Page 27 - August 2015 BNP ALL
P. 27
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper August 2015 Page 27
rain doesn’t Stop this ice Cream Social the health jeanne
in blue ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
James Rada, Jr. by Jeanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life
Heavy downpours drenched the “This is a nice event,” Carmody Do you believe healthy aging validity when it comes to your mind.
runners participating in the Blue said. “I like to look at the books and is possible? My answer is yes! Challenge your brain to learning
Ridge Summit Ice Cream Social on eat the ice cream.” Learning how and taking action is something new.
July 18, 2015, but the storm moved The Ice Cream Social is the largest a requirement. Furthermore, who There are studies telling us that
through the area just as fast as the fundraiser that the library building doesn’t want to live a long and spirituality has a positive effect on
runners, and before too long, the sun committee holds. While the Franklin vibrant life? physical health. Its a personal choice.
came out, creating great weather for Library System maintains the interior Early in my life I developed the But, I think the studies are valid.
the rest of the day. of the library and pays the librarian’s philosophy that if I take really good Eat well. Eating real food
“The ice cream social started over salary, the building committee is in care of my health and body in the provides the nutrients our bodies
forty years ago to basically draw charge of maintaining the exterior of first half of my life, I expect to have need to function. Avoid processed
the community together,” said Lynn the building and grounds. a good quality second half of my foods. A good supplement is helpful.
Martin, president of the building “The Western Maryland Railroad life. Our actions are a result of our Always consult with your health
board for the Blue Ridge Summit gave the library to the community thoughts. So be it and live it! provider before taking one.
Free Library. in 1957 as a gesture of goodwill,” Here are a few anti-aging tips you Sleep is essential. The body needs
Bringing the community together Martin said. “As long as the building may want to remember. Awareness is time to repair. A good night’s sleep
is just what this activity does, as is a library, it’s the community’s.” the first step to altering your lifestyle. is at least seven hours. Your body
hundreds of people in the area came The book sale at the Ice Cream Exercise is an anti-aging medicine knows if this is enough for you.
together for what is essentially a Social is the big draw. People come with immense benefits. It improves Yours truly recently returned
large block party. with empty bags and walk away with circulation, helps to maintain body from the National Senior Games
Visitors could buy food, listen to them bulging with a variety of books, weight, increases bone density, in Minneapolis. The athletes’
live music, ride a fire truck, and buy for just a fraction of their cover price. cardio, and builds muscle. participation was proof of healthy
gifts. While the social is not a huge festival, Stimulate the brain. You’ve heard aging! So, yes, healthy aging is
Raymond Carmody of it draws plenty of people to the small “use it or you’ll lose it.” This has possible! Seeing is believing!
Waynesboro came to the social with community.
his son, Brenden. “If we have ten kids with smiles Joy reunion
“We came up for breakfast and on their faces, then I’m happy the
saw this when we came out, and it social was successful,” Martin said. The Joy Reunion will be held August 29-30, 2015, at the Indian Lookout
looked interesting,” Carmody said. A lot more than ten kids enjoyed Conservation Club in Emmitsburg. Gate opens at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Bring
It was his first time attending the the festival, and the building committee food to share for dinner at 2:30 p.m. Bring your own drinks. Paper goods and
social. Brenden was excited to ride raised the funds needed to continue to utensils will be provided. Bobby Joy started this gathering many years ago, and
on the fire truck. keeping the library looking good. it continues twenty-one years after his passing.
rain doesn’t Stop this ice Cream Social the health jeanne
in blue ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
James Rada, Jr. by Jeanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life
Heavy downpours drenched the “This is a nice event,” Carmody Do you believe healthy aging validity when it comes to your mind.
runners participating in the Blue said. “I like to look at the books and is possible? My answer is yes! Challenge your brain to learning
Ridge Summit Ice Cream Social on eat the ice cream.” Learning how and taking action is something new.
July 18, 2015, but the storm moved The Ice Cream Social is the largest a requirement. Furthermore, who There are studies telling us that
through the area just as fast as the fundraiser that the library building doesn’t want to live a long and spirituality has a positive effect on
runners, and before too long, the sun committee holds. While the Franklin vibrant life? physical health. Its a personal choice.
came out, creating great weather for Library System maintains the interior Early in my life I developed the But, I think the studies are valid.
the rest of the day. of the library and pays the librarian’s philosophy that if I take really good Eat well. Eating real food
“The ice cream social started over salary, the building committee is in care of my health and body in the provides the nutrients our bodies
forty years ago to basically draw charge of maintaining the exterior of first half of my life, I expect to have need to function. Avoid processed
the community together,” said Lynn the building and grounds. a good quality second half of my foods. A good supplement is helpful.
Martin, president of the building “The Western Maryland Railroad life. Our actions are a result of our Always consult with your health
board for the Blue Ridge Summit gave the library to the community thoughts. So be it and live it! provider before taking one.
Free Library. in 1957 as a gesture of goodwill,” Here are a few anti-aging tips you Sleep is essential. The body needs
Bringing the community together Martin said. “As long as the building may want to remember. Awareness is time to repair. A good night’s sleep
is just what this activity does, as is a library, it’s the community’s.” the first step to altering your lifestyle. is at least seven hours. Your body
hundreds of people in the area came The book sale at the Ice Cream Exercise is an anti-aging medicine knows if this is enough for you.
together for what is essentially a Social is the big draw. People come with immense benefits. It improves Yours truly recently returned
large block party. with empty bags and walk away with circulation, helps to maintain body from the National Senior Games
Visitors could buy food, listen to them bulging with a variety of books, weight, increases bone density, in Minneapolis. The athletes’
live music, ride a fire truck, and buy for just a fraction of their cover price. cardio, and builds muscle. participation was proof of healthy
gifts. While the social is not a huge festival, Stimulate the brain. You’ve heard aging! So, yes, healthy aging is
Raymond Carmody of it draws plenty of people to the small “use it or you’ll lose it.” This has possible! Seeing is believing!
Waynesboro came to the social with community.
his son, Brenden. “If we have ten kids with smiles Joy reunion
“We came up for breakfast and on their faces, then I’m happy the
saw this when we came out, and it social was successful,” Martin said. The Joy Reunion will be held August 29-30, 2015, at the Indian Lookout
looked interesting,” Carmody said. A lot more than ten kids enjoyed Conservation Club in Emmitsburg. Gate opens at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Bring
It was his first time attending the the festival, and the building committee food to share for dinner at 2:30 p.m. Bring your own drinks. Paper goods and
social. Brenden was excited to ride raised the funds needed to continue to utensils will be provided. Bobby Joy started this gathering many years ago, and
on the fire truck. keeping the library looking good. it continues twenty-one years after his passing.