Page 11 - May Banner 2018_Neat
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Published by                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                         May 2018             Page 11
            Beagle Bed & Breakfast Is Born

               Elizabeth Swindells

               Megan Purtell has been a                                       Photo by Valyrie Ellis of The BaileyGroup Maryland Realty, LLC  dogs are able to play with staff, toys,
            business-savvy dog-lover since she                                                                               pools, playhouse equipment, and
            started her own dog-walking business                                                                             each other. A snack or lunch is served
            at just eight years old. As a dog lover,                                                                         to those who have brought their
            Megan started fostering dogs out                                                                                 own. Dogs who are not participating
            of the Washington, D.C. area about                                                                               in lunch continue to play. Beagle Bed
            five years ago. In that time, she has                                                                            & Breakfast requires guests to bring
            fostered over one hundred dogs!                                                                                  their own food, so as to not upset
               After those dogs found their                                                                                  any tummies by switching food. After
            “forever homes,” the current owners                                                                              lunchtime, the dogs settle down for
            would frequently ask Megan to                                                                                    an afternoon nap. Following some
            look after the dogs when they went                                                                               quiet time, play continues while the
            on vacation. They trusted Megan,                                                                                 daycare dogs begin to go home.
            and the dogs were familiar and                                                                                      Dinner is then served for those
            comfortable with her. Word spread                                                                                guests staying the night and to the
            like wild fire that Megan was keeping       Beagle Bed & Breakfast owner, Megan Purtell, enjoys some outside porch time with   daycare dogs that brought their own
                                                                              her beagle “buddies.”
            dogs, and after two years, it became                                                                             dinner. Dinner is followed by some
            a full-time job, thus “Beagle Bed &             Adopt Me!                               Adopt Me!                more play time and free time to do
            Breakfast” was born.                                                                                             whatever it is they wish to do. There
               Megan quit her full-time job as                                     Baby                                      is one more potty break before bed
            an executive assistant, and originally                               Love and                                    time. Dogs are free to sleep wherever
            purchased property in Frederick to                                    Daphne                                     they wish. Then the day starts all
            house all of the dogs, to provide                                       are                                      over again!
            doggie day-care services, as well                                     currently                                     Dog parents are able to view a
            as overnight boarding. After only                                     in foster                                  live video stream and the staff at
            a year in business at the Frederick                                   care and                                   Beagle Bed & Breakfast take frequent
            location, she was already searching                                   are both                                   pictures throughout the day to
            for another, larger property. At                                     available                                   post on Facebook and Instagram.
            the beginning of April 2018, she                                        for                                      Those photos are uploaded into
            relocated her business on 15.5 acres                                 adoption.                                   each individual dogs’ Facebook
            in Emmitsburg to accommodate                  Foster dog, Baby Love.                  Foster dog, Daphne.        folder. Owners are able to access the
            her ever-growing “clientail.” The                                                                                folder and webcam footage to see
            property has enough acreage, and                                                                                 what their “babies” have been up to
            then some, to house two large-gated   wherever they wish—inside or out.    requirements to stay are up-to-date   throughout the day.
            dog runs—one for smaller dogs, and    The dogs are free to sleep wherever   vaccines and a temperament test         Beagle Bed & Breakfast is a
            one for larger dogs. To accommodate   they get comfortable, whether that be   to assure that the boarder is not   great facility for dogs living in
            her guests that live in Frederick and   a couch, a dog bed, a mattress, and   aggressive.                        apartments, dogs with disabilities,
            the surrounding areas, a shuttle goes   so on.                                Megan and her staff of “dog        dogs who have separation anxiety,
            out every morning to pick them up       “Freedom Farm” also represents     wranglers” are dog first-aid and CPR   dogs with ailments that require daily
            and take them back for a small fee.   a second chance and a fresh start    certified. They have all had extensive   medication and supervision, dogs
            There are four pick-up and drop-off   for the dogs that she continues to   training in dog safety and behavior   that have extensive energy, and dogs
            locations on weekdays. However,       foster. She works with a few great   management.                           who otherwise would spend a long
            they will “go the extra mile” and     rescue organizations out of the         An average day at the Beagle Bed   time at home alone. The dogs are
            pick up any dog, anywhere, for a      D.C. area that pull dogs from kill   & Breakfast starts out with breakfast   always having a good time, and staff
            small mileage fee all seven days a    shelters all around the tri-state area.   for overnight guests. All dogs are   members genuinely love their jobs.
            week.                                 Megan and Beagle Bed & Breakfast     fed separately. Then they begin the   All questions, contact information,
               Megan calls this new location      show no discrimination whatsoever    day by greeting daycare dogs. The     and rates, as well as shuttle times
            “Freedom Farm” for a few reasons.     when it comes to boarders. They      dogs have free time for a few hours   and locations, can be found at
            First, because there are no kennels or   are accepting of all breeds, ages,   between the backyard and indoor or check
            crates. The dogs are FREE to roam     ailments, or disabilities. The only   areas, depending on the weather. The   out their advertisement on page 12.
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