Page 24 - May Banner 2018_Neat
P. 24

Page 24             May 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

            s C h o o l news

            Scott Little is Mr. Catoctin                                               Teacher of the Year Reception

               James Rada, Jr.                                                                                                                      Courtesy Photo

               It was a                            Photo by James Rada, Jr.  The eight
            long time                                                competitors
            coming, but                                              were scored
            a new Mr.                                                on Spirit
            Catoctin                                                 Week votes
            was chosen                                               (10 percent),
            on April 5,                                              program ads
            2018. Scott                                              and ticket sales
            Little earned                                            (10 percent),
            the title after                                          donations and
            displaying                                               auction items
            talent,                                                  (10 percent), the
            creativity,                                              Mr. Catoctin
            and an                                                   opening number
            ability to                                               (5 percent),
            fundraise                                                teacher
            for Catoctin                                             impressions (10
            High School                                              percent), talent     Pictured from left are: (front row) Kristianna Dove, Lisa Vaeth, Heather Burgess; (back row)
            Safe & Sane                                              (25 percent),          Angelique Merkson, Jennifer Young, Pam Ellenberg, Melissa Kearchner, and Sheila Dorsey.
                              Scott Little (chosen as Mr. Catoctin) and Haleigh
            at the 6      Bowling, performing at the Mr. Catoctin Pageant in April.  formal wear (10
            Annual Mr.                                               percent), and        On Monday, March 19, 2018, Thurmont Lions, principals, teachers,
            Catoctin Pageant.                     onstage Q&A (20 percent). Little said   family, and friends gathered at the Thurmont Regional Library for the annual
               “The experience was pretty         that he knew that he had raised the   Teacher of the Year reception. The Teacher of the Year reception is held
            awesome, and, obviously, I’m          most money among the competitors     to honor all nominees from all eight schools. We had nominations from:
            pretty excited about being chosen,”   for program ads and sponsors, but he   Catoctin High School (one nomination)—Teacher of the Year: Angelique
            expressed Little.                     felt that he did his best with the talent   Merkson; Thurmont Middle School (three nominations)—Teacher of the
               The event had originally been      competition, which was a song and    Year: Lisa Vaeth; Mother Seton School (one nomination)—Teacher of the
            scheduled for March 2, but it had to   dance number that included six back-  Year: Sheila Dorsey; Sabillasville Elementary School (two nominations)—
            be postponed twice: once for wind     up dancers.                          Teacher of the Year: Pam Ellenberg; Lewistown Elementary School
            and once for snow. However, the         “I was originally supposed to have   (two nominations)—Teacher of the Year: Heather Burgess; Emmitsburg
            delay didn’t dampen the enthusiasm    twelve back-up dancers,” Little said.   Elementary School (six nominations)— Teacher of the Year: Melissa
            of the crowd and the competitors in   “But with the delays, people had to   Kearchner; Thurmont Elementary School (one nomination)—Teacher of the
            the Catoctin High School Auditorium   drop out because of sports and other   Year: Jennifer Young; Thurmont Primary School (two nominations)—Teacher
            on a Thursday evening.                things; I had to make things bigger   of the Year: Kristianne Dove.
               Besides Little, Corbin Deviney,    and better.”                            On Education Night in May, we will honor the eight Teachers of the year
            Cameron Hewitt, Matthew Imes,           Little explained that he           and name the Thurmont Lions Club Teacher of the Year. We will also be
            James Kempisty, Sean Miller, Noah     had started planning his talent      honoring Bonnie Hopkins, a long-time Emmitsburg teacher, who is retiring at
            Olson, and Noah Wivell had been       number very early because of the     the end of the school year.
            selected by teachers to compete. Mr.   choreography he wanted.                A special thank you to Stephanie Steinly, Nancy Echard, and Joyce
            Catoctin is not a beauty pageant,       The weather delays made him        Anthony, who assisted with the judging and the program; to Paul Cannada
            bodybuilding competition, or talent   both more anxious and more excited   and Wendy Candela, who were the official event photographers; and to
            show. It is a fun event to raise      about performing, but Little didn’t   Dianne McLean, cheerleader extraordinaire.
            money for Catoctin Safe & Sane,       disappoint as he made his spotlighted
            on organization that works to help    entrance from the back of the
            seniors have a safe and fun prom,     auditorium to join his dancers on the            Send Y our School News!
            without drugs and drinking.           stage.                                               Email to:
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