Page 36 - August 2015 BNP ALL
P. 36
Page 36 August 2015 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
looking back Emmitsburg Senior News
by Susan Allen
Emmitsburg Editor Tries His Hand In August, our usual weather $75.00 per person. The second trip
in Politics by James Rada, Jr. pattern falls into the hot, hot, hot on our calendar is on Friday, August
28; we won’t have far to go. The
zone. But the summer season up to
this point has been so odd, we can’t
really be sure of what Mother Nature Renfrew Museum and Park is located
in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. It
Sterling Galt When readers has in store for us. If she hits us with comprises a restored 19th-century
purchased the picked up the lots of 90-degree-plus days, we will farmstead, which includes the 1812
Emmitsburg October 27, 1911, just kick back and enjoy the activities Renfrew Museum House and its
Chronicle in issue of The Weekly and air conditioning at the Center. We collection of furniture, silver, pottery,
1906. He was Chronicle, they are continuing our walks on Mondays, and glass. The visitor center houses a
the fourth owner read a letter from Wednesdays, and Fridays in the park collection of Shenandoah pottery. The
of the 27-year- Galt to his readers: at 9:00 a.m., followed by breathing trip will be from 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
old newspaper. “Having accepted exercises. Our group birthday party Bring your own lunch and money
Back in those the nomination is slated for Friday, August 7 at noon; for ice cream. The cost is $35.00 per
days, small by the Democratic that should provide a cool start to the person. Come join us for our travels,
newspapers had party of the State weekend. The Emmitsburg seniors far and near!
few employees. Senatorship of will host a picnic at Utica Park on Regular Activities: Wii bowling:
The owner was Frederick county, Friday, August 14, from 10:00 a.m.- Thursday, August 6, 13, 20 and 27
the publisher I feel that the 2:00 p.m. It sounds like fun to me! at 11:00 a.m.; Bridge: August 12 and
and the primary due observance On Wednesday, August 19, our guest 26 at 12:30 p.m.; Strength Training:
reporter. of a practice, speaker will visit to increase our Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00
The debut entirely ethical knowledge about the Daughters of a.m.; Pinochle: Thursdays at 12:30
editorial stated in its character, Charity and Emmitsburg’s role in Civil p.m.; Canasta: Fridays at 12:30 p.m.;
the goal of John P. T. Mathias of Thurmont defeated The constrains me to War History. Cards, Games, and Puzzles: August 4,
On the following day, August 20,
the newspaper Weekly Chronicle editor Sterling Galt in his withdraw from the from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., our first 11, and 25 at 12:30 p.m. Art classes
will resume in September. Please join
as this: “Our state senate race in 1911. active management monthly trip is scheduled. The trip us for any or all of these activities.
first aim shall and editorship of features an Annapolis Bay cruise, For information on the lunch
be to present the CHRONICLE The Weekly Chronicle during the three lighthouses, and beautiful program and all other activities,
as a medium through which the active campaign.” water and waterfront views; bring contact Coordinator Linda Umbel
outer world may learn our aims, He stepped back from his job to your own lunch and purchase your at 301-600-6350 or email LUmbel@
our hopes and high resolves. We try and avoid the impression of bias. beverages on the boat. The cost is
shall not try to amuse our readers If that was the intent, it didn’t work.
with rhetorical flourishes, nor with During Galt’s absence, E. L.
sonorous sentences, neither shall Higbee, a man Galt said had “long combination of interests, and I shall Following his loss, Galt resumed
we indulge in meaningless jests, nor been associated with me,” was given endeavor at all times and under all his duties as editor and went back to
silly observations, but endeavor, management and editorial control. conditions to serve the PEOPLE as trying to help the community.
in an unpretending way to give However, Galt still owned the justice, honor and duty point the Galt died on December 28, 1922.
our readers the current news of newspaper. As someone Galt trusted, way.” Under his editorship, The Weekly
the times, with such items of local it wasn’t surprising that Higbee The election drew a lot of voters Chronicle was considered one of
interest that may present themselves: backed Galt, and the newspaper to the polls. Emmitsburg had more the best weekly newspapers in the
we shall try to practice the recent showed it. than 700 registered voters and 632 state, according to editorials in other
suggestion of an esteemed clerical The next issues of the paper voted in that election. It took poll newspapers.
friend, who we estimate as a model focused heavily on Galt and his workers in the district until 4:00 Following Galt’s death, John Elder
editor, substantially, that ‘the value candidacy. Even that first issue, a.m. the following morning to finish and Michael Thompson purchased
of a newspaper consists not so much where Galt announced he was counting the votes. the The Weekly Chronicle in 1922.
in what we put into it, as in what is stepping down from running the The heavy positive coverage given
kept out of it.’” newspaper, featured support for Galt in The Weekly Chronicle wasn’t Image source: Maryland State Archives
Galt worked hard living up to the Galt’s candidacy. enough. He received 4,813 votes, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Charles
dream of what the newspaper could A. M. Gluck, Galt’s reverend, but his opponent, John P. T. Mathias McCurdy Mathias Collection) Cabinet
be. He reported on community events wrote: “I know his positions on of Thurmont, was the incumbent, Card of John P.T. Mathias, c. 1885,
and big stories, such as the murder practically all political questions will garnering 5,290 votes. MSA SC 5620-1-3.
of Edward Smith by Fred Debold. be assumed to the larger interests of
Although it didn’t happen in town, his constituents and can say without
it was a big enough story that Galt reservation that if he is elected he Thurmont Feed Store
put out a special issue on August 9, will consider all such questions from
1906. the standpoint of their effect on the
Providing you with all your animal ne
Providing you with all your animal needs!eds!eds!
Galt had his own plans for welfare of the people regardless of Providing you with all your animal ne
his future, though. As editor of the influence they might bring to bear 301-271-7321
the newspaper, he had become a on his private affairs. In other words, We have horse feed
leading member of the Emmitsburg he would be an unselfish public and fly spray 36 Walnut Street
community. He saw its strengths and servant.” for your horses; Thurmont, MD
problems, and he started to think Of his own candidacy Galt wrote,
he had solutions rather than simply “If I am sent to Annapolis I shall go birdseed, suet cakes
reporting on what other people there untrammeled, uncoerced—not and sunflower seeds for Your home for: our home for: our home for:
came up with. By reporting on other the tool of a boss or an organization your birds; and a large animal feeds, pet feeds, horse eds, pet feeds, horse eds, pet feeds, horse
animal fe
animal fe
communities, he had a good feel for or the vassal or representative
what issues were on the minds of of any league, clique, society, selection of feeds for feeds, lawn seed, shavings and
their residents. union, association, corporation or your dogs and cats too! much more.
looking back Emmitsburg Senior News
by Susan Allen
Emmitsburg Editor Tries His Hand In August, our usual weather $75.00 per person. The second trip
in Politics by James Rada, Jr. pattern falls into the hot, hot, hot on our calendar is on Friday, August
28; we won’t have far to go. The
zone. But the summer season up to
this point has been so odd, we can’t
really be sure of what Mother Nature Renfrew Museum and Park is located
in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. It
Sterling Galt When readers has in store for us. If she hits us with comprises a restored 19th-century
purchased the picked up the lots of 90-degree-plus days, we will farmstead, which includes the 1812
Emmitsburg October 27, 1911, just kick back and enjoy the activities Renfrew Museum House and its
Chronicle in issue of The Weekly and air conditioning at the Center. We collection of furniture, silver, pottery,
1906. He was Chronicle, they are continuing our walks on Mondays, and glass. The visitor center houses a
the fourth owner read a letter from Wednesdays, and Fridays in the park collection of Shenandoah pottery. The
of the 27-year- Galt to his readers: at 9:00 a.m., followed by breathing trip will be from 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
old newspaper. “Having accepted exercises. Our group birthday party Bring your own lunch and money
Back in those the nomination is slated for Friday, August 7 at noon; for ice cream. The cost is $35.00 per
days, small by the Democratic that should provide a cool start to the person. Come join us for our travels,
newspapers had party of the State weekend. The Emmitsburg seniors far and near!
few employees. Senatorship of will host a picnic at Utica Park on Regular Activities: Wii bowling:
The owner was Frederick county, Friday, August 14, from 10:00 a.m.- Thursday, August 6, 13, 20 and 27
the publisher I feel that the 2:00 p.m. It sounds like fun to me! at 11:00 a.m.; Bridge: August 12 and
and the primary due observance On Wednesday, August 19, our guest 26 at 12:30 p.m.; Strength Training:
reporter. of a practice, speaker will visit to increase our Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00
The debut entirely ethical knowledge about the Daughters of a.m.; Pinochle: Thursdays at 12:30
editorial stated in its character, Charity and Emmitsburg’s role in Civil p.m.; Canasta: Fridays at 12:30 p.m.;
the goal of John P. T. Mathias of Thurmont defeated The constrains me to War History. Cards, Games, and Puzzles: August 4,
On the following day, August 20,
the newspaper Weekly Chronicle editor Sterling Galt in his withdraw from the from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., our first 11, and 25 at 12:30 p.m. Art classes
will resume in September. Please join
as this: “Our state senate race in 1911. active management monthly trip is scheduled. The trip us for any or all of these activities.
first aim shall and editorship of features an Annapolis Bay cruise, For information on the lunch
be to present the CHRONICLE The Weekly Chronicle during the three lighthouses, and beautiful program and all other activities,
as a medium through which the active campaign.” water and waterfront views; bring contact Coordinator Linda Umbel
outer world may learn our aims, He stepped back from his job to your own lunch and purchase your at 301-600-6350 or email LUmbel@
our hopes and high resolves. We try and avoid the impression of bias. beverages on the boat. The cost is
shall not try to amuse our readers If that was the intent, it didn’t work.
with rhetorical flourishes, nor with During Galt’s absence, E. L.
sonorous sentences, neither shall Higbee, a man Galt said had “long combination of interests, and I shall Following his loss, Galt resumed
we indulge in meaningless jests, nor been associated with me,” was given endeavor at all times and under all his duties as editor and went back to
silly observations, but endeavor, management and editorial control. conditions to serve the PEOPLE as trying to help the community.
in an unpretending way to give However, Galt still owned the justice, honor and duty point the Galt died on December 28, 1922.
our readers the current news of newspaper. As someone Galt trusted, way.” Under his editorship, The Weekly
the times, with such items of local it wasn’t surprising that Higbee The election drew a lot of voters Chronicle was considered one of
interest that may present themselves: backed Galt, and the newspaper to the polls. Emmitsburg had more the best weekly newspapers in the
we shall try to practice the recent showed it. than 700 registered voters and 632 state, according to editorials in other
suggestion of an esteemed clerical The next issues of the paper voted in that election. It took poll newspapers.
friend, who we estimate as a model focused heavily on Galt and his workers in the district until 4:00 Following Galt’s death, John Elder
editor, substantially, that ‘the value candidacy. Even that first issue, a.m. the following morning to finish and Michael Thompson purchased
of a newspaper consists not so much where Galt announced he was counting the votes. the The Weekly Chronicle in 1922.
in what we put into it, as in what is stepping down from running the The heavy positive coverage given
kept out of it.’” newspaper, featured support for Galt in The Weekly Chronicle wasn’t Image source: Maryland State Archives
Galt worked hard living up to the Galt’s candidacy. enough. He received 4,813 votes, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Charles
dream of what the newspaper could A. M. Gluck, Galt’s reverend, but his opponent, John P. T. Mathias McCurdy Mathias Collection) Cabinet
be. He reported on community events wrote: “I know his positions on of Thurmont, was the incumbent, Card of John P.T. Mathias, c. 1885,
and big stories, such as the murder practically all political questions will garnering 5,290 votes. MSA SC 5620-1-3.
of Edward Smith by Fred Debold. be assumed to the larger interests of
Although it didn’t happen in town, his constituents and can say without
it was a big enough story that Galt reservation that if he is elected he Thurmont Feed Store
put out a special issue on August 9, will consider all such questions from
1906. the standpoint of their effect on the
Providing you with all your animal ne
Providing you with all your animal needs!eds!eds!
Galt had his own plans for welfare of the people regardless of Providing you with all your animal ne
his future, though. As editor of the influence they might bring to bear 301-271-7321
the newspaper, he had become a on his private affairs. In other words, We have horse feed
leading member of the Emmitsburg he would be an unselfish public and fly spray 36 Walnut Street
community. He saw its strengths and servant.” for your horses; Thurmont, MD
problems, and he started to think Of his own candidacy Galt wrote,
he had solutions rather than simply “If I am sent to Annapolis I shall go birdseed, suet cakes
reporting on what other people there untrammeled, uncoerced—not and sunflower seeds for Your home for: our home for: our home for:
came up with. By reporting on other the tool of a boss or an organization your birds; and a large animal feeds, pet feeds, horse eds, pet feeds, horse eds, pet feeds, horse
animal fe
animal fe
communities, he had a good feel for or the vassal or representative
what issues were on the minds of of any league, clique, society, selection of feeds for feeds, lawn seed, shavings and
their residents. union, association, corporation or your dogs and cats too! much more.