Page 28 - September Banner 2018_Neat
P. 28
Page 28 September 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
C atoctin suffered a long, hard pregnancy,
K IDs For kids and parents alike she provided for this beautiful baby
a safe resting place. After days in
labor, with hours of pushing, their
precious baby arrived. And when
she was born, the hospital staff (who
by Anita DiGregory were all amazing) laid that sweet
little one on her mom, skin-to-skin,
where this newborn found her safe
“A Resting Place” resting place.
I guess that demonstrates
the exhilarating, exhausting
rollercoaster ride that is
We all have our heroes, our child was lost and could not be worrying…no matter how old they motherhood: the sadness and tears,
role models, those who inspire found for days. She had compassion get” (and her oldest is 57). the worries and anxiety, the utter
us, and those who we aspire to for a young bride and groom who Don’t get me wrong; it isn’t joy and celebration. This is the
imitate. Ever since I was a little ran out of wine at their wedding all doom and gloom. There are undeniable part of being a mother:
girl, I had a special love for Mary. feast, and she interceded for them MOMents of unimaginable joy, to be a mother is to be a cheerleader,
As the Blessed Mother, she was my to her Son. celebrating in their happiness, intercessor, consoler, crier, worrier,
heavenly mother; I confided in her, She must have suffered silently successes, and triumphs! Recently, celebrator, confident, and resting
telling her my scariest fears, hopes, when her Son grew older and I had the absolute blessing of place. (This is why, even at my
and dreams. traveled far from home, spreading becoming a grandmother for the advanced age, I still feel better when
As I have grown older, my love a message that often earned him first time! The delight of watching talking with my mom!)
and admiration for her have only many enemies. And, I imagine after my baby become a father is Personally, this rollercoaster ride
grown. I still confide in her, asking long trips away, he would return indescribable, not to mention the has been quite intense these past few
her to whisper my prayers to her to her and receive her motherly joy of meeting, holding, and loving months, lots of changes. As I try to
Son. But now that I am a mother love and care, and even then, she my new grandchild. She is the most prepare physically and emotionally
myself, she has become to me the would become his resting place. beautiful blessing! for another little one leaving the
Model of Motherhood. Think Eventually, Mary witnessed her But before she was born, nest, I must say it has been rough.
about it; she has experienced it all! Son being bullied and tortured I witnessed her mom suffer Today, at Mass, she laid her head on
Newly pregnant, she traveled mercilessly. Helplessly, she watched tremendously for months with my shoulder, just like she had done
(probably on foot) to visit her him suffer a long, agonizing death. terrible “morning sickness” when she was little…and I soaked in
cousin, Elizabeth, where she stayed And after, they placed his lifeless morning, noon, and middle of the joy of that MOMent…and again
to help care for her, support her, body in her arms, where she again the night. As my daughter-in-law being her resting place.
and eventually assist her in the became his resting place.
care of her newborn baby. Later, These days, I find more and
when she was in her ninth month more that she is my resting place as
of pregnancy, she accompanied well. She gets it; she’s been there.
her husband, traveling far from And with her I can (almost) exhale.
home to a foreign land where her Let’s face it: this motherhood
husband would have to beg for thing is super hard. Logically, you
shelter. As if that was not enough, would think it would get easier
she then gave birth in a manger. as they get older. Maybe in some
She swaddled her baby, loved Him, respects it does. But honestly, for
and protected Him. A brand new me, as my children have gotten
mother, Mary held her Son in her older and their struggles and
loving arms, and she became his challenges have gotten tougher,
resting place. this motherly load has gotten a
What a mom! But it does not lot heavier. My mother-in-law was
stop there. She had to relocate to visiting recently and randomly
a new home with her family. She remarked of her own experience,
suffered terribly when her young “As a mother, you never stop