Page 47 - May Banner 2018_Neat
P. 47
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper May 2018 Page 47
Community Calendar
7.......Clothes Closet, Thurmont United Methodist 12.....Annual Birthday Party for the Thurmont 18 Mommy & Me - B is for Bubbles, Children’s 24..... Live Entertainment at Shamrock Restaurant:
Church, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 6-7:30 Senior Center, American Legion (upstairs), Museum of Rose Hill Manor Park, 1611 N. Forever Young, Rt. 15, Thurmont. 5:30-7:30
p.m. Thurmont. $10/person (prepay by May 5; Market St., Frederick, MD. 9:30-10:30 a.m. p.m. Call for dinner reservations: 301-271-
7.......Back 2 Basics Financial Stability w/Ryan buffet dinner & cash bar available. 301-271- Ages 1 1/2-2. $5. 2912.
Cooley, Jacob Williams Advocacy Sharing 7911. 19.....Name That Tune Night, Thurmont Main 24.....Forged in Fire: The Art of Knife Making,
12 Tips for Im-proving Financial Well-being, 12.....“Slow Poultry Seminar” at Deer Run Farm, Street Center, 11 Water St., Thurmont. 7-9 Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd.,
Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd., 15131 Sixes Rd., Emmitsburg. Poultry p.m. 60’s night. www.thurmontmainstreet. Thurmont. Catoctin Forest Alliance speaker:
Thurmont. 7 p.m. judge and standard-bred chicken advocate, com. local bladesmith Erin Aylor. 7 p.m.
7,21..Math Skills for Preschoolers, Thurmont Jim Adkins. $25/person (before May 4). 19.....Annual Green Team Plant Exchange, 25.....Celebrate Pete the Cat w/Games & Crafts,
Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 11 Ticket includes lunch & training materials. 9 Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd.,
a.m. a.m.-5 p.m. (registration opens 8:30 a.m.). Thurmont. 10 a.m. Rain or shine. You must Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.
8.......Mother Seton School Take-a-Tour Tuesday, Must pre-register (seating is limited): www. bring something to swap. 26.....Thurmont Main Street Matinee: Only the or 717-357-
100 Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. 9 a.m.- 19.....Strawberry Festival & Albert’s Yard Sale, St. Brave, 11 Water St., Thurmont. 2-4 p.m.
1 p.m. Stop by during Take-a-Tour Open 4521. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 17015 Sabillasville Free.
House, call 301-447-3161, or email Laurie 12.....University of Maryland Extension Frederick Rd., Sabillasville. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 26.....Story Stroll: Explore a Picture Book
Szukalski admissions@mothersetonschool. County Master Gardeners Present Free 19.....Yard & Bake Sale Benefit, Thurmont Outdoors in a New Way, Thurmont Regional
org to set up private tour. www. Seminar: “Planting a Summer Garden United Methodist & St. John’s Lutheran of Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. All day. to Feed Your Family,” UME Office, 330 Creagerstown, St. John’s Lutheran Church, 26.....Pit Beef, Pork, Turkey & Ham Sandwich
9.......Presentation by Korey Shorb, The Up & Out Montevue Lane, (off Rosemont Avenue), 8619 Blacks Mill Rd., Creagerstown, MD. Sale, Thurmont Lions Club, 1 1/2 miles
Foundation at Graceham Moravian Church, Frederick, MD. 10 a.m.-noon. Register: bit. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. All proceeds go to benefit north of Thurmont (on west side of Rt. 15).
8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m. ly/FCMG05122018. Jennifer Bennett and family. Lunch items 10 a.m. until sold out (or 3 p.m.).
Open to all. 301-271-2379. 12.....MorningStar Family Church’s 10th Annual available for purchase. Spaces available for 26.....Emmitsburg Community Pool Opens.
10.....Mother Seton School May Crowning & Women’s Spring Event, 14698 Albert Staub rent $10. Carmi Sayler 301-401-0633. Noon.
Rd., Thurmont. 9 a.m.-noon. Teachings &
Procession, 100 Creamery Rd., Emmits- 19.....Vigilant Hose Company’s Annual Spring 26.....Dinner Dance, American Legion (front
burg. 9:30 a.m. Free. Open to public. www. brunch. $5/person. 240-344-1875 or email Fling, 17701 Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. door), 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. Doors open 3 $60/ticket (good for two people). Features p.m.; dinner served 4-5:30 p.m. Proceeds to
10.....Monthly Birthday Party, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 12.....World’s Best Mom Pot Pie Dinner, St. great food, entertainment, horseshoes, tip Ronnie Hahns for medical bills from cancer.
John’s Parish House, 8619 Black’s Mill Rd.,
806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 12:30 p.m. jars, & much more. $30,000 in payouts. Featuring Red Bullett (80s and 90s rock
Birthday people get picture taken for Senior Creagerstown. Noon-5 p.m. $16/adult; $8/ Tickets: Chris Stahley 301-447-3081; John band & DJ); raffle. $30/person (must be 18
ages 7-12; Free/ages under 7.
Moments in The Catoctin Banner. All Glass 301-748-7572. +). Brandy Wetzel 240-405-2739 or email
seniors welcome. Call day before to order 12.....AYCE Crab Legs, Steamed Shrimp & 19..... Live Entertainment at Ott House: Big Jim’s
lunch. 301-271-7911. Chicken, Thurmont Event Complex, 13716 Pontoon Boat, 5 W. Main St., Emmitsburg. 26.....R.E.A.D. w/Wags for Hope, Thurmont
10..... Live Entertainment at Shamrock Restaurant: Strafford Dr., Thurmont. 6-8 p.m. $40/adult; 20.....Rocky Ridge VFD Co. 13 Fire Prevention/ Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont.
$20/ages 6-12; Free/ages under 6. Tickets:
Forever Young, Rt. 15, Thurmont. 5:30-7:30 EMS Open House, 13527 Motters Station Read to a real dog at the library. 11 a.m.
p.m. Call for dinner reservations: 301-271- 301-748-5359. Rd., Rocky Ridge, MD. 2 p.m. Activities, 26.....Teen Tabletop Gaming on the Deck (weather
2912. 12.....Cash Bingo, Lewistown Fire Hall, 11101 demonstrations, Trooper 3 landing (weather permitting), Thurmont Regional Library,
10.....Candle Votive Craft for Teens, Thurmont Hessong Bridge Rd., Thurmont. Doors open permitting), door prizes & more. Spectators Moser Rd., Thurmont. Grades K-12.
Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 4:30 p.m.; Bingo 6 p.m. $20 in advance; $25 welcome; free of charge. 240-674-9834. 28.....Clothes Closet, Thurmont United Methodist
at door. Benefits Faith UCC. 301-788-2427
Supplies pro-vided. 6 p.m. or 301-271-7573. 21-26 .Mother Seton School Carnival, 100 Church, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 6-7:30
11 .....Thurmont Art & Wine Stroll, Main Street, 12..... Live Entertainment at Ott House: Dream Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. 6-11 p.m. p.m.
Thurmont. 5-8 p.m. Meet local artists, enjoy Tickets prices vary. Nightly entertainment, 29.....Free Movie Day: Steel Magnolias, Thurmont
wine along the way, make & take a piece of Ticket, 5 W. Main St., Emmitsburg. rides & games. Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m.
art, listen to live music & much more. A Main 12.....Meet the Authors of Monocacy, a Civil MSSEmmitsburg during carnival week for 301-271-7911.
Street Event. www.thurmontmainstreet. War program, Thomas Barn (tour stop 4), weather-related updates.
com. Monocacy National Battlefield, 4460 Baker 22.....Free Movie Day: Blindside, Thurmont Sr. 30 .... Special 50/50 Bingo to Benefit Thurmont
11 .....Open Mic Night Showcases Singers at Valley Rd., Frederick, MD. Noon-4:30 p.m. Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Ministerium’s Children’s’ Summer Lunch
Program, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main
Keynote speaker, renowned historian &
Main Street Art & Stroll, Thurmont. Singers 301-271-7911. St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Open to public.
perform 6:45-8 p.m. at Mechanicstown battlefield guide, Edwin Bearss. Free & 23.....LEGO WeDo Explorations, Thurmont Must be 18 to play Bingo. $5 to play,
open to public.
Square. Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. specials, pickle jar; $1 coverall last game.
11 .....Bingo, New Midway Fire Hall, 12019 13.....Open Memory Lab, Thurmont Regional Engineering and coding. Grades K-8. 4 p.m. 301-271-7911.
Woodsboro Pike, Woodsboro, MD. Doors Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. Learn to Register: 31.....Mother Seton School Mass, 100 Creamery
use equipment to convert photos to digital
open 5 p.m.; games 7 p.m. Specials, raffles, 24.....Painting Bookends, Thurmont Regional Rd., Emmitsburg. 10:15 a.m. Free. Open to
50/50, tip jars & food avail. Register early format. 2-4 p.m. Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. Teens invited public.
and/or bring non-perishable food donation 14.....Free Movie Day: Mamma Mia, Thurmont Sr. to get creative. 6 p.m.
to enter special drawings. Benefits Willing Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m.
Workers of Grace Rocky Hill Lutheran 301-271-7911
Church. $20 for 20 games. Glenda Brown 15.....Clothes Closet, Thurmont United Methodist P a t r o n i z e o u r a d v e r t i s e r s !
301-788-0403; Anne Dayhoff 301-898- Church, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 10-
3129. 11:30 a.m. The Catoctin Banner newspaper exists due to the
11 .....Apples Church’s Huge Yard Sale, 7908 15.....Pauline’s Pals, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 advertising support of those featured in each issue.
Apples Church Rd., Thurmont. 8 a.m.-2 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Crafters Your Good News Newspaper
p.m. Home items, clothing, kids’ stuff, baked needed to make favors for next year’s
goods & more. All proceeds donated to local Christmas party; all supplies provided. 301-
family in need. Make a donation: Jill Woefel 271-7911.
301-271-2631. 17.....Senior Property Tax Credit Seminar, Diane
11 .....Let’s Move - Buzzing Bees, Children’s Fox, Director of Treasury, Frederick County
Museum of Rose Hill Manor Park, 1611 N. Govt., Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St.,
Market St., Frederick, MD. 9:30-10:30 a.m. Thurmont. 1-2 p.m. 301-271-7911.
Ages 2-3. $5. 17,31 Teen Drama Club, Thurmont Regional
11,12 Huge Yard Sale, Apples Church, 7908 Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. All teens
Apples Church Rd., Thurmont. 8 a.m.-2 welcome. 5 p.m.
p.m. Home items, clothing, kids stuff, baked 18.....PowerPoint Presentation: The Civil War
goods. All proceeds donated to local family in the Middletown Valley, Myersville Fire
in need. To make donation: Jill Woefel 301- Hall, 301 Main St., Myersville, MD. 7:30
271-2631. p.m. Free. Open to public. Followed by
11,12 Flower Sale & Chicken BBQ, Sponsored social hour/refreshments. Sponsored by
by Guardian Hose Co., Fire Station, 21 N. Myersville-Wolfsville Area Historical Society.
Church St., Thurmont. May 11: 10 a.m.-7 18.....Free Meeting w/Elly (Jenkins) Williams,
p.m.; May 12: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. BBQ starts 10 Dept. of Aging, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E.
a.m. both days. Hanging baskets, bedding Main St., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
plants, potted plants. Call to make half-hour appt. 301-271-7911.
12.....Thurmont Main Street Matinee: The Post, 11 18.....Marie Free Seated Massage, Thurmont Sr.
Water St., Thurmont. 2-4 p.m. Free. www. Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. $1/minute. 301-271-7911.