Page 13 - May Banner 2018_Neat
P. 13

Published by                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                         May 2018             Page 13
            Town Tries to Address Shor t-Term                                           Thurmont Lions Club Welcomes

            Rental Housing                                                              New Members

               James Rada, Jr.                                                            PDG Paul Cannada inducted                                 Courtesy Photos
                                                                                        two new members into the
               The Emmitsburg Town Council is       Maria Henry, who uses her home      Thurmont Lions Club on March
            tackling the issue of short-term rental   for short-term rentals, said she went   14, 2018.
            housing, such as the type of rentals   to Frederick County to see if she      Lion Sarah Kells was
            made through Airbnb. These rentals    could do this because the town does   sponsored by her father, Lion
            aren’t hotels or bed and breakfasts.   not have an ordinance addressing it.   Bob Kells. Lion Carol Haag was
            Sometimes, they might not even be the   The county told her she was “good to   sponsored by Lion Joann Miller.
            rental of the entire home.            go,” but the town threatened her with   The new members shared some
               This type of rental differs from a   fines. This seems to have been due to   information about themselves.
            traditional lodging option because    parking issues her rental caused and   Lions Sarah and Carol received
            it may not have an on-site manager    not because of the rental itself.     a warm welcome by everyone.
            and it isn’t subject to health and      “If there’s no ordinance, I                                                   (above) Pictured from left are President
            safety inspections. They also don’t use   shouldn’t be punished for continuing                                         Nadja Muchow; Lion Sarah Kells; and
            commercial signage and are typically   an Airbnb,” Henry said.                                                              Lion Bob Kells, sponsor.
            rented online through a site like       Cipperly explained that the town
            Airbnb.                               found a way to fit the rental use into                                            Lions Clubs International
               There is concern of such           the town code, but this created the                                             is the world’s largest service
            rentals changing the nature of        parking issue.                                                                  club organization with almost
            the neighborhood and even               The commissioners will continue                                               1.4 million members in
            commercializing it to some extent. It   considering how to deal with                                                  approximately 47,000 clubs
            also increases the number of strangers   the problem in an equitable way,                                             in over 200 countries and
            in a neighborhood. There have been    compared to traditional lodging and                                             geographical areas around the
            problems with fraudulent listings,    long-term rentals, like those used by                                           world. Lions Clubs have assisted
            unfair competition with tradition     students at Mount St. Mary’s.         Pictured from left are Lion Joann Miller, sponsor; Lion   the blind and visually impaired
            lodging, and the lack of public notice                                            Carol Haag; President Nadja Muchow.  and made a strong commitment
            about such rentals taking place.                                                                                      to community service and serving
               “It can be like having a mini-hotel                                      youth throughout the world. Lions clubs are comprised of individuals who
            in your neighborhood,” said Town                                            identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs.
            Planner Sue Cipperly.                                                         The Thurmont Lions Club has been serving the community since 1929,
               Zoning and code changes can                                              and meets the second and fourth Wednesday at Mountain Gate Restaurant in
            help regulate such usage. Short-term                                        Thurmont at 6:30 pm. For reservation, contact President Nadja Muchow at
            rentals can be treated as a commercial                                      410-299-4074.
            use. They can be licensed. Additional
            insurance can be required. Rental
            rooms can be limited. Adequate                                                     Kim Clever your top neighborhood real estate agent
            parking can be required. These are
            a few of the control options that                                                      A-List
            municipalities can enact.
               “This is not a unique problem,”
            said Town Manager Cathy Willets.                                                Your Home
            “It’s a problem the state of Maryland
            across the board has been trying to                                                    No Obligation
            figure out.”
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