Page 45 - January Banner 2018_Neat
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Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                 January 2018             Page 45

               Seni                        R                                                                                                 by John Dowling

               Hello, and the best of a New                                                                                  here in our town. They wanted
            Year to you all! As we are gearing                                                                               to perform just for the seniors,
            down from the busyness of the                                                             (from left) Nancy      and we were delighted with their
                                                                                                      Rice, Frank Valentine,
            Holidays, why not try to extend the                                                       and Marilyn Worsham    dancing and tapping, as well as the
            good feelings of the season into the                                                      celebrated their       delicious refreshments provided by
            new year.                                                                                 December birthdays at the   the parents. It made us feel young
               We, at the Thurmont Senior                                                             Thurmont Senior Center   again! We look forward to the next
                                                                                                      monthly Birthday Party.
            Center, want to wish everyone a                                                                                  performance in the spring! Thank
            safe, healthy, and prosperous New                                                                                you to all who made this possible
            Year, with an invitation for seniors                                                                             and especially the dancers!
            of the area (ages fifty-five and up) to                                                                             Just a reminder that the Center
            stop by the Center, for a chance to                                                                              will be closed on January 1.
            see for yourself just how neat of a                                                                              Something new this month that
            place we have here. While here, pick                                                                             Teresa will be starting on the third
            up an activity sheet for the month    Photo by Teresa Kempisty                                                   Tuesday of each month is Pauline’s
            of January, with the lunch menu on                                                                               Pals at 1:00 p.m. This activity is in
            the back. Make sure to say hello to                                                                              memory of Pauline Duble, who for
            our coordinator, Teresa. Introduce                 (pictured from left) Sue                                      years and years made and donated
            yourself, and she will welcome you                  Oehmig (Doris Roman’s                                        all the favors for the Christmas
            and answer any questions you might                  daughter), Carol Long,                                       party (one hundred eleven favors
                                                                    and Sandy Duley.
            have.                                                                                                            this year); sadly, she passed away in
               The start of the new year will see                                                                            2017. So, anyone who would like to
            three new members to be welcomed      of Christmas,” acted out by                                                meet and work on the favors every
            to our board of directors at our first   various seniors. Carol Long and                                         month at this time, please come to
            meeting on January 10, 2018: Susan    Pam Robbins also gave their own                                            the Center.  At the first meeting,
            Favorite, Dale Kline, and Jody Eyler.   funny version of the “Twelve                                             we will be deciding on what favor
            A big thank you to these new board    Days of Christmas,” with Carol                                             to make, so bring your ideas—all
            members.                              singing and Pam holding up the                                             you crafty seniors out there. It’s
               As we look back on the past        items as Carol sang about them.                                            best to keep it simple since we have
            year, we are proud of the fifth       You’ve never seen a person move                                            so many to make; but, if we start
            nominee to the “Maryland Senior       so fast—way to go, Pam!                                                    now, we will have plenty of time to
            Citizens Hall of Fame” to come          Thank you to Carol Long                                    Courtesy Photo  complete them. On January 24, at
            from the Thurmont Senior Center.      for organizing the Christmas Party,                                        noon, there will be a pot luck and
            This time, the honor went to Patt     and for putting together the door-   Doris’s daughter, Sue Oehmig, and     general meeting. Please sign up at
            Troxell at a luncheon in Glen         prize baskets and finishing the quilt   family, all present at the party,   the Center and bring a dish to share,
            Burnie, Maryland, on October 26,      that was the grand prize for the     bought many tickets in hopes of       or you can pay $6.00. The Center
            2017. Congratulations, Patt, and      Christmas Raffle drawn that day.     winning the quilt to keep it in the   will be supplying fried chicken. Also,
            thank you for all of your many        Thank you to the many businesses     family. However, Sandy Duley, who     in the evening on January 24, from
            years of volunteering on the board    that donated door prizes. A great    had only bought six tickets, was      6:00-9:00 p.m., there is a 500 Card
            of directors, leading the Canaries    time was had by all!                 the lucky winner.  Sandy, who had     Game ( $2.00 to play). Call 301-
            singing group, and many other           Honored guests, Bill Buehrer and   a quilt that her mother had made,     271-7911 for more information.
            duties that you have volunteered      Marty Burns, two of Thurmont’s       knew how badly Doris’s daughter          We will be having a special
            for over the years -- not to mention   town commissioners, attended        wanted the quilt that her Mom had     benefit Bingo on January 31
            your many years of being the          the Christmas party. One of the      designed. So, Sandy did a real act    (January 3 and 17 are our regular
            coordinator at Thurmont Senior        highlights of the day was when       of “Christmas giving,” and gave the   Bingos), with half the proceeds
            Center until your retirement. Your    Marty Burns stood up and praised     quilt to Sue and her family, with the   being donated to the Thurmont
            dedication and love for the Center is   the seniors and the Center for their   stipulation that Sue pay Sandy the   Ambulance Company. So, please
            appreciated by all.                   contributions to the town’s senior   six dollars that she had spent on her   everyone, come out and have a great
               On November 29, 2017, we held      citizens. He then presented a check   tickets, which Sue gratefully did!   time of fun while supporting a great
            a special Benefit Bingo, which the    for $20,000 to George Anzelone,      Wow, what a real Christmas story!     cause. Elly (Jenkins) Williams will
            Board of Directors voted to donate    president of the board of directors,   Thank you, Sandy!                   be back on schedule, coming the
            to the Thurmont Civitan Club for      who accepted it for the Center. A       Another great thing for the        last Friday of the month on January
            their project of the special needs    BIG THANK YOU to the mayor, the      Thurmont Senior Center was            26, so make your free half-hour
            playground behind the Thurmont        commissioners, and all who made      through the efforts of our vice       appointment to discuss all senior
            Senior Center building.  We           this possible.                       president of the board of directors,   programs. Nurse Steve will be
            appreciated the great turnout.          The Annual Christmas Raffle        Roy Clever, who applied and           coming on Tuesday, January 30, at
               The Thurmont Senior Center         for the handmade quilt and money     received a Community Partnership      10:30 a.m., to meet individually,
            held its yearly Christmas Party on    was very special, indeed, this year.    Grant from the Frederick County    taking vitals and discussing medical
            Saturday, December 2, 2017, at the    The quilt was designed by our most   Government, which helped, along       concerns. Lunch is at noon, then a
            Graceham Moravian Church. The         special long-time member of the      with other donations, to buy a new    talk at 12:30 p.m. on “Vaccinations
            members of the church prepared a      board of directors—the late and      commercial upright freezer, an ice    and Immunizations.”
            fantastic turkey and oyster lunch,    loving Doris Roman. When Doris’s     maker, and a dishwasher. Thanks so       You can see all of the Thurmont
            with all the trimmings, for a         health started to decline, she turned   much, Roy, and the many generous   Senior Center’s activities listed in the
            large crowd of hungry and happy       the quilt pieces over to Carol Long   donators.                            Community Calendar on the back
            seniors.  Music and entertainment     to finish the quilt. Doris was able     On December 10, 2017, the          pages. Don’t forget to pass on a few
            was provided by John and Peggy        to see the finished quilt top, but   seniors were treated to a wonderful   smiles to people every day; they are
            Offutt, topping it off with a         passed away before the quilt was     dance performance by the dancers      painless to do, but they just might
            hilarious version of “Twelve Days     completed. At the Christmas Party,   from ESP Dance Productions, right     ease another’s pain!
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