Page 42 - March Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 42             March 2018                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

                       AS K     Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

                         Lo              by Dr. Thomas K. Lo, Advanced Chiropractic

                  Dr   .                     & Nutritional Healing Center

               We all have been on a diet at      enough time or energy to shred       apple cider vinegar, or taking a      products. When the liver functions
            sometime in our life. We deprive      twenty boxes a day and all you       supplemental enzyme formula. If       well, the whole body functions
            and discipline ourselves for days,    shred is fifteen boxes; that means   you are overweight; diabetic; under   better. When the liver is congested,
            weeks, and even months to achieve     that the next day you will have      stress; have bowel or digestive       back-up systems are required, which
            a certain goal, only to see our results   twenty boxes to shred, plus the five   issues; drink coffee or sodas; eat   add extra burden or stress to other
            sabotaged because of our inability to   boxes from the day before. If you,   white sugar, candy, and/or cakes;   organs.
            maintain that level of strictness. Few   again, only shred fifteen boxes, you   or eat mostly cooked and processed   Health is a dynamic process:
            individuals can make drastic changes   will now have ten extra boxes. By   foods, you will want to take          “making do” is the same as losing
            and have lasting success.             the second Monday of your job,       enzymes.                              ground. Do you look and feel healthy
               The body is always striving for    after your delivery of twenty boxes,    The colon or large intestine is the   right now? Look around. Do the
            health, and it attempts to achieve    you will have a total of fifty boxes to   end portion of the human digestive   people around you look healthy,
            that by continuously cleansing itself   shred and capable of only shredding   tract, where waste is eliminated. Our   vibrant, and full of energy? Most
            of waste material. Your body will     fifteen. The boxes will have to be   intestines function as our bodies     of us don’t know what healthy
            work on its own to help you heal      stored somewhere until they can be   own waste-disposal system. Any        feels like. We ignore common
            and be healthy, even if you do little   shredded, but where? If you have a   breakdown in the intestine’s natural   ailments, put off that workout,
            to help the process along. Unfamiliar   weight problem, this is precisely the   cleansing process is accompanied by   completely overlook ourselves, and
            to most, weight-loss diets today      predicament your body has to deal    risks of poor food assimilation and   underestimate our need for sleep.
            are toxicity control, and toxicity is   with. If you build more toxic waste   toxicity build-up.                    Ask yourself: Is this the best
            the primary cause of excess weight,   every day than is eliminated from       To lose weight, cleanse, and       version of you? Re-examine your
            particularly in people who have       your body, then your body is going   detoxify, it is paramount to support   relationship with food, your lifestyle,
            problems losing weight and keeping    to have to store it somewhere. Your   the avenues of elimination. You      and your health. Chose a diet rich
            it off.                               body will tend to store the waste in   will want to increase the amount    in whole foods, eliminate sugar and
               Toxins can be produced in the      your thighs, buttocks, around the    of fiber you consume to 25-35         processed foods, increase your fiber
            body from the byproducts of foods     mid-section, upper arms, and under   grams per day. Most Americans         intake, support your liver and take
            that are not properly digested. This   your chin.                          get about 7-10 grams per day. You     digestive enzymes. True health is
            is increased with the ingestion of      Three reasons why your body        will want to do this slowly, so as to   achieved by taking care of the inside.
            processed and chemically altered      may have problems with toxins are:   decrease gas production and avoid        If you are interested in changing
            foods. We are not biologically        poor digestion, poor elimination/    further constipation. The best way    over to a whole food diet, having
            adapted to deal with these forms of   constipation, and a sluggish liver.     to increase your fiber is to increase   more energy and better sleep,
            “food.” The more toxic waste that       Digestive enzymes help us digest   your intake of fruits, vegetables,    call Advanced Chiropractic &
            builds up in your system, the more    our food. They boost our energy,     and legumes. Eat foods like lentils,   Nutritional Healing Center at 240-
            this translates to excess weight.     boost metabolism, detoxify, and      steamed broccoli, cabbage, and        651-1650 or attend one of the free
               Imagine working in a large         aid in weight loss. You can get      whole grain rice. You can also take   nutritional seminars on rotating
            corporation, where your job is        enzymes by eating more raw fruits    flaxseed or psyllium seed, or the one   Tuesdays and Thursdays, featuring a
            to shred twenty boxes of paper a      and vegetables, drinking water       I recommend: Whole Food Fiber         drawing for a free footbath detox at
            day. Now, let’s say you don’t have    with lemon, making a tea with        from Standard Process.                every seminar. The Center is located
                                                                                                                             at  7310 Grove Road, Suite 107, in
                                                                                          Lastly, a sluggish liver fails to
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