Page 46 - May Banner 2018_Neat
P. 46

Page 46             May 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by
                              Classifieds                                                  Community Calendar

            Wanted                                For Rent                                                  May                  Party,  Thurmont Regional Library, Moser
                                                                                                                                 Rd.,  Thurmont. Costumes encouraged.
            Wanted: Any unwanted lawn mowers, tillers,   House: Two Bedrooms, one bath, detached                                 Ages 3-18. 3:45 p.m.
            snowblowers, or yard items. FREE pickup. Call   garage, Thurmont.  No Smoking/no pets. $950   1.......Zumba Gold (Senior Version), Thurmont Sr.   4.......Friday Night Bingo,  Thurmont Event
            301-271-4266.                         (does not include utilities) 301-801-8073.   Ctr.,  806  E. Main  St., Thurmont.  10:15-11   Complex, 13716 Strafford Dr.,  Thurmont.
                                                                                                                                 Every Friday night. Doors open 5 p.m.;
            Antiques & Collectibles like crocks, jugs,   FOR RENT: Thurmont Senior Center for rent,   a.m.   $24/8 sessions or  $5/session.  301-  games  7 p.m. Kitchen open for food
                                                                                           271-7911. Also: May 9, 16, 23, 30.
            postcards, photographs, advertising items, old   evening and weekends. Call 301-271-7911.                            purchases.  www.thurmonteventcomplex.
            signs, old dolls, toys & trains (pre-1965), quilts,                        1.......Family Tunes & Tales: Symphony Storytime   com.
            political items, guns, old holiday decorations,   Commercial Space for Rent – 24 W. Main Street,   with Frederick Symphony Orchestra,   5.......Sarah’s Garden Social, Harriet Chapel
            hunting & fishing items, jewelry and coins; gold,   Emmitsburg. Call 301-447-2403.   Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd.,   Catoctin Episcopal Parish, 12625 Catoctin
            sterling, coin collections, etc., etc. Will buy one                            Thurmont. All ages. 6:30 p.m.
            item, collection, or entire estate. 301-514-2631.  HALL RENTAL: Weddings, Banquets, Events of   2.......Seton Center’s Free Community Workshop:   Furnace Rd., Thurmont. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Gifts
                                                  any kind. Call the American Legion at 301-271-  Making Your Vote Count, 16840 S.  Seton   for mom, food for sale, potted/hanging
            Donate your vehicle—any condition! Free towing,   4411.                        Ave., Emmitsburg.  5:30-7:30 p.m. www.  plants, live music, gently used garden items.
            all proceeds benefit Catoctin Pregnancy Center.                                         Blessing of the bikes 9 a.m.; blessing of
            We are in need of donated clothing, sizes infant to   Looking for a place for a meeting, reunion,                    animals 10:30 a.m. 301-271-4554.
            5 years. Call 301-447-3391 for more information.  reception, picnic, or party?  St. John’s UCC in   2.......Smartphones 101 w/Mike Mathis, Thurmont   5.......Chess Club (for all ages),  Thurmont
                                                  Sabillasville rents their pavilion or their parish hall.    Regional Library, Moser Rd.,  Thurmont.   Regional Library, Moser Rd.,  Thurmont.
                                                                                           Basic instruction. BYO phone. 6:30 p.m.
            Yard Sale                             For information, contact Donna Smith at 717-762-  2.......Making Your Vote Count, Seton Center, Inc.,   Beginners or advanced players. 11 a.m.

                                                  5297.  Reserve early.
                                                                                           16840  South Seton  Avenue,  Emmitsburg.   5.......Emmitsburg Lions Club’s Chicken BBQ &
                                                                                                                                 Yard Sale, Corner of S. Seton Ave. & Rt. 15,
            Yard Sale Thurmont, 15 Families, May 4 & 5. Rt.   One and two bedroom apartments for rent in the   5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Register online or call   Emmitsburg. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. (Rain date: May
            15N and Lohr Road. Rain or shine. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.   Cascade, MD area. Call 301-241-4726.   301-447-6102 x 17.          6). Reserve table for $5 (call Zurgables 301-
            Yard Sale: 3607 Bullfrog Rd, Taneytown, May 25,   COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT: Thurmont 202   2.......50/50 Bingo,  Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E.   447-2020). BBQ sale 11 a.m. until sold out.
            26, 27, 28. Rain or Shine. Household gas fireplace   E. Main St., 2000 Square Feet with loading dock.   Main St.,  Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Open to   5.......Louise S. Ediger Memorial Concert Series:
            insert, artificial flowers, books, Elvis, girl stuff,   $1100/mo + utils. Owner: 301-565-0946.  public.  Must be 18 to play Bingo. $5 to play,   GreenSpring  Young  Artists,  St. Paul’s
            clothing, shoes, foam egg mattress, and much                                   specials, pickle jar; $1 coverall last game.   Evangelical Lutheran Church of  Utica,
                                                                                           301-271-7911. Also: May 16.
            more!                                 Help Wanted                          2.......Free Blood Pressure Checks by Right  At   10621 Old Frederick Rd., Thurmont. 2 p.m.
            Hugh Yard Sale, May 11-12th, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. 16143                               Home, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St.,   5.......Dog Park Grand Opening, Community Park,
            Kelbaugh Rd., Thurmont. Rain or Shine.   Stavros Pizza is hiring Part-time - Day & Night time   Thurmont. 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. 301-271-  201 West Lincoln Ave., Emmitsburg. 9 a.m.
                                                  reps. Nights & Weekends. Daytime Hours. Drug   7911.
            HUGE Moving Sale!, 102 Tacoma Street,   Free Workplace. Must have reliable transportation &   2,3....Let’s Do  Art!  (Grades 2-5),  Thurmont   5.......Dance by “Back Roads Band,” Thurmont Sr.
            Thurmont. May 10,11, & 12 (Thursday thru   references. Apply within, Ask for Manager.  Regional  Library, Moser Rd.,  Thurmont. 2   Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont, 5-8 p.m.
            Saturday), 7 a.m. til ? Lots of household items -                                                                    Admission by donation, 50/50 drawing, food
            something for everyone! Rain or Shine.    Looking for experienced lawn maintenance   p.m.                            available for purchase. 301-271-7911.
                                                  technician, must have at least 1 yr. experience.   3.......Catoctin  Furnace  History  Program,  5....... Live Entertainment at Ott House: StickTime, 5
            Apples Church Yard Sale, 7908 Apples Church   Must have own transportation! We offer benefits.   Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd.,   W. Main St., Emmitsburg.
            Road, Thurmont. May 11-12, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. To   Serious inquiries only. Must want to work. Please   Thurmont. 7 p.m.
            donate, call Jill Woelfel at 301-271-2631.   call today to set up an interview @ 301-271-2832.  3.......Memory Café, Sponsored by Somerford   5.......Gun Bash / Fried Chicken & Shrimp Dinner,
                                                                                                                                 Thurmont Event Complex, 13716 Strafford
            Yard & Bake Sale, Thurmont United Methodist   Now Hiring: Part-Time M-F hours between 9   House, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St.,   Dr., Thurmont. 4 p.m. Dinner served 5:30-
                                                                                           Thurmont. Noon-1 p.m. Free lunch & craft.
            Church and St. John’s Lutheran Church   and 5 (for the most part). Encouraging awesome   Register: 301-271-7911      6:30  p.m.  20  guns/1  crossbow  raffled,  tip
            (Creagerstown) at 8619 Blacks Mill Road,   applicants with exceptional customer service skills,                      jars, 50/50, food & more. Tickets: 301-748-
            Creagerstown. For space rental, call Carmi Sayler   organizational skills, and speed. E Plus Graphics,   3.......Line  Dancing,  Thurmont  Sr. Ctr., 806  E.   5359.
            at 301-401-0633.                      Printing & Promotions in the lobby of Jubilee Grocery   Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 a.m. Free. 301-  5.......University of Maryland Extension Frederick
                                                  in Emmitsburg. Graphic design skills are a plus! Email   271-7911. Also: May 8, 15, 22, 29.  County Master  Gardeners  Present Free
            Services                              your resume to No walk-ins   3.......National Day of Prayer Breakfast, Clarion   Seminar: “Herb Day in the Garden,” UME
                                                                                           Inn, 5400 Holiday Dr., Frederick, MD. 7 a.m.
                                                                                                                                 Office, 330 Montevue Lane, (off Rosemont
            Critter Care by Greta. Full Service care for all   For Sale                    Info./tickets:  www.nationalddayofprayer-  Avenue), Frederick, MD. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
            domestic and farm animals. Call for a quote. Prices                        4.......RSVP Due for Dorothy Rough Golf Classic
            based on individual needs. Call Greta at 240-367-                                                                5,6....Catoctin Furnace Historical Society Hosts
            0035.                                 Brick, block, and cap stone. $35/skid. You haul from   (to be held June 7), Glade Valley Golf   7 Annual Spring in the Village / Art at the
                                                  Thurmont. 301-271-1050.                  Course, 10502 Glade Rd., Walkersville, MD.   Furnace, 12607, 12610, 12625 Catoctin
            Piano Lessons: Experienced professional musician                               Register 8 a.m. Tee-off 9 a.m. $80/player.   Furnace Rd., Thurmont. May 5: 10 a.m.-5
            and certified public school teacher. All ages; adults   Ford Taurus, 2003, $1000 or best offer. Good   Make checks payable to Ron Rough, 3924   p.m.; May 6: noon-5 p.m.
            welcome. Located in Thurmont. Call or text Beth at   running order. Call 240-385–4091.  Southview Court, Jefferson, MD 21755.  6.......Elias Lutheran Church’s 3 Annual Concert
            240-529-8108 or email                                4.......First Friday Fun -  The Emperor’s New   to Bring Awareness to Hungry & Homeless
                                                  Charming 4 bedroom, 1 bath, 1,300 sq. ft. home.   Clothes, Children’s Museum of Rose Hill   Children in Emmitsburg, 100 W N  Ave,
            Denny Brown Custom Painting. Professional brush   511 W. Main Emmitsburg. Off street parking. Sale   Manor Park, 1611 N. Market St., Frederick,   Emmitsburg.  3 p.m. Soloists  from Elias
            and roll. Free estimates. 240-674-7788.  by owner 301-271-7614 asking $199,500.  MD. 9:30-10:30 a.m. Ages 3-4. $5. www.  Church family, handbell and vocal choirs
            Tire Pros of Frederick: Free 1 year roadside   Black Walnuts, $10/bushel or barter. Call 240-315-    & other local artists.  Monetary donations
                                                                                                                                 accepted. All proceeds benefit local children
            assistance, **lowest price guarantee** sell all   8480.                    4.......May  the  Fourth Be With  You  Start Wars   in need. 301-447-6239.
            major brands: Good Year, Michelin, Continental,
            Bridgestone, and more! Visit                                                             6.......Worship w/Special Music  by Guitarist/
            or 301-663-6334.                                                                                                     Vocalist  Mike  Schirf, Graceham  Moravian
                                                                                                                                 Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont.
            Notices                                                                                                              8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15
                                                                                                                                 a.m. Pasta lunch & silent auction to benefit
                                                                                                                                 children/youth  camping  fund:  noon. 301-
            How Would You Like To FEEL 25 Years YOUNGER                                                                          271-2379.
            and LIVE 25 Years LONGER? Go to www.Shaklee.                                                                     6.......Zumbathon for Thurmont’s Gateway to the
            net/JCE now! Read how VIVIX Cellular Anti-Aging                                                                      Cure,  Thurmont  American Legion, 8  Park
            Tonic is a REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH in                                                                             Ln., Thurmont. 2-4 p.m. Tickets in advance:
            the fight against cellular aging. All natural. Contact                                                               $15/person; $10/ages 55 & older. Tickets at
            Jeanne at 301-305-1466.                                                                                              door: $20/person; $15/ages 55 & older. All
                                                                                                                                 proceeds go to Patty Hurwitz Fund. Kellie
                                                                                                                                 Bevard  or 301-748-
              T e s t  Y o u r   W o rd  P o we r                                                                                1588.
                        •   A n s w e r s •                                                                                      zumbathon-charity-event-1604.
                                                                                                                             7.......Served with Grace Community Meal,
                                                                                                                                 Graceham Moravian Church, 8231-A
                   1. a     3. c     5. c                                                                                        Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. 5:30-7 p.m. All
                   2. b     4. c     6. a                                                                                        welcome. Free. 301-271-2379.
                                                                                                                             7.......Free Movie  Day:  Freak Friday, Thurmont
                         7.  daw dl e                                                                                            Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m.
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