Page 5 - October Banner 2018_Neat
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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper October 2018 Page 5
Emmitsburg F r o m the Thurmont F r o m the
Mayor Don Briggs M a y o r Mayor John Kinnaird M a y o r
On Monday, October 8, 2018, the Seton Center will hold the 2018 Job Fair for October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the Town of Thurmont is once
Northern Frederick County at Mother Seton School, located at 100 Creamery again helping raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and support.
Road in Emmitsburg. Please call the Seton Center for further information at 301- Through the ‘Gateway to the Cure’ program we are inviting residents and businesses
447-6102 x18. This is a great opportunity for those looking for a job and those to join us as we work together to fight this terrible disease. As in previous years, we
businesses looking for people. are encouraging everyone to purchase a pink light bulb for your porch light and turn
I cannot say it enough, congratulations to the Catoctin High School and it on each evening in October as a sign of your support. The bulbs are $3.00 each and
Catoctin Youth Association fall sports teams; all the pre-season practices and are available at Cousins Ace Hardware, Hobbs Hardware and the town office. The
scrimmages are paying off. Across the board, results attest to well coached and town office also has magnets, tote bags, t-shirts, vinyl clings, water bottles, and vo-
prepared teams that are taking the “field” and “court.” Congratulations. tive candles. All proceeds from the sales of these items is added to our total donation.
As of this writing (mid-September), preparations are well underway for Local restaurants will be offering to make a donation to the Gateway to the Cure
the 37 Annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend, October 6-7, when you order certain items from their menu. If you like wine, please visit Catoctin
2018. The weekend events are attended by approximately 6,000 visitors to honor Breeze Vineyard where $1.00 will be donated for each bottle of Mead purchased.
firefighters who died in the line of duty during 2017 and previous years. Gateway Liquors will donate $1.00 for each bottle of pink wine sold, while Towne &
As I mentioned in an earlier article, Emmitsburg will have a William Cochran Country Liquors will be donating $1.00 for each bottle of pink or red wine. Please
public artwork. The glass etching depicts firemen boarding a fire truck, setting help us by visiting participating businesses! Last year the town donated $15,000.00 to
out on an emergency run. Again, Mr. Cochran is best known for his interpretive the Patty Hurwitz Fund at Frederick Memorial Hospital, every dollar received goes
painting on one of the bridges that span the City of Frederick Carroll Creek toward research and patient care.
Linear Park. Through generous gifts, funds have been raised to construct a While we are talking about cancer, please be careful while you are outdoors and
lighted case outside the Fire Museum, located on South Seton Avenue, to house do not allow your children to get sunburned. Sunburn is a leading cause of skin
the 9-feet-high by 15-feet-wide work. The hope is to have a groundbreaking at the cancer and you can reduce your chance of developing skin cancer by following these
museum Sunday afternoon after the Fallen Firefighters Memorial service. simple guidelines. Wear a hat while outside for extended periods of time, apply and
It is, perhaps, the “hurry up and wait” acceptance that I, and many others, reapply a good SPF sunscreen to exposed skin, wear long sleeves and long pants if
developed as a description of our service in the military that has helped me you are outdoors working and do not allow your children to get sunburned. They
survive the town effort to complete the two electronic-vehicle charging-stations will thank you later in life. Please remember that you can get sunburn even in cooler
project. Now, we have been told, that it is only a right-of-way agreement from the temperatures. Always wear protective clothing or sunscreen!
power company that is holding up things, and the stations should be installed by Colorfest is just a few days away and Thurmont will be ground zero for tens of
no later then November 1. thousands of visitors each day. Remember to apply for Colorfest permits if you are
Emmitsburg was recently honored as a recipient of the 2018 “Infrastructure planning to hold a yard sale on Saturday or Sunday. A yard sale permit is required
& Large Project” Award by the Frederick County Department of Business and on those days only. Be sure to allow for extra time if you are running errands or
Economic Development. The award was in recognition of the town developing a driving through town during Colorfest. Remember that Water Street, South Center
50 percent matching grant program for historic district property owners. To date, Street and Frederick Road will be closed to traffic both days. Street parking will be
over $500,000 of improvements have been added to our downtown streetscape. prohibited on many streets during Colorfest weekend, so be sure to check for no
The town has applied for more grant money for 2019. parking signs before you stop somewhere. Colorfest weekend represents the single
Mark your calendar and follow up for details on the town and the Emmitsburg biggest fundraising opportunity for many of our service organizations, churches, non-
Lions Club websites for the Emmitsburg Annual Halloween Parade and Party at profits, Girl and Boy Scouts and many other groups. Why not get out and support
Vigilant Hose Company on Wednesday, October 31. The parade is scheduled to them by stopping at their booths while you enjoy Colorfest weekend.
start at 7:00 p.m. The event is sponsored is by the Lions Club and supported by As always, I can be reached at 301-606-9458 or at [email protected] if you
most of the local businesses and civic organizations. have any question, comments or recommendations.
Thank you to incumbent commissioners O’Donnell and Sweeney for running
again for the two open town commissioner seats.
Happy fall and stay dry. www . thecatoctinbanner .com
Y our Good News Community Newspaper
Town Hall Reports — Continued from page 4 DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE
Halloween in the Park Seeking Volunteers
Thurmont’s annual Halloween in the Park will be held on Saturday, October SHANNON
27 (rain date: November 3). Volunteers are needed to help with set up,
children’s games, and scaring people. Contact Commissioner Wayne Hooper at
301-418-8641 or [email protected]. BOHRER
Colorfest Traffic Changes
During Colorfest weekend, the Town of Thurmont is prohibiting vehicles
to stop, stand, or park at any time on North Church Street and East Moser COUNCIL DISTRICT 5
Road. The width of the roadways has been narrowed, causing a safety issue
when vehicles are parked along the street. Vehicles, to include Emergency Core prinCiples:
apparatuses, will not be able to pass freely and safely. State law prohibits n respect our citizens with honesty,
vehicles from blocking any portion of a roadway and prohibits obstructing or integrity and civility.
hindering the free passage of another. The Thurmont Police Department has n Manage growth responsibly for best
been directed to strictly enforce these restrictions. results in schools, emergency services
and county infrastructure.
New Police Officer Being Trained
Thurmont’s newest police officer, twenty-five-year-old Hailey Leishear, is n 42 years in law enforcement, 27 years as a
currently in her seven-month-long training at the police academy in Carroll ENDORSED BY Maryland state Trooper.
County. Once she graduates, she will then undergo ten weeks of field training Frederick County Teachers Assn. n small farmer and small business owner in
before hitting the streets on her own as a Thurmont Police officer. She is one of Sierra Club Frederick County.
two women and eleven sworn officers currently on the force. auth. citizens for shannon bohrer, treas. rose marie woodsmall