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Page 42 November 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
AS K Depression
Lo by Dr. Thomas K. Lo, Advanced Chiropractic
Dr . & Nutritional Healing Center
Depression is a serious mental work, study, eat, and enjoy hobbies the female hormones estrogen and can also be constant physical
health condition, and women and everyday activities. progesterone during the menstrual symptoms that do not get better
are twice as likely as men to be Dysthymic disorder, also called cycle, pregnancy, postpartum period, with treatment, such as headaches,
diagnosed with it. Depression is not dysthymia, lasts for two years or perimenopause, or menopause upset stomach, and pain that does
a normal part of being a woman. more. The symptoms are less severe may all raise a woman’s risk for not go away.
Most women, even those with the than those of major depression depression. Having a miscarriage
most severe depression, can get but can prevent you from living can also put a woman at higher Can Exercise Help Treat
better with treatment. normally or feeling well. risk for depression; (4) Serious Depression?
Other types of depression have and stressful life events, or the Researchers think that exercise
So What is Depression? slightly different symptoms and may combination of several stressful may work better than no treatment
Depression is when you feel sad start after a certain event. These events, may trigger depression in at all to treat depression, and they
(including crying often), empty, or types of depression include: some people. Examples of stressful think that exercise can help make
hopeless most of the time (or losing events may include trauma, loss depression symptoms happen less
interest in or taking no pleasure Psychotic depression — a severe of a loved one, a bad relationship, often or be less severe. People with
in daily activities) for at least two depressive illness, happens work responsibilities, caring for depression often find it very difficult
weeks. Depression can affect your with some form of psychosis, children and aging parents, physical to exercise, even though they know
ability to work, go to school, or such as a break with reality, or mental abuse, and other life it will help make them feel better.
have relationships with friends and hallucinations, and delusions. circumstances; (5) Dealing with Walking is a good way to begin
family. Depression is one of the most a serious health problem, such as exercising if you have not exercised
common mental health conditions Postpartum depression — stroke, heart attack, or cancer, can recently.
in the United States. It is an illness diagnosed when a new mother lead to depression. Some medical
that involves the body, mood, and has a major depressive episode illnesses, like Parkinson’s disease, Are there Other Natural or
thoughts. It can affect the way you after delivery. Depression can hypothyroidism, and other diseases Complementary Treatments
eat and sleep, the way you feel about also begin during pregnancy, can cause changes in the brain that for Depression?
yourself, and the way you think called prenatal depression. can trigger depression; (6) Women Researchers continue to actively
about things and others. who feel emotional or physical pain study natural and complementary
Depression is different from Seasonal affective disorder for long periods are much more treatments for depression. They
feeling “blue” or “down” or just sad (SAD) — a depression during likely to develop depression. The have found that natural or
for a few hours or a couple of days. the winter months, when there pain can come from a chronic (long- complementary treatments that
Depression is also different from the is less natural sunlight. term) health problem, accident, or have little or no risk, like exercise,
grief that we can experience over trauma. meditation, and relaxation training,
losing a loved one or experiencing Bipolar depression — the may help improve your depression
sadness after a trauma or difficult depressive phase of bipolar What are the Symptoms of symptoms and usually will not make
event. illness and requires different Depression? them worse.
treatment than major Not all people with depression If you are struggling with some
Depression is Categorized in depression. have the same symptoms. Some of the symptoms listed above
Different Ways might have only a few symptoms, and would like a free evaluation,
Major depressive disorder, Who Gets Depression? while others may have many. How call the Advanced Chiropractic
also called major depression, is Depression is more than twice often symptoms happen, how long & Nutritional Healing Center at
a combination of symptoms that as common for African-American, they last, and how severe they are 240-651-1650. Dr. Lo uses a non-
affects a person’s ability to sleep, Hispanic, and white women will likely be different for each invasive way to analyze the body to
compared to Asian-American person. determine the underlying causes of
women. Depression is also more If you have any of the following ill or non-optimum health. We also
common in women whose families symptoms for at least two weeks, offer free seminars, held at the office
live below the federal poverty line. you may want to talk to someone on rotating Tuesdays and Thursdays.
who can help you: Feeling sad, The office is located at 7310 Grove
What Causes Depression? “down,” or empty, to include crying Road, Suite 107, Frederick, MD.
There is no single cause of often; Feeling hopeless, worthless or Check out the website at www.
depression. There are many useless; Losing interest in hobbies
reasons why a woman may have and activities that you once enjoyed;
depression. Here are a few of those Decreased energy; Difficulty staying *Resource for the article was the Office
reasons: (1) Women with a family focused, remembering, or making on Women’s Health (OWH).
history of depression may be more decisions; Sleeplessness, early
at risk, but depression can also morning awakening, or oversleeping
happen in women who don’t have and not wanting to get up; Lack of
a family history of depression; (2) appetite that leads to weight loss We Invite You
In someone who has depression, or eating to feel better, leading to
parts of the brain that manage weight gain; Thoughts of hurting to Share
mood, thoughts, sleep, appetite, and yourself; Thoughts of death or Your Good News!
behavior may not have the right suicide; Feeling easily annoyed,
balance of chemicals; (3) Changes in bothered, or angered; Symptoms • •