Page 40 - March Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 40             March 2018                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by
                                                                                       Seton Shrine Chat with an Author

                                                                                       Series Highlights Mount Graduate

                      Food Hoaxes                                                         Anita DiGregory

                                                                                          Have                                    Photo by Anita DiGregory  resulting
                                                                                       you recently                                                  in pure,
                                                                                       fallen in                                                     sacrificial
                      by Buck Reed,                                                    love?  Are                                                    love.
                                                                                       you newly                                                        “My
                        The Supermarket Gourmet                                        engaged and                                                   hope for
                                                                                       planning a                                                    the book is
                                                                                       wedding?                                                      to present
                                                                                       Did you                                                       a message,
                                                                                       recently get                                                  which is
                                                                                       married? If                                                   accessible
              As a big time, professional food   invented as a food supplement for     so, Mount                                                     and
            writer and a general culinary know-  turkeys to fatten them up. But, when   Saint Mary’s                                                 inviting,
            it-all, I am often called upon to    it started killing off turkeys, the   graduate                                                      where
            debunk many of the food myths        investors were desperate to make      and author                                                    Faith is
            that seem to permeate not just the   their money back and decided to       Stephanie       Author Stephanie Calis and Moderator Tony Dilulio respond   a path to
            internet, but the world at large. My   market it for people to eat. Actually,   Calis has   to questions from the audience at Seton Shrine Chat with an   freedom,”
                                                                                                                       Author event.
            interest in not only history, but how   margarine was created in 1869,     some                                                          adds
            the mechanics of a con works has     during the Franco-Prussian War. The   practical                                                     Calis. In
            always been a great interest of mine.   French government was looking for   and spiritual advice for you.        an attempt to combine practical
            And with April Fools Day right       a cheap substitute for butter that    On February 11, in honor of St.       wedding planning advice with
            around the corner, I don’t expect    would have a better shelf life and    Valentine’s Day and the observances   spiritual teaching and insights,
            these stories to stop anytime soon.  offered a hefty prize to anyone who   of National Marriage Week             Invited includes the Catholic Rite of
              I actually got this one the other   could develop one. For a brief period,   (February 7-14) and World Marriage   Marriage; planning worksheets and
            day, concerning onions, and how      margarine was marketed as being       Day (February 11), the Seton Shrine   checklists; sample invitations and
            once they are cut, they are highly   healthier than butter, but notice they   hosted a “Chat with an Author,”    programs; and reception planning
            susceptible to germs and other       don’t do that anymore. Depending      featuring Calis and her book, Invited:   sheets, interspersed with information
            pathogens, to the point that they    on who you talk to, margarine is not   The Ultimate Catholic Wedding        on marriage prep programs, how
            actually become poisonous. The       any better for you than butter and,   Planner, which is up for its second   to choose the perfect dress, budget
            question was posed by a good friend   according to some sources, might     printing and has been a #1 Amazon     aids, planning resources, and more.
            of mine, one whom I consider to be   actually be worse for you.            bestseller in Weddings.               Another unique element of the book
            of well-above average intelligence.     Even magazines are falling for        Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton was the   is the “From the Groom” advice,
            She should have been able to work    these hoaxes. Take Robin Goldstein,   first native-born U.S. saint.  Because   which includes thoughts and insights
            this through in her own mind. After   a prominent restaurant critic, who   Mother Seton was a young wife,        written by her husband.
            all, she was in the food service     wanted to prove how easy it is to     mother, and resident of Emmitsburg,      While a student at the Mount,
            industry; even though she was a      win a Wine Spectator Award of         the Seton Shrine was thrilled to invite   Calis met her future husband,
            server, she must have seen onions    Excellence. This award is given to    Calis to share her message with       Andrew, a fellow student in her
            cut up and stored in the refrigerator.   restaurants with the best wine lists.   the community. The event, which   English class. In 2010, Calis
            Yet, it didn’t matter what she knew   So, he submitted his wine list from   was well received, was moderated     graduated, got engaged, and worked
            or didn’t know, she saw the article   the Osteria L’Intrepido in Milan and   by Shrine Programs Director Tony    in the field. The following year, she
            on the internet that claimed leftover   paid the $250 entrance fee. After   Dilulio and included a talk, a question   and Andrew married at the Grotto
            onions are poisonous. For the record,   careful consideration (or very little   and answer session with the audience,   in Emmitsburg. Over the next year,
            onions, when treated properly, are   consideration), the Wine Spectator    a book signing, and refreshments. The   she and her husband attended nine
            no more dangerous than any other     awarded them a prize. Unfortunately   free event was the second in the series,   weddings for friends and family. Each
            leftover food product. That is to    for them, there is no such wine list, as   with the next talk (featuring Good   time, Calis, who had just recently
            say, if your work surface and your   the restaurant itself does not exist.  Enough is Good Enough: Confessions   planned her own wedding, was asked
            hands are clean, you cover and          So, before you try to charge your   of an Imperfect Catholic Mom,        for practical advice on topics from
            refrigerate them, and they are used   cell phone with an onion soaked in   author Colleen Duggan) scheduled for   the liturgy to vendors to wedding
            in a reasonable amount of time, it is   Gatorade or go to the grocery store   3:00 p.m. on April 29, 2018.       planning. After realizing there were
            perfectly okay to consume them.      looking for a purple watermelon,         Calis, a young wife and mother     very few resources covering both
              Another popular internet hoax      maybe you should do a little research.   herself, was happy to meet with the   the practical and spiritual aspects of
            is the story of margarine and its    Just look around on the internet to   community and share her wedding       wedding planning, Calis attempted
            relationship to turkeys. It goes     see if the internet story is true. That’s   and marriage advice in a refreshingly   to humbly fill that void. In 2012, she
            something like this: margarine was   what I did.                           humble and down-to-earth style.  Her   started a blog, Captive the Heart, to
                                                                                       passion is sharing with others the    inspire and assist new brides-to-be.
                                                                                       immense worth that they hold as a     Soon after, the sisters from Pauline
                                                                                       human person; that love is a verb;    Books and Media approached
                                                                                       and that pure, sacrificial love is real.   her, asking her to write a book,
                Your Paper — Your News!                                                   With the tone of a big sister or a   incorporating her insights from the
                                                                                       best friend, Calis invites her reader   blog. Calis was thrilled to do so, and
                      Send us your community news and                                  (much like a friend would over        in 2016, Invited was released.
                      photographs to share with others.                                a cup of coffee) to see with fresh       Those looking for helpful, friendly
                                                                                       eyes the beauty and truth of the      advice in wedding planning or
                     Deadline for submission is on or before the                       sacrament of marriage. In an honest   marriage, can reference Calis’ book,
                     15  of the month prior to the issue month.                        and caring manner, Calis shares her   Invited; her blog, Captive the Heart;
                                                                                       insights in hopes to share that rules   or her current undertaking (as co-
                 • [email protected] • 301-447-2946 fax •                     as established through the Catholic   founder and editor) of the beautiful
                                 • 301-447-2804 phone •                                Church are in actuality freeing,      and inviting blog, Spoken Bride.
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