Page 25 - May Banner 2018_Neat
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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper May 2018 Page 25
American Heritage Essay Contest Sabillasville Literacy and STEM
Winners Night
The 2018 American Courtesy Photos Theresa Dardanell
Heritage Essay Contest is
over, and the Thurmont Lions Sabillasville Courtesy Photo
Club has some winners! Elementary School
This year, the Lions received (SES) students created
entries from only one boats to help the
local school, Sabillasville gingerbread man cross
Elementary School, where the river without being
the first-place winner was eaten by the fox, and
Brayden Conrad. Tied for assembled parachutes
second were Hannah Wolfe to help Jack float down
and Adrianna Cool. from the beanstalk and
These young people Pictured from left are Lion Bob Kells, Hannah Wolfe, escape from the giant.
read their essays to the Brayden Conrad, and Adrianna Cool. It was all part of an
audience at Youth Night activity that combined
on March 14, 2018. They literacy and STEM
also received certificates recognizing their achievement, along with checks (Science, Technology,
($50.00 for Brayden, $25.00 each for Hannah and Adrianna). Each of the Engineering and Math) Joey and ILO Blentlinger and Robbie Koontz create parachutes to
winners wrote about “What Liberty Means To Them As Students in the 21st on March 29, 2018. help “Jack” escape from the giant.
Century.” Congratulations to Jeanne Read and
these young people for their Shelba Bollinger from
accomplishments. the Thurmont Regional Library to each parachute. Parents were on
They also had a winner in read the fairy tales to the children hand to reach up high and release
the Adult Lion category: Doug and then encouraged them to create the parachutes while the students
Favorite! Doug’s essay addressed the boats and parachutes, using a watched Jack float down safely.
the Impact Lions and Lionesses variety of everyday objects. The Many of the SES staff members
have had over the “Past Century students could choose items like were on hand to serve pizza before
of Serving.” Doug was also foam boards, straws, corks, and the activities began. They were also
awarded a certificate and a construction paper for the boats, available in the media center and the
check. In addition, his essay along with plastic bags, tissue paper, computer lab to help with the other
was selected as a finalist in the coffee filters, and string for the literacy activities. In the computer
Pictured from left are Lion Bob Kells and Lion Doug district-wide essay competition. parachutes. lab, parents had the opportunity
Favorite. Congratulations, Doug. Second grade student Sophie to use some of the online literacy
The essay committee felt Wagaman was one of the first to get resources with their children.
privileged to be able to recognize these writers, both young and younger. her boat to float across the river (a After completing an activity in the
Thanks to the essay committee members who reviewed the essays and helped tub of water). In another classroom, media center, every student had the
select the winners: Deb Schray, Larry Steinley, and Stephanie Steinley. a tall construction paper beanstalk opportunity to choose a book to
The Lions Club would like to send out one final word of encouragement was the scene of the parachute keep. The books were donated by a
to everyone who submitted an essay: The liberties we enjoy as Americans trials. A toy “Jack” was attached very generous community member.
are unique and precious. We must do all in our power to protect them. By
encouraging these writers—whether students or adults—to write about
this topic, the Lions Club helps to keep the flame of liberty alive for future
generations. For the future of liberty in our nation: keep reading, keep writing, Adve r tise Your Busine ss or Eve nt With Us!
be kind, and SERVE your community. Want to advertise your business or event? E-mail: or call 301-447-4527.