
P. 32
Page 32 August 2015 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
our neighborhood veterans doctor and most likely you will not school that is near me and ride each

by Jim Houck, Jr. be exercising that day. I only had to day for a half hour or so.
call off one day and that was because
If it sounds like I enjoy it,
I had overdone it the previous day by that is because I do, and I never
working sixteen hours straight. thought I would say that about
The first exercise was a six-minute exercising. I have enjoyed not only
walk, where I was evaluated for blood the exercising part of the class but
The Gettysburg Hospital’s Cardiac oxygen, heart rate, and pulse, and to also the education part, because all
of the professionals—Andi, Laura,
see how many laps I could do in six
Rehabilitation is for Veterans and
Civilians — A New Lifestyle for the minutes on a previously marked-off Carol, Susie, Wendy and Ben—are
course. My blood pressure and blood
all so very knowledgeable about the
subjects they deal with on a daily
sugar were regularly checked, because
Rest of Your Life I not only have a heart condition but basis. I thank each and every one of
I also have diabetes. This monitoring
these wonderful people for keeping
Photo by Joan Houck system was routine each and every me on point and focused so that I
time I attended class, and I never met now have a chance to survive my
a more professional or caring team of health issues. I have moved to three-
nurses anywhere. and-one-half minutes of exercise
The class I was in consisted of and two-and-one-half minutes of
two women and three men, including cool down; you move up one-half
myself. I started out as everyone minute exercise and down one-half
else did at three minutes on each minute cool down until you reach six
machine, with three minutes of cool minutes exercising and no minutes
down time (walking and wiping cool down.
down the machine you had just The rehabilitation program was a
used). You were to use six machines lot of hard work, but a lot of fun as
of your choice, but to alternate well. When I graduated the program,
between arm exercise and leg exercise there were only two of us in the class:
machines. You are then asked to rate Ron and me. Ron has a few more
each session on a scale from very easy classes to take before he graduates.
to very hard; depending on the rating What a great team they are at the
you give, adjustments are made to Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit.
the machines as far as difficulty and I would recommend the Cardiac
Jim Houck, Jr. (center) is shown on the AireDyne with (from left) Wendy, Carol, Andi, and Laura, when you advance in time. We were Rehabilitation Unit at Gettysburg
a few of the wonderful and dedicated staff at Gettysburg Hospital’s Cardiac Rehabilitation. asked to have an exercise routine at Hospital, and their staff, to anyone
I have previously written about that when she called me back, I home on the days we are not in class. with a cardiac problem who would
my experience concerning issues with would go for it. I choose my home exercise routine as like to have a longer, enjoyable life.
my heart. I wrote of my experience True to her word, Wendy called a ten-minute walk twice a day and a I feel so enriched by doing this and
with the staff of the two hospitals— me back and I told her my decision; bicycle ride once a day. thank the staff there very much. They
Gettysburg and York—where I was she welcomed me aboard to start the I have been walking, but I even played Pomp and Circumstance
treated for my heart condition. I program. She said I would be enrolled need a chain for the bicycle my for my graduation.
would now like to follow up on my for ten to twelve weeks and we then granddaughter donated to me. When God Bless the United States of
experience with learning a new way discussed what times and days would I get the bike in riding condition, America, God Bless the American
of life at The Gettysburg Hospital’s suit me best. I told her I would leave I will go to the parking lot of the Veteran, and God Bless You.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit, and the that up to her, as I could work my
wonderful, professional staff who schedule around whatever she decided. Note: I would like to apologize to Senior Benefits in Thurmont for not having them
operate it. Wendy set my time for Mondays, on the list of donors for the Kids Fishing Derby, held June 14, 2015. Thank you,
I was home recuperating from a Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:00 a.m. Senior Benefits, for your generous donation.
recent surgery I underwent to have I reported to my scheduled
a stent inserted due to a 99 percent appointment and was greeted
blockage of the right artery of my by Susie; we went through the
heart, when I received a phone call preliminaries of being signed in
from Wendy, who said she was and being asked questions about
from Gettysburg Hospital’s Cardiac my medication and general health.
Rehabilitation Unit. She asked if I She took measurement of my waist,
knew anything about the Unit, and my height, and my weight; she
I told her I did not. She proceeded then showed me how to hook up
to explain what it was all about electrodes to a small machine that
and how it would be beneficial for monitored my heart rate and pulse
me to enroll in the program. She and other things during the entire
told me that she would get back to time I was there. I was shown how
me in a few days, and that would to hook up my monitor and fill
give me time to think about it. She out a check-in sheet and to weigh
discussed the rule was to wait at myself each morning when I arrive
least four weeks after surgery before at class. The blood sugar test and
starting the program. Well, I knew blood pressure test are taken before
if I decided not to accept some help any exercises. If the blood sugar is
and continue on the path I was on, I low, they give you some nourishment
would be—as much as I didn’t want to bring it up before exercise. They
to be—back in the same condition are very alert to your vital signs,
as when my heart problems began. I and if they are not right or you are
gave it a lot of thought and decided not feeling well, they will call your
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