Page 33 - March Banner 2018_Neat
P. 33
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper March 2018 Page 33
by Christine Maccabee
Both birds and turtles are egg
On The Wild Side offspring differently. As we all
layers, but they deal with their
know, birds are fierce protectors and
providers for their young, while baby
turtles are totally on their own once
hatched. Their eggs, however, are
What Turtles and Birds similarly in danger from egg-loving
predators, such as snakes, birds,
Have in Common and humans (especially sea turtle
Both turtles and birds have no
teeth. Birds use their beaks with great
“How two seemingly distinctly different creatures can be efficiency for catching and consuming
so alike is indeed a mystery.” prey. Similarly, turtles can tear an
insect, fish, or plant apart easily with
~ Barbara Heart their sharp, horny bills. I avoid, at
all cost, putting my fingers anywhere
within reach of my turtles’ mouths,
At first glance, turtles and birds So, the first thing turtles and
have nothing in common. Birds fly birds have in common is that they as they can indeed draw blood with a
single bite.
and have feathers; turtles mostly are both unusually ancient creatures, One of the most distinguishing
crawl or swim and are featherless. having survived the fall of the characteristics of turtles is their
However, even amphibians—such as dinosaurs. As Dr. Carr wrote in strong shell, or exoskeleton, which
frogs, toads, and salamanders, who his Handbook of Turtles,“Turtles protects their soft flesh and their
are mostly earthbound—have less remained while the dinosaurs endoskeleton. Birds, on the other
in common with turtles than birds bellowed toward their doom in the hand have only weightless, hollow,
do, though Crustaceous, endoskeletons, allowing them to fly
that can be when the last with the greatest of ease, unlike their
debated. Brachiosaurus brother, the turtle, who can only
I read a laid down his
lot. Mostly, I fifty tons to crawl or swim.
If there were to be a beauty
enjoy non- rest.” show competition, because of their
fiction stories As for colorful plumage, birds would likely
that reflect birds, yes, win over turtles. I would likely
the amazing even the ones vote for the turtle, but then I am
mysteries at our feeders, prejudiced. I have raised a variety of
of life, as it “they have turtles over the years. As a child, I
is and has more complex especially loved my map turtle, with
been. All feathers its fascinating map-like markings.
present day specialized In the wild, the hawksbill sea turtle
creatures Eastern Box Turtle for flight is wondrous to behold, with its
on earth than ancient impressive colors and designs all
come from an amazing reservoir dinosaurs did and are the over its legs and head. Locally, the
of ancient—mostly now extinct— sole remaining dinosaur lowly male box turtles have gorgeous
relatives. Of course, we humans lineage.”(According to a recent orange and yellow patterns, which
are no exception. Natural history, National Geographic article, “Why distinguish them from the simpler
especially pre-history, before Birds Matter.”) females.
anything was written down, is Due to a bird’s ability to fly away Both birds and turtles are precious
especially fascinating, the evidence from danger (with the exception of a entities and provide us mortals with
for evolution being found in fossils, few, such as penguins) and a turtle’s inspiration and, hopefully, incentive
some of which are hundreds of amazing armor to protect vital enough to save them and their
millions of years old. organs, they are equally amazing habitats, protecting them from plastic
survivors. Everyone knows the land
turtle’s ability to hibernate and then items that sadly now infest our oceans
and waterways (affecting both birds
emerge in the spring, even after the
and turtles that innocently consume
coldest of winters. Of course, many them or become entrapped in them).
birds fly thousands of miles as they
Not enough can be said for the
migrate to warmer climes, while
others hang around and hunker need to protect these wonderful,
ancient animals. As we protect
down during periods of freezing rain them and their habitats, we are
and snow in trees and shrubs, their also protecting human life on this
downy feathers providing enough
301-271-2247 warmth to survive. Incredible. amazingly mysterious planet we all
depend on to live.
If you have not seen it, I highly
advise getting the film, The Great Christine is a Master Naturalist
$2 off Any Service Migration, from the library. It in Maryland and has developed
French Manicure
depicts the awesome stamina and
in March, 2018
intelligence of migratory birds. Of a Wildlife Habitat Sanctuary and
Native Plant Preserve on her
13 Water Street in Thurmont
13 Water Street in Thurmont course, turtles, in their own slow property, just ten minutes north of
but sure ways, are mighty awesome
Thurmont. She can be reached by
as well. email at [email protected].